Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1057

Chapter 1057 Extinct (Second Change)


It is considered an old monster, but Ling Yun is very angry, he has not forgotten what the master of the Demon Gu sect called him!

Ling Yun ignored the coffin, and sucked the master of the Demonic Gu Sect over with one hand, and strangled the latter by the throat!

"Cough cough...Immortal..." The master of the Demon Gu sect struggled with all his might. Is this the last words?

He will only die faster!

The coffin exuded a terrifying aura, very eerie. He was very angry that Ling Yun dared to do anything in front of him.

The suzerain of the Demon Gu Sect struggled for two seconds!

His heart was shattered by Ling Yun, and he had no life at all. The killer panicked. The powerful suzerain in their hearts couldn't stop Pluto like this?
"Damn it, it's unforgivable!" The coffin was so angry that it broke open the coffin board.

A phantom of an old man in black robe appeared first, entrenched above the palace, glaring at Ling Yun!


An old man stood up slowly, with white hair, he didn't know what he was practicing, and there was a stench from the coffin!
Ling Yun frowned, he didn't want the old man to approach him, with a look of disgust, imitating the little guy to pinch his nose.

"The old man has heard of you, but has never had the chance to see you. Now...hehe, the opportunity has come to you."

The old man spoke indifferently, his eyes turned scarlet!
The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, an ancient figure?He had no impression, so he snapped his fingers lightly!
Supreme suppression!

A terrifying force fell from the sky, and the palace was instantly crushed.

The old man's eyes widened, and his phantom was directly suppressed out of shape by the Supreme Suppression.


None of the killers had any accidents, and none of them could move.

The old man shook his head, the phantom disappeared, he was so angry that he could only do it himself!
"Take your life..."


He, an old guy, rushed into Ling Yun's heaven and earth cage, and couldn't get out for a while, Ling Yun knocked out his teeth with one punch, screaming for mercy in pain.

"You ant, why were you so crazy just now? Who gave you the courage?" Ling Yun frowned, punching after punch, the painful old man wanted to die but couldn't die!
"I know I was wrong, Senior Pluto, please forgive me, I was wrong, I was wrong..."

Faced with the old man's begging for mercy, Ling Yun shook his head, no one will be alive here, so begging anyone is useless!
Seeing that Ling Yun's killing intent had been decided, the old man fought to the death!
"Ah! You forced me... I won't make it easier for you even if I die..."

The old man's momentum is rising steadily, his eyes are abnormally bloody.

Ling Yun jumped high into the sky, holding the sky with one hand, and a dark energy ball appeared instantly!

"Ants! Show?"

Ling Yun blasted down the entire dark energy ball, obliterating all the old man's moves.

All those screams were covered by the explosion.

Tens of thousands of miles around the Demon Gu Sect were turned into ruins, and all these energies were slightly corrosive, and there would be no living things here in the next hundred years.

After the smoke billows!
The surrounding area is very quiet, there is nothing left, it is as bare as a desert.

And the place where the Demon Gu Sect originally existed was a huge and incomparably deep pit.

Ling Yun stretched his waist and walked into the black hole step by step. What killer world demon sect?That's it!

Back to the shrine!

He could hear the little ones crying!

Ling Yun wondered in his heart, did he hear wrongly, why did he beat the child!

"Cough cough!"

"Ling Yun, you came back just in time, should they fight?"

"What?" Ling Yun blinked, not understanding what Qin Xianglian meant.

"Woohoo! Papa." The little guy rushed over as if catching a life-saving straw! !

That's right!That is, the whole small body rushed towards Ling Yun.

Beibei was also crying, being taught by Qin Xianglian.

Little Irene was crying silently beside her...

"what's up."

Ling Yun frowned and asked, staring at An Qing, hitting all three?If it was about Jingu, he was planning to lie to An Qing and say that it was done by hostile forces!

