Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1082

Chapter 1082 The Boundless (Third)
A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Ji Wuxue's mouth, it's all like this, still can't shake Zhenwudao!

"Little Snow!"

Watching Ji Wuxue's body fall, Ji Wushuang had no time, he was stopped by Zhen Wudao's clone, and his mount, the bronze bull, started to attack him, affected by the phantom formation.

"Hahaha, Nine Heavens and Twelve Realms, Gemini Great Emperors, you are the most rubbish domain masters, even if you are dead! You have no self-knowledge at all."

"That's all you guys are like, you're rubbish, you know, even Diya can't do anything to me, what are you, what are you!!"




Zhen Wudao murmured, and with a playful smile, his fist suddenly raised, and a terrifying energy ball appeared instantly!
same time!
Almost all clones are an action, hiss...

After a thousand words, Ji Wushuang's face was pale at the moment, and he burst out with a sentence!
I grass!

I am grass! !
It's hard to find good words and beautiful words, but it's a coincidence to say it! !
Ji Wushuang shivered violently, this time he stepped on the tail of a mad dog, it's over! !
He couldn't escape, the energy ball of the avatar was about to blast over, he saw Zhen Wudao disappearing strangely, he panicked immediately!
"Little Snow!!"

The figure of Zhenwudao suddenly appeared in front of Ji Wuxue, and he punched him!

puff! !

In the nick of time, two figures came to block Zhen Wudao's terrifying fist!

Ji Wuxue was thrown out by the shock, and she spat out a mouthful of blood. In front of her were Elder Ji and Elder Ji, and the latter was blocking it with his body!
The fists destroyed their internal organs in an instant, one of them couldn't breathe, and they didn't even say a last word, so they went to get the boxed lunch.

Ji Wushuang was furious, and shouted: "Who told you to come, didn't the emperor say that no one should get involved!!"

His eyes were full of killing intent!
boom! !

No matter how angry he was, it was useless, the energy balls of Zhen Wudao's avatars blasted at him, and he had no way to escape, and was scarred from the beating! !

When Ji Wuxue was double injured, he used the Huntian Yidi movement technique to escape to Ji Wuxue's side silently and hold the latter!
The corner of Zhen Wudao's mouth twitched, he was very surprised that Ji Wushuang could slip out, it was the phantom array he was proud of.

"There is no way, mountains and rivers meet each other, you wait for me!!"

Speaking of which, Ji Wushuang was about to flee with the drowsy Ji Wuxue. If a hero does not suffer from immediate losses, the future will be long! !

Zhen Wudao laughed straight away, letting their brother and sister escape like this, wouldn't it be embarrassing to spread the word! ! !

Seeing that Ji Wuxue was injured, the little guy rubbed his eyes, and ran back to the boat to look for Ling Yun in a childlike voice! !

Ling Yun patted the little guy's little head, and said bluntly, resigned to fate, which means that he won't make a move, trust Ji Wushuang and his sister.

If you want to make a move early, his phantom is right next to him.

When the little guy heard this, he was angry and pouted, as if he was crying but not crying.

Beibei came back and pulled the little guy, the two little guys started muttering, Ling Yun's mouth twitched when he heard it, they are going to mess up! !
Beibei and the little guy looked at each other, frowning, only Ling Yun knew what they were doing at the moment, both of them were mobilizing their power, which was equivalent to the power of two Ling Yuns, it was so terrifying! !

Zhen Wudao chased after him, and Ji Wushuang, who was in front of him, itched his teeth with hatred, and had a round with the third elder of the Ji family who greeted them together.

"The setting sun is burning!"

A terrifying force filled the star sea, rushing towards the third elder of the Ji family and the others!
Really innocent lol!
The Ji family suffered countless deaths and injuries, and Ji Wushuang's brother and sister were in danger!
Ji Wushuang fought back Zhen Wudao's fierce flames with a fist, a burst of light hovered above his head, and his eyes were full of killing intent.

In the star sea, pieces of nebula suddenly began to gather, mixed with terrifying power, like rivers and rivers converging together.

all of these!
No way has not noticed!

He Xiao Ran made a move, blasting the Ji family to pieces with one punch, leaving behind blood and bones, and some wreckage in mid-air.

Ji Wushuang was completely angry, Tianling Gai rushed out of the boundless blood, and now he must use the secret technique and make a final fight!
Ji Wuxue couldn't speak, her injuries were quite serious, and she could barely stand up.

Suddenly, Ji Wushuang scolded softly, his body was covered with golden light, bursting with sacred aura, turning into a stream of light and swooping forward.

There were more and more nebulae, and in an instant, the sky was full of thunder, and the sea of ​​thunder was surging.

Realizing that something was wrong, Zhen Wudao broke into a cold sweat, and Ji Wushuang punched the dazed Zhen Wudao to bleed in a state of rage!

Zhen Wudao rubbed his heart hard, it was so fucking painful!

Like Ji Wushuang, his face changed suddenly, and he all stepped back to look at Xingyun!

Both of them felt an unrivaled force, and it was also very strange, invincible, enough to destroy mountains and rivers, and overthrow the universe!
Zhen Wudao didn't dare to act rashly, he was thinking about the weirdness of this nebula, I hope he thought too much!

A bolt of lightning struck out from the nebula, almost hitting Zhen Wudao, the latter's foot trembled, it wasn't because he was thinking too much!
Xingyun had thunder and lightning, and it was not an accident, he had to run, because the force was too strong, he was not an opponent, let alone resist it!
Ji Wushuang realized something was wrong, so she retracted a long time ago. The corner of Ji Wuxue's mouth twitched. She thought it was Ling Yun who did it, because she seemed to vaguely see Ling Yun's figure.

Ji Wuxue shouted: "All the Ji family members run, hurry up!"

She broke up with Ji Wushuang! !

After a few breaths!
The nebula exploded suddenly without any warning. When it exploded, it brought a piece of thunder and lightning, as well as a vast golden ocean force, which was terrifying and boundless.

The star field is vast, the power of the aftermath is scattered, countless bolts of lightning are intertwined, lightning flashes, and thunder bursts.

The void of the Star Sea was blasted into a deep hole, and the space turbulence sucked the gravel of the Star Sea, forming a terrifying wormhole.

The terrifying power also swept in all directions, and none of the nearby planets were spared!

The broken Ji Wushuang brother and sister were blown far away, and were seriously injured again. The corner of Ji Wuxue's mouth twitched, acting so recklessly, it wasn't Ling Yun's doing, it must be the little guy!

This force directly strangled the phantom of Ling Yun's soul, which did not dodge or dodge, and turned into nothing in an instant!
There is no way to escape, he is the slowest to react, he was bombed badly, even the body of the immortal emperor couldn't resist, a hand was broken, and his face was completely ruined, it was too horrible to look at.


Zhen Wudao endured the severe pain, stood up cursing, and ran away immediately.

Oh shit!

He couldn't figure out why the nebula gathered together again!

In short, if the little guy and Beibei look at each other and frown without changing, Nebula will continue to gather strength!

The power seems to be invincible, the aura is unparalleled, and the fluctuations are vast. Wherever it passes, the sky is shaken and collapsed.

There was a commotion in Suzaku City, everyone showed horrified expressions, they were all confused, a certain boss forcibly intervened in the domain master battle, and even injured the domain master with one move!
That power is so terrifying, who is it!Everyone has their own opinions, in short, they have different opinions, and they can't calm down for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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