Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1060 Dead City

Chapter 1060 Dead City (Second Update)

Old man Fan is still confused!

Xi Shenzun asked him to notify the people in the mansion to go out of the city, and then asked him to go back to entertain Taishenjun, without saying anything clearly.

The little guy nodded, and Ling Yun said to old man Fan: "After you go out, if you have time, ask Old Boy Xi, he's outside Maple Leaf City."

The old man Fan and the little guy suddenly appeared outside the city, and Xi Shenzun was already waiting there!

"So fast?" Xi Shenzun asked.

"Master Xi, what happened?" Old Man Fan couldn't help asking.

Xi Shenzun said in a heavy tone: "Thanks to us coming, you have been living with the dead all this time, understand?"

He obeyed Ling Yun's order, and once he left Fan's mansion, he checked around according to the method Ling Yun passed on to him, and found that there was no living person, what a fart he was, his heart was terrified.

A city full of dead people?
so horrible!

It can be said that the whole city is a huge illusion, and it makes sense for the demon blue butterfly to flap its wings.

"What? A dead person?" Old man Fan shook his head, he didn't believe it at all, how could it be possible!

"Do not believe?"

"See for yourself!"

Xi Shenzun took out a certain liquid from the storage ring and sprinkled it on Old Man Fan's eyes, who widened his eyes.

He saw that Maple Leaf City was completely dead, and those city guards looked as white as paper.

"Fuck, that old man..."

"The people in your mansion are also dead. After hearing your order, they didn't run away, but they were controlled by others. It should be said that the entire Maple Leaf City was manipulated."

"Oh my god, why can't the old man notice it!"

"You yourself have been poisoned, chronic psychedelic poison, and you are in a hallucination circle."

All Xi Shenzun knew was what Ling Yun told him in his spiritual sense. As for why old man Fan lived alone, Ling Yun guessed that he must think that old man Fan was still useful.

"Who is it? Damn it, is he going to destroy our Fan clan?" Old man Fan's eyes were bloodshot, his whole body trembled, and his aura was released little by little.

Xi Shenzun was taken aback, and quickly said: "Calm down, you are scaring the snake like this."

He was speechless, old man Fan was left in the entire Fan family, isn't he considered extinct?
"Damn, why didn't the old man notice it at all." The hatred in old man Fan's heart, he almost died and didn't know how to die.

"Stop talking, there's something wrong with Maple Leaf City!" Xi Shenzun looked at the city in the distance and frowned.

Ling Yun hummed a song in the VIP hall, there was nothing he could do, the ancient psychedelic formation was arranged here, and he was too lazy to decipher it.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie..."

"Sure enough, there are two tricks, not bad not bad!"

Two voices came from all directions, and the mastermind hiding in the dark also found that Ling Yun had noticed everything, but he was still confident.

"You're not bad either, at least you can fool this Emperor Fayan." Ling Yun sneered at the corner of his mouth, Xi Shenzun had already fooled him, isn't it awesome?
"That's it for you, I will let you feel the joy that despair brings you, Jie Jie Jie!"

"It's just that the emperor is playing."

Ling Yun strolled out, and suddenly everyone in Fan's residence disappeared inexplicably.


A palm strike struck from behind Ling Yun, the latter shook his head and smiled, secretly thought of a trick, and with a backhand palm, a certain guard of Fan's residence was wiped out in ashes.

It's boring to keep letting the dead take action!

Outside Maple Leaf City, formations appeared one after another, and the black hands behind the scenes wanted to trap Ling Yun and kill him collectively!

Ling Yun walked step by step, surrounded by those dead bodies attacking him, they were all scum, they couldn't stop his momentum.

"You want to make this emperor despair like this? No way." Ling Yun sneered, let a group of Zhanwu scum play with him?The mastermind behind the scenes is very smart, try to waste his energy.

"Wait and see."

Voices still came from all directions, the man behind the scenes was very strict.

Ling Yun half-closed his eyes, then opened them suddenly, smashed the ground with his foot, and shouted: "Ants, get out!"

A few figures in the distance flew out quickly, and then covered their hearts, unwilling to fall to the ground!

Ling Yun frowned again, there are still people alive in Maple Leaf City?Temporary appearance?That mysterious stele! !


It was the stone tablet, Ling Yun thought of the key point, it was full of death energy, it must be the only one that could silently take away the lives of all the people in Maple Leaf City.

Moreover, there is a space inside it, there are probably a lot of voodoo corpses, and it is possible to hide some living killers.

call out…

It was another sneak attack, Ling Yun pierced a knife behind his back, the force of the tip of the knife made a big hole in the surrounding area, but unfortunately the person who made the sneak attack was electrocuted to death in shock.


For a moment, the killer lurking in the dark gasped.

Ling Yun left Fan's mansion in an instant, looked back, he stretched out his right hand to aim at Fan's mansion, and the terrifying force destroyed it in an instant.

No matter how many dead bodies there are in him, let them all return to ashes and ashes to ashes!
Anyway, the whole city is an enemy, Ling Yun only needs to kill them.

call out!
A few figures suddenly appeared, holding swords, pointing directly at Ling Yun, apart from anything else, they suddenly had a tacit understanding and joined forces to attack Ling Yun.

A set of combos was used very well, and Ling Yun was also broken in close combat.

Three rounds!

Ling Yun's sword energy broke the joint sword formation between them, killing two people instantly, one was seriously injured, and the other was defeated.

"The ants also want to surround and kill this emperor? It's ridiculous!" Ling Yun squinted at the seriously injured person on the ground, and a sword qi split the retreating people into two sides.

The sky is full of blood and rain...

The seriously injured person laughed loudly: "The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. We can bear the consequences if we can do something. Don't you think there is something wrong?"

Ling Yun frowned, what's wrong?He's just a clown, he doesn't care about it, everything is for them to play.

"Hahaha, you are too conceited!" The seriously injured man spat out a mouthful of blood!

Ling Yun's face was slightly startled, and he muttered to himself: "Toxic!"



Ling Yun's sword energy immediately ended him, making him laugh so much!
In the distance, a shocking sword aura swept over with a force, Ling Yun took a few steps back to avoid it, the sword aura struck the ground with a bang.

The surrounding streets all exploded, densely packed like spider webs, which shows how terrifying the swordsmanship was just now.

Xishenzun and the others were outside Maple Leaf City, watching the city wall suddenly crack open, swallowed their saliva, and looked at each other.

After the bang!
A large number of dead bodies began to appear on the streets. They were manipulated, and their bodies were covered with poison.

There is no end!
Ling Yun frowned slightly, he was going to use a trick called Starlight!
"If you die, you should rest in peace!" Ling Yun clasped his palms tightly, and after a while, a ball of golden light fell on the ground.

The man behind the scenes muttered to himself: "What the hell? Such a terrifying power!"

Word down!

The ground suddenly cracked, sending up bursts of smoke and dust, golden rays of light emerged from the cracks, and countless sword qi flew out from inside.

(End of this chapter)

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