Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1151 Whereabouts of floating dust beads?

Chapter 1151 Whereabouts of floating dust beads? (Second more)

Zhao family!

Ling Yun appeared directly in Long Jiani's yard, and the latter's face was blushing.

"Miss Third?"

A certain maid's eyes widened. How could her third lady be here and bring back a man!
The man is handsome, but he seems familiar.

Now the biggest sensation of Bi Shuixing is the battle of the United Army besieging the God Realm, so many people died, and it was the legendary Pluto.

What shocked them the most was Ling Yun's dual identities, being both God Lord and Pluto King, which really made people shudder.

"It's none of your business, go out, don't talk nonsense." Long Jiani rolled her eyes at the maid, and the latter retreated wisely.

Seeing that Ling Yun hadn't left, Long Jiani was full of doubts in her heart, but she didn't dare to ask more questions.

"Little girl, call your brother out." Ling Yun finally spoke, which relieved Long Jiani, who blushed again, probably thinking of something.

"My brother is in retreat."

Long Jiani blinked her eyes and asked.

"Go, you can come out of retreat." Ling Yun stood with his hands behind his back, his tone was very firm, this time he must see Xin Zhao.

"Then... okay." Long Jiani still listened to Ling Yun's words, and walked out quickly.

Ling Yun waited in the courtyard for about 5 minutes, the air fluctuated, and Xin Zhao arrived panting.

"Hoo hoo...Brother Yun, you are in such a hurry, what do you want from me?"

"Huh?" Ling Yun's head was full of black lines, he was not in a hurry, was he?He was very innocent for spreading the word.

Ling Yun asked: "Take a break, I have something to ask you, I don't know, I can't sleep."

Xin Zhao didn't know what happened in the God Realm, nor did he know about Ling Yun and An Qing's wedding.

"I'm really thirsty." Xin Zhao laughed, took out a pot of water and poured it into his mouth.

In a moment!
Ling Yun asked: "Xiao Xinzi, I am going to slaughter Putuo Temple."

"Ahem...ahem...what? Brother Yun, are you crazy?" Xin Zhao was stunned, as if he was dreaming.

Without waiting for Ling Yun to answer, Xin Zhao quickly asked, "Why?"

"Putuo Temple is annoying." Ling Yun's murderous intent was determined, his eyes flickering fiercely.

"It's really annoying," Xin Zhao replied with a sigh.

"I just want to ask, is there any secret in Putuo Temple?"


"Think about it again." Ling Yun asked again.

"Well...not now, but they have been looking for floating dust beads."

"Floating dust bead?" Ling Yun was slightly startled.

"Yes, before the restart era, Putuo Temple had floating dust beads, Brother Yun, why didn't you know?" Xin Zhao asked curiously.

Ling Yun shook his head, he had no memory of the top ten ancient artifacts, he would only remember them if he had seen them.

According to what Xin Zhao said, before the restart era, in a certain year in the Dark Era, the Putuo Temple was looking for the ancient artifact, the Floating Dust Bead. After they found it, there was a big war, and the Putuo Temple was wiped out for some reason.

Not surprisingly, it developed like this, but now that the Little Putuo Temple has been wiped out by Ling Yun, it is still uncertain whether the Fuchen Bead will be found, but the latter must know the clue.

Zhao Dao said, "The top ten artifacts of ancient times, aren't they what Qianqian wants? Brother Yun should let Putuo Temple go for a while, or you can pretend to be another identity to deceive their bald donkeys. Let's talk about it after finding the Fuchen Bead."

"This...!" Ling Yun hesitated for a long time before nodding, Putuo Temple can not be destroyed for now, let them chatter for a while.

at the same time!

Ling Yun has some arrangements in mind, he has already helped the little guy get three of the top ten ancient artifacts, and he wants the little guy to find the rest by himself, so she thinks it makes sense.

Xin Zhao thought for a while and then said: "Brother Yun, if you want Fuchenzhu, you must pay attention to Master Xuanji of Putuo Temple. He is very cruel and merciless, and Fuchenzhu disappeared with him in the end."

"It's him!!"

Ling Yun stroked his chin and remembered that Master Xuanji was the old monk who released the evil Buddha at the death spot. He really hated this dead monk.

"You can use him." Xin Zhao smiled.

Ling Yun nodded and said: "If there is a chance, you can use the holy hall to help me inquire about other artifacts."

"Don't worry, Brother Yun, if you don't tell me, I will inquire for you."

"Okay, I'm leaving, come and visit me when you have time."

After finishing speaking, Ling Yun turned around and walked into the black hole, disappearing into the yard.

Long Jiani stood at the gate of the yard watching, and finally lowered her head.

Xin Zhao shrugged, he was sure that something happened that he didn't know about, otherwise Ling Yun wouldn't say that Putuo Temple was destroyed.

When he asked Long Jiani, he was taken aback, and finally smiled wryly. Is the Alliance of Gods a fool? Pluto dares to kill him!

Since the Putuo Temple can't be destroyed, Ling Yun still has anger in his heart, so he can only kill the Tianping star field where Mo Liancheng is located first, and kill all his family. He has never been a virgin.

Libra star field!

In the distant sea of ​​stars, you can see the figure of Queen Yaoyue playing the piano, and Qixian is still fighting.

They are fighting against the Mo family who will never surrender. The entire battlefield is full of formations. Except for Mo Liancheng who is proficient in formations, the Mo family has no shortage of formations.

The battle has been going on for several hours, and Queen Yaoyue still cannot attack without Molian City.

The Mo family is already helping Di Ya, but the latter has not responded to them for a long time, and no one came to help.

Each of them was very annoyed. These people fell into the stone, and the sky is going to kill them in the Libra star field?Mohist disaster.

A seven string is enough for them to suffer, and they dare not get out of the formation at all.

As soon as the Lingyun black hole appeared, many people were scared to death. The King of Hades is here!
"Flee, don't worry about Tianping, it will be lost, Pluto will not let us go, only one can escape." A certain Mo elder roared, his voice full of despair.

Queen Yaoyue's eyes widened, isn't tonight the wedding night of Taishenjun?Why did he come here, his mind is full of questions.

Qixian looked at the black hole and smiled wryly: "He must have killed enough."

Qixian still understands what he said!
After confirming that it was Ling Yun who came out, Queen Yaoyue asked, "Dijun, what are you doing?"

Looking at the fleeing people around, Ling Yun smiled!

Just when everyone was terrified, Ling Yun flicked his fingers, and a wisp of electric snake shot out, swimming towards the sea of ​​stars.

blah blah blah...

During the flickering of the electric light, a hot temperature burst out, burning the golden light above the formation.


The formation was the first to break, and a large number of these scumbags died.

"Pluto, it's none of our business, there's no need to make things difficult for us ants." Someone shouted unwillingly.

"Hahaha, die!"

Ling Yun's fingertips were surrounded by lightning, and he tapped out towards them, leaving a lightning mark there.

With a bang!
Another big dead!

Xinghai's blood flowed into rivers, and Queen Yaoyue broke out in a cold sweat. This is a massacre. Isn't the old Pluto no longer silent?

(End of this chapter)

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