Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1095

Chapter 1095 Another Pill Tribulation (first update)
During the Ten Thousand Clans Assembly, everyone saw it. The little guy took out the Taiji seal and lent it to Xin Zhao at that time.

Although at that time, the gods were all explaining that it was not true, and that the Taishenjun was simply refining the artifact, a high-quality imitation, in order to deceive their little princess in the God Realm!

Who would believe this?
There is no impenetrable wall in the world, Murong Taishan and the others investigated secretly, only to find out that this is true, the top ten ancient artifacts Tai Chi Yin are in the hands of the little guy.

"Taiji Seal? Hahaha, it's there!! Although I don't love it, but since I know it, then? It belongs to me!"

Xie Wang's tone of questioning was very hot, and he could hear his excitement, and the cloud of black air began to wander.

"It's in the hands of Taishenjun's daughter, that little one, I heard that she has the most treasures." Shangguan Patriarch replied viciously, with a greedy look in his eyes.

"Jiejiejiejie, the artifact that was once guarded by the undead dragon clan has the power of immortality. It's been a long time since it's belonged to me. Listen up, Doutian, it belongs to me, understand?"

Doutian Zhanzun said: "Your subordinates know, don't worry, I will make arrangements."

Murong Taishan and the others looked slightly surprised, Doutian Zhanzun is so powerful, but he is the subordinate of the evil king, so the evil king's punishment is really not ordinary.

"Hmph... Those old people in the Demon God Sea don't share good things, so that I can't show my true colors to others, and even laugh at me for being overconfident. I want to prove them that Suolong Pagoda can be liberated!"

Every time he thought of the faces of those old monsters from the major sects of the Demon God Sea, he would get angry.

He didn't understand, what kind of cattle do those people have?It's not an ancient figure, compared to him, there is more garbage.

If he hadn't been seriously injured back then, he was sealed into the Demon God Sea, and his injuries have not recovered yet, and his strength is not as good as before, would he be ridiculed?
To be honest, when he was killing the Quartet back then, those characters in the Demon God Sea were still digging mud.

The reason why the Demon God Sea back then was called the Demon God Sea was that this sea area formed its own realm, and those who were not tolerated by the ancient heavens would choose to escape into it.

After entering, they couldn't get out, and some of them were sealed by the so-called gods in ancient times and suffered torture.

At that time, the Demon God Sea was a chaotic place that no one cares about, but now its development is no worse than that of the Twelve Realms, and their immortal emperors are as numerous as dogs.

"My lord, why do you care about those freaks? They can live because of that elixir. We don't have to envy you. You can live better. You are no worse than them, let alone other people. The evil king is bad, they can't even get out, can't they?"

Doutian Zhanzun's flattery almost beat the evil king to the sky.

"It's still Doutian who understands me, hahaha, when this king gets the Heavenly Demon Sword, they will all submit to him." Xie Wang questioned his guilt and looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, with an icy chill all over his body.

Murong Taishan and the others shuddered violently.

Several of them were discussing how to kill Ling Yun and take the treasure from the little guy.

This time Doutian Zhanzun came out, in addition to liberating the Suolong Pagoda again, he also wanted to find out the whereabouts of the Heavenly Demon Sword.

Murong Taishan patted his heart and said that he could help find the Heavenly Demon Sword. In the Twelve Realms, they also have many contacts in the holy land, so it is very convenient to do things.

In order to ensure that this plan is foolproof, the first thing they want to do is to get rid of Taishenjun. Even if they can't kill him, they must make him unable to be a godlord, so that it will be convenient for them to act.

After the discussion!
The evil king didn't care about asking the crime, and he could only hand over the rest to Zhanzun Doutian, who still belonged to the Alliance of Gods. He smiled inwardly, and a more perfect plan was born in his heart.

Since the Alliance of Gods is still there, it is time to show the value of their existence.

Ling Yun was busy until the afternoon, and he finally perfected all the formations, which was not easy.

With a thunder strike, a pillar in a certain room was broken, and the house almost collapsed.

Ling Yun suddenly appeared and stopped everyone, the corner of his mouth twitched, what did the little guys do?

It’s terrible, it was Fan Jie just now, whoever made the pill, it’s against the sky!
Everyone also found out, so they all ran over, and shocked the Pill King who was healing the prodigal son Jian Wuying!

As soon as he saw Ling Yun, he immediately turned his head. He didn't doubt it, but he thought it was made by Ling Yun.

Ling Yun also explained in embarrassment that he made it!
When everyone left, Ling Yun went in with a dark face, and when he saw the little guy smiling, he immediately became gentle.


"Who made it?" Ling Yun picked up the little guy in his arms, with a look of curiosity on his face, and he guessed nine points in his heart.

"I have points!"

The little guy's words were obviously not made by her.

"Baby too!"

There is no doubt that she is the very playful Beibei!
This child has refined a breeding pill with zero impurities, with a strong fragrance of the pill, and an intoxicating pill. No wonder the sky is jealous and wants to send down the pill!
Heavenly Tribulation didn't dare to split, and pretended to split the pillar with momentum...

"Handsome Shushu, praise me quickly, I want a lot of Wangzi."

Beibei is holding the elixir, protecting it carefully!

That cute and dumb look really made Ling Yun and Long Yanran dumbfounded.

"Bei Bei is really amazing, don't be proud, so Wang Zai is gone."



Although the little guy didn't get Wangzai, he could always remain excited. Ling Yun helped her keep this elixir, which was a testimony of their growth, and it shouldn't be eaten by pets casually.

And little Irene licked her mouth. She seldom eats soul crystals recently, but has changed her taste. Just now Beibei refined the low-level breeding pills. She secretly tasted one. It was amazing and very sweet. Candy is eaten.

If others know that she is so wasteful, she will have to bleed a little bit.

"Practice more if you have nothing to do recently. In a few days it will be the elixir conference. I have time to show you. Yanran will work hard. There will be a lot of rewards for the top three in the conference."


"You can play again."


The three little guys started to get excited again, sweating profusely.

Long Yanran's eyes lit up, and she asked curiously, "Can I participate too?"

"Of course, this emperor has the right to recommend quotas, and the Pill God Sect will give face."

"Then I want to participate, I think I can do it, after all you are my master." Long Yanran narrowed her eyes and smiled!
"Wow! Auntie is so shy!" Beibei clapped her hands.


"Bebe's itching?" Long Yanran rolled her eyes.

The elixir conference that Ling Yun mentioned was only organized by the Alchemy God Sect, and it was very different from the Alchemy Masters Guild. The former was for attracting talents, while the latter was for collecting money.

When he was dealing with the memorial, he took a fancy to the top three rewards of the Dan Shenzong, No.1, that was a strange fire.

It is said that it is the pill fire left by a great power of the Pill God Sect. It is very domineering and red all over.

(End of this chapter)

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