Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1169 The Inner Ghost

Chapter 1169 Inner Ghost (Fourth Change)

Ling Yun walked up to Ling Wensong and motioned for the latter to sit down!
Ling Wensong burst into tears!
"Grandpa, long time no see!"

This call is not awkward, but very smooth!
Faced with Ling Yun's consistent smile, Ling Wensong felt very uncomfortable, and was always ashamed of his eldest grandson!
"Xiao Yun'er, I...I..." Ling Wensong choked up, tears streaming down his face!
Ling Yun shook his head and said: "The past is like smoke, let the past go, why should grandpa care about it, why should he feel guilty about those things!"

"It's easier said than done, you are not me, how did you ever know how the old man has lived these years, and regret it every day."

"Grandpa, that was before, and I am living a good life now, so you don't have to feel guilty. In fact, I also look away!"

"Little Yun'er, thank you!"

"We are a family, a family connected by flesh and blood!"

"Hahaha, yes!" Ling Wensong laughed loudly, his mood had never been so relaxed at this moment!
The strength has been staying at the early stage of Tianren, and that is because he can't let go of the past. At this moment, Ling Wensong's cultivation base has loosened a bit.

"Grandpa is in poor health recently?"

"Old problem, don't mention it, I can see that you have no problem, hahaha!" Ling Wensong's condition is very serious, but he doesn't want his family to worry, let alone Ling Yun at this moment!

But Ling Yun could see all of this, so he obeyed Ling Wensong and pretended not to know.


"Little Yun'er, it's getting late, let's go out together, they must be waiting for us to have dinner!" Ling Wensong stood up!
Ling Yun shook his head and said, "Grandpa, before eating, I want to deal with one thing. I wonder if Grandpa agrees?"

"Oh... what is so important that you need to deal with it before dinner?"

"Very important!"

"Okay, Xiao Yun'er, but it's okay to say!"

Vaguely, Ling Wensong had guessed something!
"Grandpa, you also know that there are spies in our Ling residence!"

"I know, for so many years, the old man has been investigating secretly, but the spies are too cunning, leaving no clues, very covert." Ling Wensong said truthfully.

"Grandpa, it's just a spy. Look, this is it. I'll help you find it!"

Looking at Ling Yun who is so confident, Ling Wensong's face was filled with disbelief!

"Xiao Yun'er is sure?"

Ling Wensong was still a little worried. He spent more than ten years without any clues. As soon as his grandson came to Ling's mansion, he said that he would find it, and no one would believe it!

"Grandpa, don't worry!" Ling Yun shrugged and smiled lightly!
"Who do you suspect?"

"Okay, grandpa, don't be surprised when you wait!!"

Ling Yun smiled mysteriously, waved his big hand lightly, and there seemed to be a wave of fluctuation in the room!
Ling Wensong's eyes widened, his hands and feet trembled, all this refreshed his understanding, his grandson can use illusion?
He saw that he fell down while walking, his head was bleeding, and he was lying on the ground dying. The feeling was very real, but everything Ling Yun did was just an illusion.

far away!

In a certain room, a figure appeared, and Ling Yun's soul phantom turned into a servant, knocking on the door of the room!

"Who is it!"

The voice is very old, it is an old woman!
"Grandma Gui, Master invites you to visit his study!" Ling Yun changed his voice!


Grandma Gui left her seat, straightened her clothes, opened the door and went out immediately, and walked to Ling Wensong's study!
She was thinking along the way, what is Ling Wensong calling her to do now?Today Ling Yun's family of three arrived, she was absent-minded!

Locked in the room tonight, all thinking about what to do!
"What is the master looking for me for?"

Granny Gui came to the door of Ling Wensong's study and called softly!

"Come in!"

This is Bai Baichuan's voice, Grandma Gui's body trembled when she heard it!
Granny Gui looked around and found no one, so go in immediately!


She was shocked!
Ling Wensong is dead, what's going on! !

"Don't shout so loudly, he's dead!" Bai Baichuan suddenly appeared in the illusion, and the real Ling Wensong didn't even blink his eyes!
And Granny Gui looked up and saw Bai Baichuan!
"Young master, why are you here and killed Ling Wensong?" Granny Gui's eyes were full of puzzlement!

Ling Wensong's heart began to heave when he saw it, it turned out that she was the spy!
"How are things going?" Bai Baichuan asked!
Granny Gui knelt down and tremblingly said: "Young master, I have no chance recently, the Ling residence is very strict now."

"Well... I know, Ling Wensong has been killed by me now, I hope you will find a chance to kill Ling Yun after you get out later!"

"Ling Yun? The old man must be finished, and he dares to come back?" Granny Gui gritted her teeth, and a trace of abnormality flashed in her eyes!
"Okay, you go out! I'll deal with it, and I'll leave right away. Don't expose yourself." Bai Baichuan warned!
"Yes, young master, for the revenge of the young lady, I must continue to lurk!" Granny Gui's face appeared ferocious!

Ling Wensong heard it clearly, Miss?Isn't the young lady that Granny Gui is talking about Bai Baichuan's mother?
Been dead for over 20 years!
But what does it have to do with their Lingfu! !

Granny Gui smiled strangely, slowly exited the room, and walked towards the living room!

Ling Yun dissipated the illusion, and everything returned to its original state. Ling Wensong's complexion turned pale without a trace of blood!
Ling Yun sighed, and then sent a little holy light to him, and the latter regained some blood, and barely calmed down!

"It turned out to be her, I didn't expect it, the old man never doubted her, Xiao Yun'er, you know, she understands the old man best, although she has always been a servant, but I have never treated her as a servant, she actually... actually ..." Ling Wensong broke down in tears, his strength suppressing the blood in his body.

"Grandpa, you see clearly, it's time to make a choice!" Ling Yun said!

He has been slow to attack the spies because he is afraid that his grandfather will not be able to bear it!

"Hehe... the old man knows, since she is ruthless, then don't blame the old man, the love for so many years is all a conspiracy!!"

Ling Wensong laughed at himself!
Recalling that he met her more than 20 years ago, it was in the rain...

(No need for the plot, skip it...)

Ling Yun frowned, and pressed Ling Wensong who was about to go out!

The illusion reappeared, and the fallen Ling Wensong was still the same as before, but Bai Baichuan was missing in the room!
Grandma Gui opened the door of the room again, her eyes were wet, she swayed slightly and walked to Ling Wensong's body!

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I lied to you. I know what you're thinking. It's not because I'm lowly that I've been avoiding you. I just can't accept myself!"

Ling Wensong closed his eyes, and the corners of his eyes were filled with tears again! !
Ling Yun sighed again!So bloody!He's not the Bitch of the Holy Mother, but he vaguely knows the reason why Granny Gui left and returned!
 New book...a lot of support...thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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