Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1160 Red Stone

Chapter 1160 Red Stone ([-]rd update)
When everyone went out to look, they couldn't see anyone else there!

Ling Yun has black lines all over his head!

He knew what happened just now!
After Beibei went out, she shook her head when she saw An Shize's so-called sword-drawing technique!
An Shize said contemptuously: "Beibei, you just envy me for having an awesome brother-in-law, you don't understand!"


Beibei grumbled, shrugged, and then the green grass under her feet flew up, forming a sword, and then performed Liufeng Thirteen Swords!

An Shize was startled, his face turned pale, this is not true!
Beibei will be so powerful swordsmanship?

What the hell!

What a shock!
He repeatedly confirmed that this was not a dream, Nima!It's too shocking. Thinking back to what I said just now, it's a slap in the face!
Beibei tapped the lawn with her toes, looked up at the sky at 45 degrees, with an invincible and lonely look.

An Shize shouted: "Master, accept me, Master."

"Think about it."

Beibei's eyes rolled round, and when she heard movement in the living room, she immediately stepped on the Thunder Gate, and took the shocked An Shize to Jinling Long's house!
Ling Yun shook her head and smiled wryly, she missed Long Shi and the others, and wanted to meet them, since she knew where she had gone, let her go!

Beibei is quite smart, knowing that An Shize will be taken away, and it will be said that An Shize did it. She probably planned it early in the morning, no wonder her eyes are round.

"Ahem... I guess I'm going to play." Ling Yun said.

An Qing instantly understood: "Beibei loves to play, so leave them alone."

Mr. An yelled into the air: "Shize, don't take her to dangerous places."

Ling Yun: "..."

An Qing: "..."

The little guy curled his lips and muttered softly: "My sister is not here."


It was said so quietly that none of them heard it.

A group of people returned to the living room!
At this time, a woman who looked like a nanny came in and looked at Mr. An on the sofa: "Mr. Hong, there is a Mr. Hong Wenlong asking to see you outside."

"Hong Wenlong? What is he doing here at this time?" Mr. An murmured with his beard.

"Let him in."

Mr. An frowned slightly, and soon Hong Wenlong walked in wearing a neat suit and holding a wooden box, with a bright smile on his lips.

"Grandpa An, An Qing is here too." Hong Wenlong walked in and saw that everyone was very polite, but only looked at Ling Yun with a hostile expression.

"Wenlong is here, sit down quickly." Mr. An smiled.

"What are you doing here?"

An Qing looked at Hong Wenlong with some displeasure.

Unfortunately, An Xiaoxiao is back now and is no longer working in Jiangbei. The reason is that there is no Ming****** Long seeing An Xiaoxiao, his eyes suddenly lit up!

He just likes An Xiaoxiao, he has investigated everything about An Qing, and he is afraid that the Ling Yun sisters will take everything, so he will feel hostile.

None of this can hide from Ling Yun!
A pleasant bell rang!

At this moment, Hong Wenlong's cell phone rang suddenly, and when he answered it, his expression changed a few times.

After hanging up the phone, Hong Wenlong handed over the phone, and there was a photo on the screen, in which was a blood-red stone, the size of an adult's fist, which looked really novel.

When Ling Yun's spiritual sense swept across the stone, his pupils wrinkled slightly, his eyes flickered, and finally a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Honey, what are you thinking?" An Qing's voice couldn't help but rang out.


Ling Yun shrugged!

The little guy climbed onto the sofa, very curious, and then said in a childish voice, "Phew... so it's you!"

She recognized it, although the color had changed, but it was a spirit stone, so Ling Yun smiled like this.

Mr. An shook his head, he didn't take the little guy's words at ease, and An Qing didn't have any interest in reading it, so she didn't know either.

10 minutes later!

The bodyguard brought a person outside, and it turned out to be Hong Wenlong's friend, Zhang Yiyang!
After Zhang Yiyang said hello, he immediately took out the red stone from the box!

The whole body of this stone is oval, exuding a blood-colored light, and it looks very strange.

Looking intently, the little guy immediately laughed: "I knew it, I have it too!"

An Qing quickly hugged her, not letting her take out her pocket, and whispered a few words to her.

(End of this chapter)

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