An Qing blushed and lowered her head, she didn't hit the little guy, and she told Ling Yun everything!
half an hour ago!

After the three little guys were sent back to the Shrine by Ling Yun...

Beibei saw that An Qing and Qin Xianglian's hands and feet were trembling, and the latter looked at the shrine with only half of it left!
"Haha, Mom!"

"Ma Ma, I'm here, come quickly."

"Don't run around, this force will hurt you, hide quickly."

An Qing said worriedly, she was at a loss, did someone want to harm Jingu?What about Ling Yun?
Beibei pointed to the side of the Broken Shrine and said, "Don't be afraid, Nuo... this is what we did!"

The kid simply admitted it!

Qin Xianglian's face turned dark immediately, but she smiled and asked, "Bebe, tell me, who did half of this shrine?"

The little guy rolled his eyes, and hurriedly said to An Qing who was in a daze: "Mama Mama, let me tell you, this is what we did. With a whoosh, it's gone, aha!"

Little Erin nodded...


An Qing is not good at all, especially Qin Xianglian, ask again and again, Beibei is the best?

Almost scared them to death!They had to be taught a lesson, Beibei was spanked by Qin Xianglian, and cried loudly, the little guy was dumbfounded, unconvinced, An Qing just punished her to stand.

An Qing sighed, knelt down and asked carefully, "Is Qianqian a good girl?"


"If you do something wrong, you must admit it, and if you are punished, you must stand up."

The little guy wiped away his tears, curled his lips and said, "They are bad guys."

An Qing wasn't angry either, she gave her a political class, but since Qian Qian was so young, she wouldn't understand it at all.

This is not!

Only then did Ling Yun come back and the scene of the three little guys crying!
After Ling Yun finished listening, the corner of her mouth twitched, it's all right now, no matter how you explain it, it's useless, and she didn't hit her, why cry!
"Woo, papa!" The little guy rubbed his eyes and shouted.

Ling Yun is speechless, it's useless to call him, who told you not to call yourself.

"Are you angry with your mother?"


"It's wrong. Mom gave birth to you, loved you, and loved you. She was right."

The little guy held back his crying...

"Ling Yun, don't worry about this matter, go away and don't protect them." Qin Xianglian said angrily, she should pay attention to education, and she was afraid that Ling Yun would help them evade responsibility.

"Don't be like this, she's so small, forget it." Ling Yun shook his head and replied, refusing to let go of the little guy, and kept stroking her little head.

An Qing shrugged, Ling Yun came back, she believed that the latter would handle it well as the head of the family, smart women are different.

"Wuuuu, Papa!" The little guys started clasping Ling Yun's neck together.

"Let's discuss it, Beibei must know it's wrong!"

"Anything can be discussed, but you have to listen to me." Qin Xianglian shook her head and refused.

"Boom! Sissy come down quickly, be serious, treat it as an exercise, and stand as a punishment, after finishing, Dad will take you to play, not your mother and Aunt Qin."

Ling Yun put the little guy on the ground, and the latter still held Ling Yun's neck. After he coaxed him a few times, the little guy let Ling Yun go slowly.

no way!
Let the little guy stand, so that Beibei can not be beaten by Qin Xianglian, this is Ling Yun's purpose, no matter how they should learn a lesson.

"Hey, that's right, ha!" Ling Yun smiled, showing his white canine teeth.


The little guy's voice was still a little choked up.

Ling Yun has settled her affairs, so she will be fined to stand still, what a big deal.

Beibei is also crying a lot here, I don't know what Qin Xianglian scolded her, the words are so heavy, Beibei can't help crying.

"Baby come here."

As soon as she heard Ling Yun calling her, Beibei immediately ran away.

Qin Xianglian walked over slowly and said, "Don't worry about it!"

"How can you teach a child like this, it will have a negative impact on her." Ling Yunbai glanced at Qin Xianglian, and kept patting Beibei's back with her hands, her clothes were soaked.

(End of this chapter)

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