Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1106 College Training

Chapter 1106 College Training (Second Change)

She replied in a childish voice, this is not Wang Zai!
Ling Yun: "..."

He remembered not giving them Wangzi, did he?Then I checked and found that there was no shortage of Wang Zai, so the possibility of stealing was ruled out.

"Isn't this Wangzai? What is it?" Ling Yun asked with a dark face.

"This is Wang Zai's younger brother, another Wang Zai!" The little guy replied in a childish voice.

Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Where did it come from?"

"I didn't take it, it was given to me by Ma Ma." The little guy said truthfully, this is what An Qing gave to them when she tricked them before she went to Yaozu, and now she just remembers to take it out and drink it.

"Well, well, Aunt An is fine, she is Beibei's other mother." Beibei nodded childishly.

Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry!

After they finish eating, Ling Yun will take them back to Moon Cultivation Academy!
At the place just now, there were few other people staying, the registration ended early, and Qin Xianglian didn't know where to go.

Little Eileen laughed, this child didn't know that she missed Wang Zai.

After waiting for a few minutes, Qin Xianglian came back with three children, basically five or six years old.

"Okay, okay, we can go back."

Qin Xianglian was very happy in her heart. In her eyes, children were treated equally without distinction of talent, but at this moment she was going to recruit the useless in the eyes of others. Maybe they would be able to counterattack one day.

"Can we really go in?" the little boy asked submissively, his eyes beating with a determined look.

Qin Xianglian: "Yes, what's your name?"


"Good name, I will be your mentor from now on."


He is the little boy who talked to Instructor Gao just now, with a dirty face.

He saw the three little guys, his face blushed slightly, and he lowered his head.

"What about you?" Qin Xianglian started to ask the next boy, who had dark skin and an ordinary appearance.


The boy answered with trembling hands and feet, he hardly dared to raise his head, Ling Yun's aura was too great.

The last one was a little girl in shabby clothes. Qin Xianglian looked at it with distress: "What about you?"

"Little thistle!"

"Well, it's all good. No one will bully you in the future. If there is anyone? Just tell me and I will help you decide." Qin Xianglian said happily.

The eyes of the three children danced with excitement, just like a child who got a favorite toy.

The eyes of Beibei and the little guy rolled at the same time!

The two of them asked Ling Yun to accept more children. The latter blinked and opened a kindergarten class?also!
Getting Ling Yun's nod, the little guy was very happy, jumping up and down all the time.

Empress Linglong said yes, but there may be no one to guide the manpower, and the little baby is too difficult to discipline. Qin Xianglian said that she has a suitable candidate, and that is Long Xingtian.

Ling Yun is tired, so let's stay at Yuexia Cultivation Academy tonight, anyway, there are plenty of rooms,
Qin Xianglian still has to make arrangements for three children. Anyway, she is busy with some of them. The eyes of these children are red, as if they are dreaming.


The three of them knelt down in a tacit understanding and thanked Qin Xianglian, who smiled happily.

The next morning!
In addition to teaching the little ones, Ling Yun also helped An Qing deal with a lot of things. The principal is also busy, so why is An Qing not here?

Qin Xianglian basically took care of her three students personally, and Long Xingtian also agreed that he would also feel happy while learning knowledge and teaching the newly recruited elementary school students at Yuexia Cultivation Academy.

When all the students in the hospital returned to school, they were shocked by the news. Many people did not want to open a class for primary school students. Although it was only one class and it was expected to enroll 60 students, they just didn't accept it!

Some students even demonstrated!
This was Ling Yun's decision, so after he said a word, no one dared to be presumptuous, he said, whoever has an opinion came to him and told him, in just a few words, no one dared to speak out again.

The class that left the students speechless the most was Qin Xianglian's class. It wasn't counted as a class, just three waste materials!

Of course, since Ling Yun spoke, they could only complain in their hearts, but they didn't dare to speak out.

After spending two days in Yuexia Cultivation Academy, the little ones were carefully taught by Ling Yun every day, and they became very polite and a little ladylike, cute and cute.

In the past two days, many monks in Putuo Temple were furious. They heard that Xuan Kong had already practiced penance with Monk Shura in Juowu Temple in God Realm, and left Putuo Temple.

The specific reason is unknown, Master Xuan Miao was furious and sent Master Xuan Zhen to go to the God Realm to find out!
And today is the day when Long Xingtian officially recruits elementary school students under the age of ten and above the age of five outside the gate. The news has already spread all over the God Realm, and it is overcrowded!

The little guy, Beibei and little Irene came here secretly, and sat on the bench next to Long Xingtian.

Many families with children were pleasantly surprised!
"It's them. Could it be that the Taishen Lord recruits such young people because he is afraid that they will be bored and accompany them to study?"

"Should be, son, you can be more confident. If you pass the test, you will be able to practice and study with the little princess." Someone touched the boy beside him and said.

"This is a good opportunity to soar into the sky. The Supreme God will definitely not order you to enlighten me. Being able to practice with the little princesses is the source of blessings from three lives."

The content of the assessment is the illusion set up by Ling Yun. Only when the green light of the gatepost above the illusion is on, it means that he has been admitted.

At this time, an old man was waiting beside him anxiously. After hearing these words, he was very excited.

As soon as the illusion opened, the mist rose in bursts, and the first seven-year-old boy came out heartbroken

The old man sighed suddenly, with a trace of kindness on his face, he said, "Let's go, we have no destiny."

"Grandpa, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Han'er tried his best. Grandpa knows that even if you don't enter Yuexia Cultivation Academy, grandpa can teach you better. We will come to assess you as an adult after eight years."

Seeing the little boy's face about to cry, the old man comforted him repeatedly.

The tense nerves of the people just eased, and they breathed a sigh of relief. There are still places. For them, one less place and one more opportunity. If they fail the assessment, they may be able to buy something!
Ling Yun is here, who do they want to bribe?Think too much.

"Amitabha, may I be late?"

There was an old voice full of Buddha's voice. Everyone turned around and found that it was an old monk who was blind.

The elders of many families have recognized that the old monk is the recently rumored master Xuankong. Even though the latter is no longer a monk in Putuo Temple, some people still respect him.

"What is the master talking about? This is the Cultivation Academy under the Moon." Someone said, muttering to himself, Master Xuankong is blind, he must have gone wrong!

But he paused, guessing, and also came to participate in the assessment?

Shouldn't we meditate and chant scriptures in temples?

Or!Master Xuankong is looking for trouble, making trouble?

(End of this chapter)

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