Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1072 Destruction of the Holy Land

Chapter 1072 Destroying the Holy Land (Second Change)
Unexpectedly, he didn't retreat, clenched his right fist tightly, and his body was slightly bent, like an angry lion ready to go. In a moment of silence, his body rushed out like an arrow off the string.

"Dijun, you look down on me too much, don't say a single trick, I won't hesitate until dawn in the decisive battle!"

Zhizunyu chose to preemptively strike, incarnated in Yinfengli, and resisted Lingyun's move head-on!
Ling Yun smiled, he didn't have enough time to accumulate strength and enlarge his moves, so he could only combine man and sword together!

call out!
With a flash of golden light, Ling Yun and Yaojian turned into a sword aura, and the terrifying aura spread all around!
Zhizunyu was taken aback, he was not an opponent, he lost just by his momentum, let alone a single move, he couldn't even take half a move.

The human and sword in the realm of heaven and man are united, and the sword intent is at the highest level, how to fight?
and so!
He ran away, the wind stopped, he disappeared, and fled back to the Holy Land in desperation!

"Sorry for disturbing you!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, and he froze in place?What about the decisive battle until dawn?What about the momentum just now, what a shame!
"Zhizun Yu, you have to remember, once the demon sword comes out, it will drink blood, I hope you will be lucky."

Ling Yun pulled out the demon sword and threw it into the void, smiling strangely!
Holy Land!

Dong Shenzun and the others broke through the ice at this moment, sweating profusely, several Tianzun also arrived, monk Shura meditated and chanted sutras!

The void trembled, and Supreme Jade slipped out in embarrassment, taking a big breath!
"What's the matter? So fast?" Shangguan Patriarch's face was slightly startled, and he was a little surprised that Zhi Zunyu's face was so bad. What happened to him?
"Ahem, I have proved that the Supreme God Lord has no suspicion!"

Even if Zhizunyu said this now, it would not be able to save him, as Ling Yun said, once the demon sword is released, it will drink blood!

Dong Shenzun laughed loudly and said: "Have you heard that, your holy land is just suspicious, if you can't find the holy things, I see, the holy land doesn't need to be guarded anymore."

Monk Shura: "Amitabha, the truth is revealed!"

Zhizunyu bowed his head, he was really afraid of Ling Yun, and he didn't even dare to refute the words of Dong Shenzun.

Murong Taishan glared at Dongshenzun, and asked Zhizunyu: "Is what you said true, Taishenjun is so talkative?"

"Really, I can swear it!" Zhizunyu bit her lips lightly and raised her right hand high!
Just as he raised his hand, the sky thundered and thundered!
Depend on!
I really can't swear indiscriminately, I will kill you!
Everyone looked at the sky together, Ling Yun's big move came!

"The emperor is angry, it's over!" Xi Shenzun trembled, and he remembered the experience of Liuxian Palace again!

"what's the situation?"

Mo Youai frowned, and her eyes widened. What the hell is the golden light above the sky?

A demon sword quietly floats in the void, surrounded by golden sword energy, full of murderous aura!
Zhizunyu swallowed hard: "It's that sword, what should I do? Is he crazy!"

"Hurry up, the holy land will no longer exist after this sword strikes, why are you standing there?"

Dong Shenzun's face was slightly dignified, what he was worried about still happened, the Taishen Lord can discuss anything, and those who try to die again and again will only bring about their own destruction.


Seeing that everyone was in disarray, Xi Shenzun said: "Anyone can leave the Holy Land, but Senior Zhizunyu can't, he is responsible for the trouble!"

"Yes, the old man is very clear about Dijun, the one in the sky is a demon sword, it wants the Supreme Lord to die, we have nothing to do with others." Zhong Shenzun said.

"Depend on!!"


"too difficult!"

The corner of Wuliang Tianzun's mouth twitched: "Perverted swordsmanship!"

