Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1205

Chapter 1205 Complete victory (third change)

Zuo Ning frowned, a bit out of order, Nancang, as a Southeast Asian gambling master, should let Beibei take the cards first!
"Nancang, shame on you."

"In the game of gambling, there is no distinction between age and high or low!" Nancang said with a curl of his lips, just now he let Beibei leave first, but this time even if Beibei refuses, it's his turn!
Beibei shook her head, and said in a childish voice, "You're welcome, let him, otherwise he will cry if he loses."

The little guy made up the knife: "I will cry."

Nancang stared coldly at the cards on the table, then chose an Ace of Spades, placed it in front of him, and showed it in no hurry.

Beibei chose another one, and then pressed it with both hands: "Ruyi, Ruyi, follow my heart, and manifest quickly."

Beixuan smiled and said: "You are too funny, don't you think the cards will change? God of Gamblers!"

Beibei exclaimed: "How do you know that I am the God of Gamblers!!"

The little guy covered his eyes and couldn't bear to look directly: "Aha!"

"No, look, I won again."

Beibei immediately showed her cards, and her card was the Ace of Spades!

Nan Cang wiped his eyes, was taken aback, and then turned over his own cards, his original Ace of Spades became 4 of Spades!

Qin Lan smiled softly: "We won, you are willing to bet and admit defeat."

She squeezed a cold sweat in her heart, she didn't expect Beibei to be so lucky.

"Aha, you are not allowed to cry." The little guy said in a milky voice, really wanting to piss Nancang to death!

Beixuan was covered in cold sweat, why did this happen, the card really changed, what kind of move is this, they are masters in the early stages of the Heavenly Human Realm, they didn't notice it at all.

Xi Niu said in a huffy voice: "If you cheat, you must be cheating. What we got was obviously the ace of spades. Why did it become the 4 of spades?"

Zuo Ning frowned, stared and said: "Can't afford to lose? Why didn't you say you cheated when you won? This kid is playing cards right under your nose. If you have evidence, you can show it."

One sentence left Xi Niu speechless!

"Niu Niu, be good..."


The two little guys were so angry that Xi Niu beat his chest and stomped his feet, and almost fainted. He lost 20 yuan tonight, bleeding profusely.

Qin Lan said: "Okay, Beibei, you are the best tonight, little gambling god, take you to eat something, and then go back to bed."

She pinched Beibei's little face with a look of doting!

"Hahahaha, God of Gamblers."

Beibei is jumping happily on the table!
And Xiniu was sweating profusely. He thought for a long time but couldn't remember where he saw Beibei. Now when Qin Lan said it, a set of images flashed in his mind.

Isn't the child in front of me Long Beibei!


How unlucky they are, they can meet Daolong Beibei who everyone in the Blue Star underground world is afraid of on this cruise ship.

Although they are from the gambling world, they still offend the Pluto who is behind Long Beibei. Who the hell is tired of working.

Nan Cang was muttered by Xi Niu, and immediately got up: "I'm sorry, we don't gamble anymore."

After talking and running away...

Everyone was dumbfounded, they were all at a loss, they were unconvinced just now and they were so crazy that they were going to die, why are they so cowardly now.

After Nancang left the casino, he immediately edited a text message, the content was that the plan had changed, and it was temporarily cancelled!
Qin Lan joked: "Oh, it turns out that Long Beibei's name is here."

She looks so beautiful!

Zuo Ning whispered: "No way, a name is enough to scare you like this?"

Qin Sen laughed loudly and praised: "Beibei, not bad!"

Beibei didn't know why, so she looked up at the sky at 45 degrees: "Of course, I'm a little gambler."

Qin Lan tapped her forehead: " are playful, you are lucky tonight, and you have someone to protect you, do you know?"

Beibei blinked and said, "Who is it?"

The little guy curled his lips and said, "It's not me."

"Hahaha, talk too much!"

"Little Irene, come quickly, go buy ice cream, my aunt said to buy all of them."

Beibei whispered nonsense in a childish voice, causing little Irene to run over as fast as flying.

Qin Lan couldn't find Ling Yun and An Qing for the time being, so she could only take the three of them to some supper places. The little guy was hungry, so he ate a lot of food.

To little Irene, it wasn't too bad, but it tasted pretty good, so she ate a lot, and Qin Lan was shocked.

Ling Yun and An Qing were dating at the bow of the boat, with the sea breeze blowing, and looking at the sky full of stars, they gradually felt a sense of happiness.

"So you taught them, I thought they were lying." An Qing said with a smile.

Ling Yun nodded: "Yes, you can be careful in the future, she tricked you and didn't play cards according to the routine."

"It's okay, it's okay, it's a skill for her to trick me." An Qing shook her head indifferently.

Nancang and the others can only play with Beibei and the others to practice their gambling skills, otherwise Ling Yun will just throw them into the sea and feed them to the fish.

"Aha, I found it!"

The little guy's laughter came from behind, Ling Yun and his wife looked at each other and smiled.

Beibei said: "Auntie, let me just say, Shuai Shushu must have secretly kissed Aunt An here, it's too shameless."

Hearing this, groups of crows flew over Ling Yun's forehead...!
Qin Lan laughed, and Beibei held her hand all the way.

"Beibei understands so well? Have you encountered it before? Or did you say that Beibei peeked at it before?"

"No... Beibei... I..."

Beibei lowered her head, not knowing what else to say.

Little Irene said: "Oh, TV!"


Isn't that how TV dramas are played? Isn't that what Ling Yun and An Qing do? Leaving the little guy behind and going on a date secretly, in Beibei's eyes, it's a sneak kiss!
Qin Lan shook her head: "You're a big kid!"

The little guy shouted: "Papa?"


Ling Yun walked out from the dark directly, quite helplessly.

"Aha! Have you secretly kissed~"

"What are you thinking, boo!"

Ling Yun squatted down, kissed the little guy, and the latter kissed.

"The three children are handed over to you. I'm exhausted. I'm going back to bed." Qin Lan felt relieved when she saw Ling Yun and An Qing here, and she was a little worried because she couldn't connect with her mobile phone many times.

"Well, go to bed early and don't stay up late."

An Qing nodded and said, she also knew that Qin Lan was very hard-working, she was so busy when she got on the boat, she could see it, she could be regarded as a workaholic.

"Auntie, where are you going?" Beibei pouted.

"Go back to sleep."

Beibei immediately ran over and hugged Qin Lan's feet, and said in a childish voice, "I want to be with you."

"Oh, my apartment is next to yours. Don't you guys still play? I'm too old to keep up with you young people."

"Oh... oh... go back to sleep." The little guy pulled An Qing and Ling Yun in an instant, pulling them back to sleep.

Qin Lan: "..."

Just now they said they found Ling Yun and the others and continued to play?


If I had known earlier, I would have just waited in the suite, I was so tired! !

(End of this chapter)

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