Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1074 Old urchin

Chapter 1074 Old Naughty Boy (Part [-])
Zhong Shenzun fell into deep thought for a while!
Bei Shenzun raised his eyebrows lightly, and jokingly said: "Old man, wake up, isn't it easy to want a woman? There are so many beauties in our sect god world, you can pick whatever you want!"

Hearing this, Zhong Shenzun also knew that they liked to joke, so he smiled bitterly and said, "Forget it, stop mocking me."

"Old Bei? Do you want this old man to introduce you?" Nan Shenzun chuckled, this old man is still a bit mean.

"What are you talking about, the emperor is still here, ahem...I'll introduce you later, don't forget." Bei Shenzun had a smile on his face.

Nan Shenzun joked again: "The old man has a poor memory, and he needs a ninth-grade elixir to remember it all the time."

This old man is planning to ask for a pill.

"Ahem... I don't believe that I am so handsome and suave, yet I can't find a beautiful woman who admires this old man!" Bei Shenzun shook his head, looking disrespectful, Ling Yun's mouth twitched when he saw it!
How many concubines does Bei Shenzun have?

Ling Yun didn't even want to say that this bad old man is very bad, he is too old, and he also said that he is handsome and suave, which is too shameless.

Hearing this, the little guy came back and glanced at Beishenzun, and called his name in a childlike voice: "Beiyinglou, you bad old man, bragging! Don't be shy, thick-skinned."

She looked very cute when she was angry, and everyone laughed, Bei Shenzun was not embarrassed, and laughed with his beard raised to the sky.

Zhong Shenzun swept away the previous depression, he said: "Old Bei, you were a master at picking up girls among the seven of us back then, I don't know if your skills have regressed now?"

"That's right, old Bei, teach me, I've always wanted to learn!" Nan Shenzun suddenly became interested!

"Easy!" Bei Shenzun snapped his fingers, and then said to Nan Shenzun, "If you want to win a girl's heart, you must rely on your eyes. Look into my eyes! Do you look good?"

Nan Shenzun looked at it, couldn't help but smiled curiously and replied: "It's not that it looks good, it's that it's funny!"

Bei Shenzun was stunned: " is this possible, you should see it more clearly."

Immediately, he looked at Nan Shenzun affectionately, and asked, "Do you want to hang up?"

"Haha!" Nan Shenzun, Ling Yun, and Zhong Shenzun couldn't help laughing.

The corner of Bei Shenzun's mouth twitched: "No more teaching, no more teaching!"

The old man who is tens of millions of years old is still like a child, Ling Yun can't laugh or cry!

"Don't, I won't laugh, the old man won't laugh anymore!"

"It's agreed, you are not allowed to laugh, you are not allowed!" Bei Shenzun became serious, this old man is still very cute.

"Come again!"

Bei Shenzun blinked a few times, then looked at Nan Shenzun affectionately, and asked, "Is it cool?"

"Ha ha!"

Ling Yun took the lead in laughing, and Nan Shenzun and the others couldn't help it, they laughed so hard!
Bei Shenzun had nothing to love in his life, so he drank heavily in anger!

This time!

Beside the boat of Ling Yun and others, there is a luxurious flower boat coming slowly. This flower boat is definitely the largest and most luxurious boat on this river today.

The entire ship is decorated with bright lights. On this ship, there are a group of young girls dancing in trendy costumes, and a group of young men and women are drinking and chatting.

"Brother Zhu, look, there is a beautiful woman on that boat!" At this moment, a man on the flower boat accidentally saw Long Yanran playing with the little guys, and was attracted by her.

heard!In the middle of the flower boat, a fat young man with big ears heard the man's yell and glanced away.

Through the window of this ship, he noticed Long Yanran on the ordinary ship next to him, and immediately showed the appearance of Brother Pig.

"This girl is so top-quality, fresh and refined, compared to her, we are just village flowers!"

The other man glanced at Long Yanran, and then at the group of dancers dancing in front of them, he was suddenly bored.

"Go, stop their boat, call that beauty to me, let her come and have a drink with us! This is interesting."

The fat-headed and big-eared young master shouted directly.

Soon the flower boat forcibly stopped Ling Yun and the others. Ling Yun and the others on the boat had their eyes fixed and their brows frowned.

"My beauty, what's the fun of staying on that broken boat, with a few kids, why don't you come and play on our boat? Our boat is big and comfortable, and there are good wines to drink!"

"That's right, our wine is very rare."

"How many women want to taste it."

"Just ask, do you really want to miss such an opportunity?"

The young masters walked out of the boat, stood at the bow of the boat, looked at Long Yanran and said directly, because of the celestial spirit in the boat, they couldn't see Ling Yun and the others clearly.

These are girls-picking tricks, wouldn't Long Yanran know?She was quite polite, and politely refused: "Sorry, I like this boat, please go away and don't disturb us."

Beiying Yijue also understood at a young age, and immediately shouted directly: "Get out! Move your boat away quickly, it's blocking us!"

The little guy hid behind Beibei, Beibei just hated these gazes.

"Do you know who is on board our boat? That is Gongsun Shao, the nephew of the Patriarch of the Shen family, one of the three top families in Suzaku City. Now it is Gongsun Shao who invites you to have a few drinks. Isn't it because you are not giving face!"

One of the men directly reported his identity and hummed, then looked at Long Yanran with a playful look, waiting for her to obediently board the boat with a look of fear.

In this Vermillion Bird City, apart from the City Lord's Mansion, the three major families are the strongest, and few people in the entire Vermilion Bird City would dare to offend members of these three major families.

And that crippled guy is the nephew of the Patriarch of the Shen family. With this status, he is enough to walk sideways in this Zhuque City. Anyone who hears him has to obediently obey him, not to mention that he is from the Gongsun clan of the Holy Land.

But what made this group of guys regretful was that Long Yanran and the little guys were completely indifferent and didn't care when they heard their identities revealed.

What Gongsun Shao?

What is the nephew of the head of the Shen family?
What kind of rubbish are they? Long Yanran was speechless after hearing this, she is not tactful enough, too old to break the ground, tired of working with this group of people.

"This little girl is so courageous that she dares to refuse Young Master Gongsun's invitation!"

Immediately, the group of men became angry, reeking of alcohol, and they got too close, the little guy pinched his nose, at that moment the fat young master Gongsun came out.

"Young Master Gongsun, these little girls are too arrogant, they don't take you seriously at all!"

The group of men looked at the fat young man and said quickly.

"Hmph, you don't even pay attention to me, someone, catch this little girl for me! If you don't drink, you won't give me face."

This Young Master Gongsun's face was very red, and he had drunk too much alcohol. As soon as he gave an order, a group of guards who were not afraid of death rushed towards Ling Yun and their boat.

(End of this chapter)

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