Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1171

Chapter 1171 Disturbing Heart (Second Change)

Everyone in the dining room laughed softly when they heard the little guy's words, except for Third Aunt Lingyun and Ling Mingji, who gradually showed displeasure on their faces, as if they were holding back their anger.

Ling Yun laughed and said: "Father can also sing, Sissy, who do you think you should give this chicken head to?"

The little guy stood up, and his eyes began to look left and right!
The first to focus on little Irene!

Little Eileen suddenly felt bad in her heart, and immediately said in a milky voice: "Baby will, baby will!"

The little guy rolled his eyes, I believe you a ghost!
"Aunt Liu, you can't sing!"

Hearing this, Liu Qingcheng felt a lump in his heart, he hesitated and said: "Who... who said I can't? I was a top-notch singer in school back then."

"Oh! Singing is so beautiful, so why don't you sing it? If you can sing, this chicken head will give back to my papa!" The little guy's eyes turned gloomy, she didn't believe that Liu Qingcheng could sing, she was convinced by her expression!

The corner of Liu Qingcheng's mouth twitched, she's cheating, she can't sing, it's all Ling Yun's fault, what kind of bad idea is this!


Ling Yuyang smiled and said: "Sissy, if you say you can, then you can sing a song for us. If you can sing it, but it doesn't sound good, I will give you the chicken head. If you eat more, you will sing better."

The little guy will definitely do it, so she said immediately: "Okay, listen up, my dad taught me this."

She imitated Ling Yun and cleared her throat, and then sang five or six lines when you are old!

The voice was so nice that An Qing cried!
There was a sound of slapping the table, which startled everyone, and they all became displeased, it was Lingyun Third Aunt who was staring!

The little guy looked back, and then she stopped singing, and ate with curled lips, but the chicken head was still caught by Ling Yun!
"I don't stop eating even if I have the ability to go out and shout."

Ling Yongyang was also angry: "What are you talking about, you mother-in-law, the older you get, the more unreasonable you are, right? Don't you look at what day it is tonight."

"Dad didn't come to eat, so you are so presumptuous?" Second Aunt Lingyun said, what a beautiful singing voice, just like this was disrupted, looking at the little guy's aggrieved eyes, she might have been shocked.

The little guy is not so fragile, he has learned to be calmer with Ling Yun.

Third Aunt Lingyun said: "It's okay for outsiders to say that I am, but you are my husband, why don't you dislike me for being old, you are heartless!"

Ling Yongyang had a headache and supported his forehead. What kind of days are these? She didn't seem to be like this before. Does it happen to all old women? He doesn't understand.

Second Aunt Lingyun said: "Hehe, are you a family? Is the Ling residence divided? Are we not a family?"

Third Aunt Ling Yun rolled her eyes and said: "I can't say no to you, but if you say yes!"

Ling Qianxue ate in silence!
"Mom, why are you talking so much, a group of selfish people, eat as much as you can." Ling Mingji said while eating.

Ling Yongyang said angrily: "Look, what have you taught him, and the elders don't say hello, you are really going to piss me off."

Ling Mingji didn't speak, he was still a little afraid of Ling Yongyang!
Ling Yun frowned, the Ling family is a good one, it's a mess, there are so many things to eat, and his parents have to be taken to Yuexiaju some other day, let her earn that bit of family property!

An Qing shook her head, and then helped the little guy pick up some food. The latter shook her head, rubbed her stomach and said she was full.

Beibei simply stopped eating, drank the juice Ling Xiaoyu poured for her, and sipped it happily. Although it was not as good as Wangzai, she would not dislike it.

The other two tables were noisy, Ling Yun stood up suddenly, frowned, and said loudly: "Home is not like home, people are not like people, don't eat!"

Word down!

He was the first to choose to leave the stage, staying here would only upset him.

Ling Rufeng also had a look of patience, Ling Yun didn't allow him to refute, and he didn't dare to make a claim!

It was said that many people were thinking about it, but his third aunt still had the same attitude, as if she looked down on Ling Yun.

The little guy immediately jumped down and chased after her daddy!

"Papa, papa!"

"Don't run away, you haven't even had enough to eat!" An Qing immediately got up to chase her back, the little guy heard the words, and ran quickly!

If the food is not good, the food is not good, so she doesn't want to eat it!
"Sister, sister, I'm still here, wait for me!" Beibei also slipped away, and took her away when passing by little Irene.

Ling Xiaoyu has been looking at little Irene for a long time. She found that the latter has been gnawing on another black crystal. She doesn't know what it is. It's so strange. After she gnaws, there are still some. I don't know where she took it out.

Ling Yun and the others have all left, and only Ling Tianyang and the others are left at the table!

Ling Tianyang said: "Leave them alone, let's leave after eating, and worry about everything."

"Let's go, let's go, some people just don't understand such a rich dish, maybe they haven't eaten for more than ten years." Third Aunt Lingyun said again.

Everyone despises...

Lin Qiuyan was angry, if it wasn't for Zhang Jiahui pulling her, she would have lost her temper, saying she could do it, but Ling Yun couldn't!
As soon as he went out, Ling Yun picked up the little guy, and the latter made faces at An Qing who ran out, making people dumbfounded.

Ling Yun turned around: "You come out too? Don't finish eating with our parents."

An Qing shook her head: "No, she's not full, and I'm not in the mood to eat."

This is very reasonable, the little guy is her heart!
The little guy was shy when he heard the words, he smiled and grabbed Ling Yun's neck, the smile was so real that An Qing even laughed.

"Handsome, don't wait for me." Beibei started to complain as soon as she ran out, and little Irene shook off her hands.

The little girl immediately hugged Ling Yun's feet, and arched the latter's legs like a little pig!
An Qing smiled and said, "Beibei, you're so smart, do you want us to wait for you?"


"Brother, why did we come out?" She felt that her brother was treated as a VIP wherever he went, but why it was different when he came here, I can't figure it out.

"Come out and take you to take a bath, get ready for bed, and show you around the capital tomorrow!"

"Hoo hoo...really?"

The three little guys asked with wide-eyed eyes. It seemed that Ling Yun hadn't heard these words for a long time. Hearing them now, they couldn't help feeling a little suspicious.

"You don't want to go? Then cancel it." Ling Yun asked back.

"Go... we're going!"

"Papa, you have to come together too. Tomorrow we will go to the driving competition together. Let me tell you, Sissy is now a car god!" The little guy waved his little fist!
An Qing's face turned black!

What car god?What secrets did the father and daughter keep from her!
"Hahaha, Beibei hasn't played electric cars for a long time, can I play tomorrow!"

"Brother, is there anything fun to do? Catch the dolls, last time the baby didn't catch any, it's so sad!"

Ling Yun laughed loudly, nodded one by one, and then led them to the guest room arranged by the servants.

(End of this chapter)

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