The sword energy criss-crossed, shattered the void, and the sky and the earth were filled with dazzling light. It was too late!

Putting his palms together, Monk Shura sighed: "The emperor must not do any more evil!"

"All help the little monk!"

Many scriptures emerged from inside his body, and it was vaguely a huge ancient clock, a fairy weapon of defense!
"Come here, everyone who doesn't want to die, we will also activate all the formations in the Holy Land!!"

For a while!

There are people on the holy land, gather together, those who have immortal weapons use immortal weapons, and those who have weapons use weapons, and do their best to prepare for Ling Yun's swordsmanship!

And Monk Shura's phantom ancient clock is getting bigger and bigger, it can almost cover the Holy Land, the ancient clock is growing stronger and stronger.

Above the sky, the demon sword became bigger in an instant, and its whole body was struck by lightning, buzzing, containing the terrifying power of lightning.

With the demon sword as the center, the surrounding clouds within a range of tens of thousands of meters were completely shattered, which was the result of the shuttle of sword energy, which shows how powerful this sword is.

A ray of dawn fell instantly, and a thick cloud of energy rose from the holy land.

The smoke filled the air and spread in all directions, and a huge sound resounded through half of the God Realm.

The sound of clanking swords and the clanging of ancient clocks was like the sounds of nature, and the entire God Realm shook violently a few times.

Early the next morning, after dawn, the holy land was filled with birdsong, and the destination was a messy holy land.

A hand stretched out from the red ground, and slowly, gradually crawled out, lying on the ground, Dong Shenzun looked up to the sky and took a big breath, feeling lingering fear: "Dijun, you are too messy!"

same time!
There are many people crawling one after another from the ground covered by terracotta!
A big rock was smashed, and Nan Shenzun laughed loudly: "As expected of him, what a powerful sword!"

"Let's see if anyone is dead!" Xi Shenzun is most concerned about this matter, and he is also seriously injured.

"Damn it, terrible swordsmanship, number one in the twelve domains swordsmanship? The name is really not for bragging!"

Murong Chong swallowed hard, he almost didn't want to believe what he saw, what about the prosperity of the Holy Land in the past, what about the thunder cloud formation?

And those ancient formations that are famous in the God Realm, why are they so vulnerable!
The faces of the people in the Holy Land who woke up were pale, and their hands and feet were limp. What kind of power is this!What did the Great Lord do!
"Ahem... the old man is still alive?" Murong Taishan vomited blood and swallowed the elixir, his nerves tightened!
Dong Shenzun swept his consciousness and found that Supreme Jade was dead!
"Rest in peace, Senior Supreme Jade, the demon sword only wants your life!"


All members of the supreme family knelt down, weeping uncontrollably.

The Supreme Jade Twins were full of holes, they were surrounded by sword energy, not a single drop of blood was left in their bodies, what a miserable death!
"Great Lord!!"

Knowing that Zhizunyu was dead, the representatives of the three holy lands gritted their teeth, their eyes radiated murderous intent, but they were frightened again in an instant, and could only sigh helplessly.


"Where did Nan Wuwen Tian go?"

"Won't you die too?"

"No, I saw him just now, and he's gone!"

Dong Shenzun breathed a sigh of relief, as long as the supreme jade died, he was really afraid that there would be one more dead.

Monk Shura began to chant again: "Amitabha, rest in peace!"

"The tens of millions of years of foundation in the Holy Land, how can we stand up to our ancestors!" Murong Taishan was furious, vomiting blood on his back, his face was pale, and his body was even more crumbling!
The East God Venerable sighed, he must not live for his own crimes!
Mo Youai and Shangguan Patriarch regretted it, regretted that they should not have believed in the Eastern God, let Ling Yun out of the Thunder Cloud Formation, otherwise this would not have been the result!
It's all right now, Supreme Jade is dead, the Holy Land is gone, and I have fallen out with the Supreme God, the God Realm can't stay!
(End of this chapter)

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