Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1092 3 Demon Kings

Chapter 1092 The Three Demon Kings (Part [-])
It's starting to get dark!

Master Xuankong is still persistent!

Murong Taishan and Shangguan Ancestor planned to leave, but the ending really surprised them, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time.

Ling Yun said in a cold voice: "Remember what my emperor said. Regarding the matter of dismissing this emperor, come back after the imperial power contest. If you don't listen to the advice? It's tantamount to committing suicide."

"Hmph, I haven't forgotten, it won't be just the two of us. The Holy Land will be abolished, but our people will not be abolished!"

Murong Taishan replied viciously, and then he and the vicious Shangguan Patriarch slipped away with the corpses of the Gongsun Clan Patriarch and Mo Youai.

On the Shenfeng Peak, everyone didn't believe that the Supreme God would really step down as the God Lord, and they kept persuading him.

"Dijun, think twice."

"It's the Holy Land that's causing trouble, so don't worry about it."

"We have Shenfeng, and people from the God Realm will not agree with the practice of the Holy Land."

"The old man disagrees."

Ling Yun said: "Don't mention this matter again, I'm tired, maybe I'm not the best God Lord in your hearts, I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry, this is my papa." The little guy said in a milky voice, his beautiful eyes were almost smiling, and he didn't know what she was happy about.

If she's not a god master, then she's not a little god master anymore, still laughing?

Beibei pointed to her knee and said, "Amitabha, old bald donkey, why don't you get up? Doesn't it hurt here?"

Long Yanran was furious: "Oh you? Oh, you are tall and polite, how old are you!"

"Okay, old man and monk!" Beibei pursed her lips in a milky voice, and turned her head away from Long Yanran. The corner of the latter's mouth twitched, feeling tired!

Master Xuankong refused to leave, the gods had nothing to do with him.

Ling Yun opened his mouth and said, "This Emperor will recommend someone to you. Have you ever heard of Monk Shura?"

"Asura? It's him!" Master Xuankong immediately thought of it. As he had said to the master at the beginning, the Supreme God has profound Buddhist teachings and transformed a demon clan. He is the King of Shura!

And this matter, Putuo Temple also knows, but thinks it is a bunch of nonsense.

Now that I think about it, it's really ridiculous. It turned out that Putuo Temple was full of ignorant people. He decided to quit Putuo Temple, even if he practiced alone, he was better than the latter.

"Yes, go and talk with him about good and evil in the world, Buddha and devil." Ling Yun smiled!
A light seemed to appear in Master Xuankong's heart, and he kowtowed to Lingyun: "Thank you!"

Monk Shura was enlightened by the Supreme God, so the former also practiced Buddhism, and he must have received the help of the Supreme God. He failed to learn from a teacher, and it is almost the same to practice with Monk Shura.


Seeing that Master Xuankong was about to leave, the little guy was very polite.

Master Xuankong laughed until his laughter faded away and finally disappeared completely.

"Finally sent away, what's the situation?" Dong Shenzun was still confused, hoping that Ling Yun could give them an explanation.

Ling Yun said: "He has awakened and understood the good and evil in the world, do you believe it?"

"I believe you ghost, the emperor is very bad!" Nan Shenzun shook his head wildly and replied, enlightened?Master Xuankong is a monk, okay? He was enlightened in the first place.

"The emperor was joking, did Master Xuankong fall into the illusion?" Dong Shenzun guessed, after coming out of the small world, Master Xuankong changed completely, he could only think about the illusion.

"Isn't it? He admires the emperor as a man, he must be convinced." Bei Shenzun said.

"No, that bad monk probably wants to learn the emperor's martial arts. Not to mention, this bad monk is quite smart, so he wants to be a teacher." Zhong Shenzun said.

"Are you busy?" Ling Yun frowned!
"Get to work right away, let's leave, hey, Master Xuankong is too... let you come here for nothing." Nan Shenzun waved his hand, and drove away the other people in the gossip Shenfeng.

Lu Yao smiled and said: "My lord, the little princess doesn't want me to go, you see..."

"Ahem, then let's stay." Dong Shenzun's mouth twitched, the reason was so bad, but Lu Yao stood beside Beibei, if he disagreed, he would definitely be voted to the eldest princess.

In a moment!
Ling Yun wanted to deal with the formation of Shenfeng, a little regretted pretending to be forceful, and it was too much, and now he has to repair it one by one, which is really difficult.

The prodigal son Jian Wuying was sent to Pill King for treatment, and Ling Yun's order was carried out by Fa Cai Shenzun.

"Attention, be careful around!!" Dong Shenzun reacted quickly, and immediately noticed the dangerous aura around him!

"It's his uncle, is it over?" Nan Shenzun frowned, and there was more than one dangerous breath, which meant that he was not alone.

"Come out, who is so bold? I don't know where is this?" Bei Shenzun shouted, staring around, trying to find a trace.

Beibei pointed to the forest in the distance, and said in a childish voice, "It's inside!"

"Yeah, big sister is amazing, it's inside, papa, papa, why are they covered in hair?" The little guy saw it all, and used her divine power to fill her eyes, temporarily forming a three-dimensional 3D image.

"It's a monster!" Beibei curled her lips and replied.

Those are three demon kings who don't know where they came from. One is a transformed angry wolf, the other is a transformed red-headed bird.A human body with the head of a bird, a ferocious earth bear with a transformed form, and a human body with the head of a bear.

All three of them are Immortal Emperor Seventeen, who gave them the courage to come to Shenfeng!
"Is there movement in the west?"

"There are also in the east?"

"There are also in the south!"

"I'm stupid, there are many places that are wrong!"

"what happened?"

The expressions of panic appeared on the faces of the gods, the atmosphere was thick and solemn, and there were even more doubts in their hearts.

"Ignore it."

Just as the East God God was making arrangements, Ling Yun said calmly.

"Who is responsible?" Dong Shenzun asked curiously.

"Jumping clown, he doesn't know how to live or die." Ling Yun shook his head and smiled.

These movements attracted the ten great gods and several generals, and the gods looked at each other in blank dismay.

"All here?"


"Brothers, let's make a big fuss."

Three voices sounded suddenly, and after a puff of thick smoke, three demon kings appeared in the woods pointed by Beibei.

"Where are they? Demon King, where did they come from?" Dong Shenzun's mouth twitched, his mind still full of questions.

"The ones from the monster clan, are they so rampant? Oh my god, why are they so powerful?" Nan Shenzun took a closer look, his face turned pale immediately, and he couldn't believe it.

"Papa, are they really monsters!"

"Handsome, I also want to know, is he so ugly?" Beibei asked with a blink of an eye.

"Brother, are all monster beasts like this?" Little Irene scratched her head, having doubts in her heart.


Ling Yun nodded, his eyes dismissive, what the hell is the trash demon king, the Golden Lion doing?A good monster evolves like this?Three words, so ugly!
Is the Yaozu settled?Or does the golden lion have other plans, and is trying to dye the gods?A smile appeared on the corner of Ling Yun's mouth, and things seemed to be getting more and more interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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