Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1064: No Gold 2

Chapter 1064 Jin Wuliang ([-]rd update)
Jin Wuliang simply admitted that anyway, he was selling as expensive as a top-quality spirit stone.

"I also want to survive. How can I live without raising prices? I'm a businessman."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, all of them speechless, it turned out that it was Jin Wuliang's work, he actually monopolized the spiritual fruit of the God Realm.

"I don't object to you earning the price difference, but you maliciously bought in at a low price and sold it at a high price, which led to a reduction in the production of spiritual fruits. No one sold them, and you will lose in the end." Jian Buguan cursed.

Many people also scolded Jin Wuliang, saying that he was playing tricks behind his back, relying on an emperor's decree, he oppressed the people who planted the spiritual fruit and forced them to sell it to him.

to be frank!
Jin Wuliang didn't feel anything, and there was no coercion, it was all voluntary, and at the same price, who would not be selling?

Two thousand middle-grade spirit stones are the price he bought, and this is also the price the God Realm sells to others. He is just a monopoly.

"You profiteer!" A certain man couldn't stand it anymore, and pointed at Jin Wuliang and cursed.

"Nonsense, they can't afford it." Jin Wuliang was also angry.

"Hahaha, we can't even afford the spiritual fruit, is he justified?"

"That is, we must teach him a good lesson and let him understand the rules."

A grumpy old man said: "Get out of the way, the old man is going to blow his dog's head off in anger."


He rushed up and really fought with Jin Wuliang, who was not easy to mess with, and immediately ruined the street with his dazzling martial arts.

Long Yanran managed to bring back the three gossiping little guys.

"I stole the money with my ability, don't eat it if you don't have money, a bunch of poor ghosts, get out."

Jin Wuliang's strength is not bad. How many times can he fight alone, so he won't lose.

Jian Buguan said angrily: "Listen, is this what people say? It's really unscrupulous!"

"My name is Jin Wuliang!" Jin Wuliang bared his teeth, and knocked Jian Buguan away with one punch.

"Dog thief, Hugh is rampant!"

The old man was pissed off. The children in his family needed to eat spiritual fruit to cultivate. They didn't expect to be monopolized by profiteers, so expensive?Want them to die?
"Let's stay away, they are crazy, for the spirit fruit, as for?"

Someone suggested tremblingly.

"The spirit fruit is different now, I heard that it is the benefit of the recovery of spirit energy!" Someone replied.

For a while!

Many people waited and watched from a distance, leaving a large open space for them to solve by themselves.

Beibei and the little guy stood up suddenly, pointed at Jin Wuliang and said, "Do you have this?"

Jin Wuliang looked back and saw that it was the emperor's order. He subconsciously scanned his storage ring and found that it was still there, so he was relieved.

"So what? Little boy, get out!" Jin Wuliang was displeased, he didn't have time to waste words.

The little guy fished in her pocket, and she also took out the emperor's order, and said to Jin Wuliang again: "My one is bigger than yours! Papa said, if you are older than you, you have to listen to me!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched...

Long Yanran covered her mouth and smiled, did Ling Yun really teach this truth?She peeked at Ling Yun, whose face turned dark.

Jin Wuliang's eyes widened, and everyone also looked stunned. What the little guy took out was the black Emperor's Token.

"So what? Why should I listen to you!" Jin Wuliang frowned, it was just two little kids.

Someone in the crowd said: "Look at her, does she look like a little princess?"


"No, why doesn't she grow up?"

"It's not that she doesn't grow up. She should be the little princess's younger sister. The Supreme God has a daughter again."

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched when he heard that!
Beibei was displeased, and muttered: "You are disobedient, and you are so bad. Spirit fruit is really so expensive?"

Little Irene didn't care, and while no one was paying attention, she gnawed on the two baskets of spiritual fruits.

Jin Wuliang raised his hands, his eyes dismissively said: "A group of poor ghosts, if they can't afford it, they can't afford it."

Ling Yun looked Jin Wuliang up and down, so crazy?who is it.

A figure flew from a distance, it was the Lord of Qinglong City, Beiying Kamikaze!

"Everyone, don't do anything, listen to me, causing trouble in the God Realm is very serious."

Beiying Kamikaze jumped down, staring at Jin Wuliang and the others with narrowed eyes.

He is the grandson of Bei Shenzun!
And he also saw the little guy and Beibei, he was startled, and immediately knelt down: "I have seen the little God Lord, I have seen the big princess."

Everyone's eyes widened and they began to discuss.

Jin Wuliang wiped the sweat from his forehead, but he didn't show much.


The little guy covered his face, thinking how could he be recognized?

Beibei pointed at Jin Wuliang and said, "Old man, who is he?"

Beiying Kamikaze stared at Jin Wuliang, then took out a crystal, looked at it for a while before saying: "He is Jin Wuliang, from the Scorpio Starfield, other information is not detailed."

After hearing the reports from his subordinates, Jin Wuliang was very rich, otherwise he would not be able to monopolize the spiritual fruit of the God Realm.

"Oh, is he a bad guy?" Beibei scratched her head and asked.

How did Beiying Kamikaze answer these words?

Jin Wuliang said: "I am a businessman!"

The old man on one side said angrily: "Bah, dead profiteer!"

Jian Buguan covered his heart and came back with blood on the corner of his mouth: "The strike is so heavy, City Lord, you have to be the master for me."

After Beiying Shenfeng understood the facts, he waved the city guard behind him: "Come here, catch the troublemaker Jin Wuliang."

"Dare you, do you know who I am?" Jin Wuliang took a few steps back, refusing to give in.

Beiying Kamikaze said: "It doesn't matter who you are, if you shot in front of the little god and injured other people, you must be arrested and interrogated."

"I hate you uncle, they beat me, I can't resist anymore?" Jin Wuliang became angry, smashing the ground with one punch, and ran...

Qinglong City trembled, the little guy almost fell down, but luckily Beibei ran over to catch her.

Beiying Shenfeng was furious, his figure flashed, and when he came back again, he held Jin Wuliang, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, and the latter croaked in pain.

"You guys are too deceitful, do you know who I am? How dare you touch me? I have the emperor's order, and my uncle is Wansanqian, Wansanqian!"

"Hahaha, be afraid, let me go quickly, apologize, and heal my wounds, or you will all die!" Jin Wuliang said in a snarl.

Beiying Kamikaze's face gradually became serious, isn't Wansanqian the domain master of the Scorpio star field?So the richest person, could it be that what Jin Wuliang said is true!
Beibei was furious, she walked over and punched Jin Wuliang with a black eye.

Long Yanran hurriedly hugged her back, and said displeasedly: "What are you doing!"

"He's bad!" Beibei retorted angrily, her lips pouted in a very cute way.

"You guys are bullying others, just wait for me." Jin Wuliang cursed fiercely.

Ling Yun came out, no one recognized him because he was wearing a black mask, he said: "Take him down, let Wan Sanqian redeem him with money."

Beiying Kamikaze was stunned, and then trembled, because he tried to see Ling Yun's true face, but was warned by Ling Yun!


"Cough cough..."

"Okay, what you said is very reasonable, suppress it and watch it strictly!" Beiying Kamikaze ordered Chengwei to say.

(End of this chapter)

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