Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1048 Help

Chapter 1048 Help (Second Change)

An Qing shook her head, she wanted Ling Yun to ask Qian Qian first, but the latter was helpless!
"Sissy, come here!"

"Papa, why did you see me?" The little guy ran over and pouted dissatisfiedly.

Ling Yun was amused, and said: "Then did you see me?"


The little guy covered his eyes, speechless when asked!

"Hey, I've grown up a bit." Ling Yun hugged the little guy and said with a smile, "Did you win a lot of spirit stones?"

"Aha, my, I'm amazing." The little guy laughed.

An Qing crooked her mouth angrily, and pouted her lips again: "..."

Ling Yun laughed and said: "You see your mother is sad, return it to her quickly!"

"Hmm..." The little guy poked his temple and said after a while: "It's all gone."


Ling Yun hurriedly checked and found that it was really gone, there was not a single spirit stone in the space in her palm!

Seeing Ling Yun's expression, An Qing was dumbfounded, and said, "Ling Yun, be careful, she can hide."

"No need, she really doesn't have any spirit stones in her hand." Ling Yun shook her head with certainty.

"Impossible, I personally saw her put it in her pocket, where can she use it?" An Qing shook her head, she didn't believe it at all.

The little guy shook his head, she smiled and covered her eyebrows, Ling Yun immediately understood, she swallowed all the spirit stones for the Blood Dragon Yuan, if not, then the Supreme Demon Lotus would also have a share.

"There's nothing going on!" Ling Yun pressed the little guy's eyebrows with a questioning expression on his face.

The little guy shook his head and replied, "Papa, I just planted a lot of vegetables!"

Green vegetables! !
Ling Yun's eyes widened, she couldn't...

Depend on!
This child, she turned [-] top-grade spirit stones into spirit water and used it to pour vegetables!


What a waste! !

Ling Yun's heart twitched for a while, and he said speechlessly: "Qi Qian, don't do this kind of thing in the future, it's not worth it!"

"No, Grandpa Six said that it's very rare to get strange fire outside, so after eating this kind of green vegetables, the fire will grow immediately with a whoosh!"

Ling Yun: "..."

Beibei covered her eyes and couldn't bear to look directly: "Hahaha!"

An Qing didn't understand what their father and daughter were talking about. After listening to such a dialogue, she knew that there was nothing left!
"A person can only grow once. If you eat too much, you won't grow, you will only become strong!" Ling Yun flickered, his tone very serious.

The little guy scratched his head, is that so?Blinking eyes looked at Ling Yun.

Ling Yun could only say sorry to An Qing, who pouted.

"You arrange it yourself, I'm not free!" An Qing really ran away, Ling Yun was in a mess!

"Aha, old lady!" The little guy grabbed the corner of Ling Yun's clothes, with a cute and dumb face, making people dumbfounded!

"Angry?" Qin Xianglian was at a loss, what's going on?
"Ahem... Xianglian, don't ask." Long Xingtian was speechless!

Ling Yun had no choice but to shrug his shoulders and shouted with a smile: "Yan Ran, Yan Ran!"

Little Irene said in a childish voice, "Auntie, Auntie has gone to Shenfeng!"

Ling Yun sighed, Lord Taishang, there is still work to do, where is his maid! !

He took Long Xingtian and his wife for a brief walk through the shrine to get acquainted with the way. This place is so beautiful that Qin Xianglian can hardly see it all.

Beibei and the others didn't know where to go to play. In short, they were in the shrine, so they didn't go there!

Ling Yun didn't have time to personally protect Long Xingtian and his wife, so he gave Long Xingtian a piece of chaotic spirit jade. To be honest, he was really reluctant.

Chaos spirit jade is too precious, but Ling Yun is also a collection, and it is of no use.

But Long Xingtian was different, he practiced the exercises that Ye Fei gave him, very domineering, devouring everything into his own power.

Once this piece of Chaos Spiritual Jade is completely swallowed by Long Xingtian, his cultivation will immediately reach that of an Immortal Venerable!

When he was in Blue Star, Long Xingtian's strength was at the peak of the legendary realm, that is, the late stage of Nascent Soul!
Immortal Venerable's cultivation base is too common in the God Realm, and the rest will depend on Long Xingtian himself, anyway, he can devour everything.

To reach the Immortal Emperor, you still need a lot of top-quality spirit stones, and you can practice quickly in the God Realm, after all, you are now recovering your spirit energy.

"This... What a domineering energy!" Long Xingtian held the Chaos Spirit Jade with a look of shock in his eyes.

"Here, the strong are respected, and you know a lot, so improve your cultivation as soon as possible." Ling Yun said.

"Thank you, Brother Ling Yun, I will never forget this kindness."


Ling Yun admired Long Xingtian's attitude towards the world very much, knowing that he was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Xingtian, this piece of jade has a better luster, so it's nothing special." Qin Xianglian shook her head and said, feeling that this kind of stone is like Chinese Hetian jade.

"You have long hair but short knowledge, you won't understand even if you tell me." Long Xingtian rolled his eyes and said.

"You! You are fierce to me!" Qin Xianglian suddenly became angry!

"I didn't, don't hit me! Ouch! I was wrong!" Long Xingtian repeatedly begged for mercy.

Ling Yun smiled, this couple is really interesting.

"Stop, if you want to show off, you have to wait for no one. What's the use of torturing me?" Ling Yun's head was full of black lines.

"Go away tonight!"

Qin Xianglian cursed and glared at Long Xingtian. The latter smiled and didn't know what he was thinking, so he just held the Chaos Spirit Jade and smirked for a while.

"Sister Xianglian, it's your turn!"


Qin Xianglian was at a loss, what did Ling Yun's words mean?
"You don't want to cultivate immortality? Immortality?" Ling Yun questioned.

"No, no, no... Cultivation of Immortals? No, but I want the beauty-preserving technique shown on TV." Qin Xianglian smiled happily, lowering her head, feeling embarrassed.

The corners of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, his face-retaining technique was so low-level, his mind was a bit messed up, he really didn't understand that women are born to love beauty.

Long Xingtian winked vigorously, but Qin Xianglian couldn't see it, she kept her head down all the time.

"Okay, if there is any change in the future, you can find An Qing."

Since Qin Xianglian didn't want to cultivate immortality, Ling Yun didn't force her, let her enjoy the scenery in the shrine alone, it's so big, she couldn't finish visiting the shrine even if she walked for three days and three nights!
Ling Yun is not bad, he created a temporary native to follow her, if you are tired, you can tell the native, and the latter will immediately take her to the vicinity of the bedroom.

Long Xingtian confidently went to retreat to practice, Ling Yun planned to give him some top-quality spirit stones to absorb by the way, but the result was very embarrassing!

There is no spirit stone in his void!
Dozens of divine guards were arranged by Rex, and those who beckoned again are all in the early stage of the Immortal Emperor, and the formation is still being learned!
Ling Yun told them that they just stick to the outside of the shrine, and they are not allowed to enter if anything happens inside the shrine. The guards don't know why, so they can only obey!

Sweep your consciousness!

The little ones are no longer in the shrine, Ling Yun's face is darkened, and it's Thunder Gate again.

He sealed it n times back and forth, and the little guy cracked it every time. I really don't know how Sissy did it.

(End of this chapter)

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