Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1112

Chapter 1112 Admission (Second Change)

Ling Yun patted the little guy's head, and said that there was nothing good here, and the latter pursed his mouth when he heard this.

She said in a childish voice, "There is nothing, what kind of city is it?"

Ling Yun: "..."

He and Long Yanran were speechless!

A burst of footsteps running fast in the distance blocked Ling Yun's and his party's eyes.

"Great Lord, take your life?"

Ling Yun frowned, who are the two trash in front of him?
"Are you killers? Want me to give you a ride? Yes!"

"Today I will avenge the thousands of brothers of the Demon Gu Sect!"

"Either you die or we die!!"

The two killers of the Demon Gu Sect pointed their swords at Ling Yun, and they didn't care about so many people around them.

They all have a plan, as long as the Supreme God Lord makes a move here, he will definitely anger the senior Dan Shenzong who is in charge of Pill City, and maybe the proud Supreme God Lord will provoke the Dan Shenzong again!

Ling Yun frowned, and said coldly: "What are you ants? It's not over yet!"

"Who are you talking about rubbish?" A certain demon Gu sect killer asked.

"Haha, Qianqian, you three are watching!" Ling Yun took a step forward.

Two fingers burst out!

call out!
Pointing to the ground sword, facing Tianfeng, fighting back, turning around, Ling Yun's figure passed by!
Looking back again, looking into the eyes again, they were already on the verge of death, the two assassins couldn't make a move, so they went to get the box lunch, the pain was still the same, but they sealed their throats with a sword, so they couldn't cry out.

Bei Bei was once again stunned by such a powerful swordsmanship, the little guy didn't show much except applauding.

Someone who was watching the show envied him for a moment: "The Lord Taishen is indeed unparalleled in swordsmanship, be quick and ruthless!"

A person next to him replied: "Heartbroken rivers and lakes, the sword comes out of my heart!"

"Sword Master Broken Heart? He can't do it! Yantian Sword Emperor may be qualified to compete in swordsmanship, who knows."

"Yantian Sword Emperor? It's just average. I've seen the heart-breaking sword of the sword master. The sword is him, and he is the sword!"

"Hahaha, where is Taishenjun's sword? Didn't you just look at it?"

"Look, Taishenjun's sword qi crosses the twelve domains, and it is too fast to avoid, but I still feel that the sword master is heartbreaking, and it is visible."

Apart from the dialogue between the two, many people were shocked by Ling Yun's sword just now.

It was a surprise to the killer of the Demon Gu Sect. After the Pill Shenzong knew about it, he didn't dare to say anything at all, and he was coerced.

The much-anticipated Alchemy Conference is finally about to begin.

A lot of people have already gathered here, rendering the lively noon extra lively.

As the crowd all sat down, after about 5 minutes, three figures appeared on the high platform, an old man was walking in front, and two middle-aged men were halfway behind the old man.

The old man glanced down, was satisfied to see that the venue was completely quiet, cleared his throat, and said: "The Pill Guild, the once-in-a-hundred-year Pill Conference, is starting again in this city full of history, the Pill Conference Everyone must understand the rules, and all pharmacists who have refined the third-grade elixir can participate."

In the Dandao Continent, the elixirs also have detailed divisions, and the grade of the entire elixir is uniformly identified by the function, color, and purity of the elixir.

It is divided into first-grade elixir to ninth-grade elixir, imperial-grade elixir, and supreme-level elixir. The latter only has the Lingyun Club in the twelve domains, so the Pill God Sect only talks about the imperial grade.

For example, the Yuanli Pill that the Alchemy Guild has been selling well is only a fourth-grade pill, but this time it is a third-grade pill and a high-level spirit-gathering pill, which is the most common.

"On this open-air high platform, all alchemists can innovate independently, and can also refine through the pill prescriptions provided by my Dan Shenzong. In the end, there will be a ranking of alchemists based on the grade of the pills. Of course, this ranking is in the whole world. Those above Alchemy Continent, the top three will be rewarded, and your performance will have the opportunity to be recognized by us during this period."

After the old man's words were put down, there were not many sighs from the audience. Most of the people came to participate in this pill conference precisely because of this ranking, and those who ranked would have a greater chance of entering the Divine Pill Sect.

"Not much to say, a total of 150 alchemists have signed up for this elixir conference, and now invite these 150 alchemists to take their seats on stage."

The old man glanced at the audience, although there were countless power leaders and family leaders in the audience, the old man's arrogance did not change at all.

Ling Yun frowned slightly, why did only 150 sign up?
so little?
Long Yanran was also in doubt.

"These 150 people have all been screened."

The middle-aged man in Dan Shenzong's costume saw Ling Yun's doubts, his voice was low and elegant, and his black eyes looked at Ling Yun with a smile.

As Ling Yun is the Supreme God, the Dan Shenzong must give him a good seat to sit, and the treatment is particularly high.

Yanran, you guys go.

Let your radiance shine brightly!
That is your stage.

Ling Yun's spiritual sense notified Long Yanran that she was ready to go on stage, but the little guys on the other side pouted, because Ling Yun said that if they participate, they will pretend to be adults together.

That is to say, little Irene carried the little guy at the bottom, and the little guy carried Beibei on her back, and Beibei made alchemy on the top, stacking her body high, and her body must be covered with a long, airtight robe.

After Ling Yun helped them dress up...

The little ones seem to be having fun.

"Old Sun! You've come to see alchemy too! This place is not bad!" A man spotted his acquaintance with sharp eyes, and tried his best to rub against the crowd, and finally came to Lao Sun's side. Open a mouthful of big yellow teeth, giggle and make friends.

Old Sun patted his chest proudly and said: "That's right, I was here when there were few people. Otherwise, there would be such a good place now. I was born here just to see Shaobai."

"Shaobaisheng?" The man obviously had never heard of this name, and he looked at the old grandson with a puzzled head.

"What? You don't even know about Shaobaisheng! Let me tell you, this Shaobaisheng is the No. 1 among the young generation in the alchemy world."

"It is said that he is gentle and refined, looks like a god, no matter who he is, he smiles gently. His smile has fascinated countless men, women and children."

"His alchemy level is even more superb. It is said that he can raise the flesh and bones of the dead! That's amazing."

Seeing that the man didn't know, the old grandson continued to carry out popular science education for the man.

The corner of the man's mouth twitched, the No. 1 freshman in the alchemy world, who knew it was Shaobaisheng, they all called the latter Jade Face Scholar.

What Lao Sun said was spitting, but it also attracted the interest of the people nearby, and they slowly gathered towards him, listening to his flattery about Shao Baisheng with great interest.

Long Yanran, who brought the little ones into the arena, was on the high platform, and she was also attracted by Lao Sun's words, "Shao Baisheng, she has checked the information, he is a strong opponent."

The alchemy king often talked about him in her ears. At the age of 15, he surpassed his master in alchemy. He was invited to compete with other alchemists who had been famous for a long time. Since then, the name Shaobaisheng has been famous. Through the mainland.

(End of this chapter)

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