Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1104

Chapter 1104 Planning (Part [-])

tear... tear...

In the fluctuations of the void, a huge hand stretched out, wrapping the entire world, and it must have a radius of a hundred miles.

The palm of that hand cracked a little, and a scarlet light radiated from it, so terrifying.

Before Ling Yun had time to savor the feeling brought to him by the form of the second god, the giant hand in front of him made him frown!
"A young one died, and an old one was killed? A good-looking one came?" Ling Yun sneered and muttered to himself, with a strange look in his eyes.

That hand locked onto Ling Yun in an instant, and a terrifying claw was about to come!
Ling Yun is too lazy to start the form again, he is a little tired, so he uses the power of the Supreme God at this moment, pulls out the demon sword, and passes the waning moon with one move!
When the two collided, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and a scar appeared on the palm of his hand, but it was not cut through. Ling Yun frowned again, quite surprised.

He paused. An old servant is so strong, so the master must not be a vegetarian, so it is only natural that one hand can be so perverted.

The giant hand didn't stop, and hooked the claw straight down, seemingly without any destructive power, but Ling Yun knew very well that this claw was a god-level martial skill, and he dodged it instantly!

The claw smashed the ground, and the terracotta collapsed again, destroying thousands of miles. Ling Yun sneered, this martial skill is really good!
"The emperor asked you to show off?" Ling Yun Yaojian waved and muttered to himself: "Ba Dao!!"

He used the dark power of Hades, using the sword as a knife.

A stream of bloody light surged out from this demon sword, and an extremely terrifying and violent aura permeated the air, just like a magic knife in the world. The demon sword is no longer glittering with golden light, but exudes dark energy .

Boom boom boom! !

After three consecutive roars, the demon sword was immediately covered with light of thunder and lightning.

Afterwards, a terrifying power burst out from the demon sword, and its power suddenly increased dozens of times.

The endless and terrifying vicious and violent aura is continuously released from the demon sword, covering the world, shocking people, like the birth of a monster.

After the Overlord Sword! !
In an instant!
A hundred-foot-long blade glow spanned the void, tearing the void apart, and the endless power of the blade glow erupted, causing a series of roaring sounds from the entire world.

The giant hand of the Swallowing Devil Emperor received a sudden blow, and became a god of sword skills. The giant hand could not hold it for ten seconds, and was instantly knocked back!

Void fluctuations no longer exist, everything is quiet!

Ling Yun took a deep breath, tired! !
Demon God Sea!
On a certain island, Zhang's Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor took three steps back, looked at the wound on his palm, dripping with blood, and smiled bitterly.


The two old men in black and white froze in place with stunned expressions, what's going on?
At this moment, a little blood spilled from the corner of the Demon Emperor's mouth. His power spanned too far and couldn't stop Ling Yun. The blood was not obvious, but they were sensitive enough to notice it.

Who is the opponent?They were all sweating coldly, the unknown always made people feel scared.

If it weren't for the power of Ling Yun's overbearing sword not affecting the Demon God Sea so far away, the Heaven Swallowing Demon Emperor wouldn't be bleeding so much at this moment, and he wouldn't be able to stand up without swallowing a few pills.

Part of it was destroyed by the turbulent flow of the void!

The Heaven Swallowing Devil Emperor refuses to accept, is it true that his son died in vain?He doesn't believe that the murderer on the other side still has strength? ?

"Master, we will help you together!!"

The old man in black robe and the old man in white robe said together, their eyes were very firm!
The void trembled again, and the fluctuations rose again!

Ling Yun sneered, something that doesn't know how to live or die is shameless, right? !
What came out this time was not a hand, but countless sword qi!

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched!
Depend on!
He was too lazy to deal with it, the sky was full of sword energy, just like he didn't want money, every sword energy carried sword intent, destroying the world.

Ling Yun shook his head, dodged a few times, let's play again next time when he has time, he knew very well that the other party would consume a lot of power to break through the void twice, that's enough!

He quietly retreated to the high altitude, letting the sword energy fly for a while, then Ling Yun slapped his big hand, the space began to compress, and finally pressed straight into the void where the sword energy flowed out!

Those sword qis were all suppressed into the turbulent flow of the void. I don't know if the Demon Emperor Swallowing Heaven would vomit blood in anger, and he didn't even know that Ling Yun was in a strange place.


The Tuntian Demon Emperor from a small island in the Demon God Sea had a very ugly face, stomping his feet on the ground fiercely, he was so angry that he really wanted to vomit blood, more and more blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, he was so angry!

"I don't want him to be peaceful, let General Luo go to avenge my son!!"

The white-robed old man was also angry. He didn't expect such a result. He worried: "Master, you broke the void twice. It is not recommended to make a decision now."

"That's right, we can't get out of the Demon God Sea, let him go first!" said the black-robed old man.

"Impossible, it took me 8000 years of cultivation, such a high price, even if I don't take revenge for my son, I can't let him go, if I can't beat him, I will mess with his mind and kill his family!"

"It makes sense. If he is a member of the family, destroy his family. If he is a party, destroy it. If he is a widow, then hunt him down and let him never be peaceful." The white-robed old man immediately agreed. The eyes are evil again and again.

The old man in black robe worried: "But, how to get out?"

"Huh?" Demon Emperor Swallowing Heaven frowned, yes, how to send troops out?

Sending Ying Lao and his son out before cost him 1000 million years of cultivation, the price is too high, not worth it!

"The old man heard that recently someone from Demon God Sea can use other methods to get out." The old man in white robe said with a slight smile.


The old man in black robe immediately widened his eyes with a surprised expression.


The Heaven Swallowing Demon Emperor had doubts in his mind, this was the first time he had heard that there were other ways to get out of the Demon God Sea after so many years.

He dare not!

He is a sealed god. He has the imprint of the twelve domains of heaven in his body. He is not allowed to exist. Once he goes out, he will be chased by thunder. If he can't be killed, it is boring to keep chasing him.

The Devil God Sea is his home, and the Twelve Realms are similar to this place, so why should he go out, and told him that the outside is just a bigger cage than here.

"It's just what I heard, the old man will inquire carefully." The old man in white robe replied thoughtfully.

Swallowing Demon Emperor's lips curled up into a smile, and he followed the advice of the old man in white robe. If he couldn't do it, he would have to expend his cultivation to send General Luo out.

Those who have reached his level are fighting for their cultivation bases. The more cultivation bases they have, the stronger their combat effectiveness and physical strength. Fighting at the same level means a protracted battle and more cultivation bases!
The duel between them usually starts with a small enchantment of time, which takes tens of thousands of years to fight inside and only a few days outside. There is no spiritual energy inside, and they cannot cultivate, so they are limited to duels.

The old man in black robe paused for a moment, and then said: "Bai Xuan, you are not talking about them, are you?"

"They? People who fled from the Twelve Realms? They can indeed go out without restriction, but we don't have these people in our hands." The old man in white robe replied with a wry smile, his face full of bitterness.

In the entire Devil God Sea, they were not doing well. They didn't receive any of the people from the Twelve Domains. Of course, many of them died, and many of them took refuge in other forces, and some were on the periphery, not going deep!

(End of this chapter)

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