Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1109 Xuanzhen Arrives

Chapter 1109 The Arrival of Xuanzhen (Second Change)

The five evil spirits of Scorpio immediately rolled their eyes!

Coward a donkey!
"Benefactor, it's wrong to swear. Your parents didn't teach you to be polite. If you keep swearing, the old monk will continue talking. You are really wrong, be obedient!"

Master Xuankong clasped his hands together and said calmly.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, when did he become so verbose!

"I wipe!"


"Fuck me!"

"What the heck."

"You deadbeat monk!"

The five evil spirits of Scorpio were suddenly furious, and the evil spirit alone was affecting the surroundings!

Everyone's complexion changed at the same time, and some of them were pale, unable to bear such a strong evil spirit.

Ling Yun frowned and said, "Bei Bei, take out the bead of evil energy and absorb the evil energy."

Beibei blinked her eyes, then began to dig out her pocket, and took out a bead of evil spirit.


All the evil spirit released from the body of the five evil spirits of Scorpio poured into the evil spirit bead.

The little guy thought it was fun, so he ran to Beibei's side again, staring straight at the bead of evil spirit in Beibei's hand!

Beibei laughed, and she gave the evil energy beads to the little guy, just when the little guy thought that Beibei was the best, the latter took out two more!

Fortunately, Beibei threw one to little Irene in the distance, and the latter was just playing!

If the little guy knows that there are two more in Beibei's hand, I don't know if he will pout!
The five evil spirits of Scorpio were shocked at first, and then looked at the evil spirit beads of the little guys with burning eyes!

"It's ours!"

As long as they get one baleful energy bead, their cultivation will definitely go up to a higher level, not to mention there are three here, it's incredible!

Bei Shenzun was the first to stop Scorpio, and the second Scorpio came to snatch it again!

Long Xingtian and the three evil spirits of Scorpio fought together, and there was a trace of panic on his face!

The other three were going to bypass Master Xuankong and snatch the evil spirit beads.

At the critical moment, Empress Linglong wearing a magic armor suddenly knocked them back with a kick. Empress Linglong, whose strength had improved to a higher level, was not afraid of any of them.

"You guys are too courageous. How dare you come to Yuexia Cultivation Academy? Don't you know I'm here?" Empress Linglong shocked everyone when she appeared.
The five evil spirits of Scorpio gritted their teeth in hatred, and they almost succeeded, so they could only stare angrily at Empress Linglong.

"Sister Fairy is amazing." The little guy shouted bouncingly.

"Fight separately." Scorpio Dasha suggested.

The five of them still don't give up on the evil spirit beads, a new round of battle is about to begin.

Bei Shenzun and the others will definitely not let them get what they want, and they are always ready to fight back.

But now!
Not far from the entrance of the college, a large and a small figure walked, and the terrifying golden light instantly made everyone present even paler.

Master Xuankong muttered to himself: "Brother Xuanzhen? No, former buddhist friend!"

"Wow, another grandpa monk, and a brother monk, haha."

Bei Bei's eyes lit up, and she saw the five-year-old little monk next to Master Xuanzhen. The latter was really cute, with a large string of Buddhist beads hanging around his neck.

"Aha, um, um." The little guy also had unblinking eyes, a little excited in her heart, it turned out that bald donkeys are not only old, so she was very curious.

"Amitabha, the five evil spirits of the Scorpio, are you still not stopping when you see this seat?" Master Xuanzhen said.

The five evil spirits of Scorpio yelled together: "Old man, is your Putuo Temple going to take care of our Scorpio Starfield? Come on, come on, who is our rich emperor afraid of?"

"I just came here for business, not to meddle in other people's business. You can call if you want, but wait for the old man to clarify the matter first." Master Xuanzhen came with the little novice in the blink of an eye.

The little novice is an orphan he took in when he visited a certain place in the Twelve Regions four years ago, and he is already his disciple.

Bei Shenzun frowned. He had heard that Putuo Temple had sent a master here, but he didn't expect it to be the famous Master Xuanzhen!
"Everything comes first, first come first, you go, what is Putuo Temple?" Scorpio Xiaosha stared at Master Xuanzhen coldly, with a look of disdain on his face.

"Hehe, I don't hinder you, you can continue if you have the ability." Master Xuanzhen walked towards Master Xuankong step by step!
The five evil spirits of Scorpio were startled, but did not make any further moves.

"Junior Brother Xuankong, Senior Brother Xuanmiao already knows about you, is it convenient for me to give you an explanation?" Master Xuanzhen bowed, and the Buddhist beads in his hand never stopped, looking solemnly at Master Xuankong in front of him.

Master Xuankong bowed slightly, and said to Amitabha: "I'm sorry buddhist friend, I have made it very clear to the outside world, I will leave Putuo Temple from now on, and all my actions will not be related to Putuo Temple's affairs from now on."

"Why? Junior brother, we have practiced together since we were young, we have recited scriptures together, and we have been friends for so many years. What is the reason?"

Master Xuanzhen had an incredulous look on his face. At first he simply thought that his junior brother had suffered from a demon and was under the control of others, but now it seems that he did it voluntarily.

There are so many doubts in his heart that he can't figure it out!
Master Xuankong smiled and said very Buddha-nature: "For my Buddha! There is a Buddha in my heart, it is the same everywhere, Buddhist friends don't need to ask more."

"I don't believe it, since what you said is the same everywhere, why did you leave Putuo Temple?"

"Putuo Temple doesn't have the Buddha in my heart. Buddhist friends, do you understand? There are Buddhas everywhere in the Twelve Realms, but there is no place to worship Buddha. There is no place to believe in Buddha." Master Xuankong said seriously.

"It's nonsense, go back with the old monk!" Master Xuanzhen frowned.

"Go back? Yes! But as long as the buddhist friends can show me the difference between good and evil, I can consider it." Master Xuankong smiled leisurely, even wearing sunglasses, he looked extraordinarily superior.

Master Xuanzhen laughed back angrily: "Haha, okay, okay, good disciple, let's wake up your uncle as a teacher."

Word down!

He looked at the five evil spirits of Scorpio, who felt uncomfortable all over!

"Truth mantra!"

With a flick of Master Xuanzhen's sleeve, the golden light flickered, and the terrifying fluctuations moved towards the five evil spirits of Scorpio like waves.



The five brothers of the five evil spirits of Scorpio all exert their strength together, one palm after another, one punch after another!
The five people were not opponents at all, but Master Xuanzhen couldn't hurt them at all.

"Try us? Fuck your mother's Buddhism!! Are you implying that we are evil?" Scorpio said angrily.

"Amitabha, if you insult Putuo Temple, it is evil." Master Xuanzhen said.

Everyone: "..."

Master Xuankong shook his head and laughed, such a Putuo Temple?He was really blind before.

Scorpio five evil spirits?They are neither evil nor righteous. If you say they are evil, they are evil, and if they are righteous, they are righteous. It depends on people's point of view!
(End of this chapter)

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