Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1098 Purification

Chapter 1098 Purification (first update)
If he can refine the soul pill by himself, he needs to find Ling Yun.

"You are too useless."

"The Emperor taught me that."

Pill King humbly bowed his head and bowed his head. Every time he asked Ling Yun about pills, he would always be scolded.

Pill King said again: "I'm afraid I won't be able to refine it, the soul-fixing pill is too demanding."

"With my emperor here, what are you afraid of?" Ling Yun replied speechlessly.

Pill King was stunned for a moment, he dared to tell himself that the Lord Taishen wanted to point him out again, and the opportunity came again, haha!
Ling Yun said in a deep voice: "Sissy and Irene stand up, the study time is over."


The little guy immediately stood upright, and little Irene also followed suit, but looking around, it didn't seem to arouse much interest.

"The main medicinal material of Dinghun Dan is half a section of licorice, three leaves of silver soul, and three plants of ground grass..."

Ling Yun brought all the medicinal ingredients of the soul-fixing pill, that is, the pill formula. He originally ordered the alchemy boy to get the medicinal ingredients, but the alchemy king rushed to do it.

Pill King secretly speculated that the pill formula was different, the one in his hand was far from what Ling Yun said, but he suppressed the doubts in his mind, and said first after grasping the ingredients.

The alchemy boy despised repeatedly, but at the same time admired Ling Yun a lot, the alchemy formula, he said it in front of them.

"Do you remember?" Ling Yun patted their heads and asked, he wanted to teach the traditional method of alchemy himself, and took this opportunity to teach by example.

The little guy shook his head. She didn't remember it at all, so she would remember it, while little Irene said the previous one, and then shook her head for a while.

It doesn't matter if you can't remember, Ling Yun didn't force it, when Pill King came back, the latter was as happy as a child.

"My lord, the old man brought them all."

"Why are there so many? Just make one copy."

One serving of medicinal materials, if refined in Ling Yun's hands, can produce five or six pills, with a 100% success rate, and the others are redundant.

Even if the alchemy king refines it later, under his guidance, the rate of alchemy will be high, so one serving of medicinal materials is more than enough.

The Pill King smiled wryly, and explained: "Even if I am under your guidance, I am still not sure about refining the Soul Pill as a junior alchemist of the royal rank, so prepare an extra copy."

Ling Yun snorted, did not speak, went straight to the alchemy furnace, scanned it once and said: "Let's start, you practice step by step, just do as the emperor said."

Long Yanran is so smart, she turned on her phone and started recording a video.

The most important thing in refining elixir is to balance the medicinal power and control the heat, to fuse the properties of various medicinal materials together with soul power, and then slowly adjust the heat, the most difficult of which is the latter to mediate the heat.

"Put the herbs first, then the grass."

Pill King dispersed his soul power, and immediately sorted a batch of medicinal materials into categories, put them into various containers according to Ling Yun's requirements, and began to purify them.

Time passed little by little, and Ling Yun didn't know how many "real dishes" he said.

Pill King survived step by step.

During the whole refining process, he was completely dizzy. At the beginning, he was still memorizing the steps and techniques step by step. At the end, he followed the instructions completely mechanically, and he was so tired that he almost collapsed.

"Okay, take the pill!"

With Ling Yun's order, the Alchemy King could no longer hold on, as if he was amnesty, he had some doubts in his heart, is this all right?I don't know much about it.

However, he still hastily used his soul power, and his true energy shot out from his hand, and the two soul-fixing pills were lying in the alchemy furnace.

"It's done? Hahaha, it's still two!"

The grievance on the face of being told the real dish when refining just now was wiped away, wishing to hear Ling Yun talking about his dish every day, as long as he can give him instructions on refining.

At the same time, he no longer doubted the pill formula, this is the soul-fixing pill, he had seen it in the book, so why was his pill formula so different from Ling Yun's.

The little guy widened his eyes, is this method okay?She felt that alchemy in the void was still awesome and cool in the past.

Ling Yun took two elixirs from his hand, glanced at them and frowned and said, "There are a lot of impurities, and you are too excited to refine such rubbish? And there are only three elixirs that pass, and you only have two. effort."

Word down!

He put the soul-fixing pill back into the alchemy furnace again, and bursts of fire shot out from his hand, rolling towards the soul-fixing pill.

"Is this? Purification? To remove excess impurities, isn't it only possible if the original medicinal materials are less refined?!"

The alchemy king's eyes widened, he was dumbfounded, his body trembled uncontrollably, he could still purify the alchemy, learned it!
Ling Yun didn't bother to explain this to him. After a few breaths, the alchemy king didn't come back to his senses. After the pill was purified, he shocked the alchemy king again!

Every time Ling Yun pointed him out, he was shocked, because every time Ling Yun refreshed his cognition.

Pill King kept his eyes wide open and didn't dare to blink even a blink. Ling Yun's purification also used a few handprints. He had never seen any of them, but every print gave him a feeling of familiarity, faintly seems to contain something.

He always feels that this kind of thing is very important, but he can't grasp it, and keeps scratching his forehead anxiously!

"I can watch it this time." Ling Yun picked up the elixir in his hand again, the perfect soul-fixing elixir, and he felt comfortable watching it.

The prodigal son Jian Wuying swallowed this soul-fixing pill, so that he could completely get rid of the sequelae.

Pill King muttered silently, recalling the purification method used by Ling Yun.

He tried hard to force these techniques into his mind, and accidentally glanced at the purified pill in Ling Yun's hands, his mind went blank, and he lost his voice: "Pure product pill! Perfect!!"

I really admire Ling Yun in my heart, as expected of an idol, I can still get pure pills with such an operation.

"What a fuss, you remember what the emperor taught you just now, it is not a problem to advance to the imperial rank intermediate alchemist, work hard and study more."

heard!Pill King couldn't help but believe it, and his whole body trembled with excitement, then he hurriedly took out a pen and paper, and wrote down his thoughts and doubts one after another.

Ling Yun flicked it lightly, and the soul-fixing pill slipped into the mouth of the prodigal son Jian Wuying on the bed, a burst of blue light melted in the mouth.

Pill King glanced at it in surprise, and was shocked again!

It melts in your mouth!

This is the biggest difference between the different Dan recipes. It must have been improved. What he has in his hand is an ancient recipe, which is too far behind. If he doesn’t adapt to the times and keeps conservative, he will end up dead.

And after the green glow disappeared, the prodigal son Jian Wuying immediately opened his sharp eyes, piercing with radiance, the moment the potency of the soul-fixing pill disappeared from his body in an instant, the two souls merged completely, and the sequelae disappeared.

A trace of golden lightning in his eyes floated in his eyes, and finally dispersed lightly, his eyes became clear and returned to normal state.

Only a few breaths?

As expected, it is the improved Dinghun Pill. According to the information that Dan Wang consulted before, after taking Dinghun Pill, it can achieve obvious effects in half an hour.

The emperor will always be your emperor, a transcendent and unsurpassable existence in the alchemy world. In the hearts of the alchemy kings, the alchemy skills of the Supreme God Jun Lingyun are unique.

(End of this chapter)

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