Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1214 Medicine King Villa

Chapter 1214 Medicine King Villa
Seeing this, Bai Jingna also followed, Ling Yun was stronger than her and had a sense of security, besides, he brought her here, not with him or anyone else.

Song Yili confessed to the captain a few more words, then quickly followed Ling Yun and the others.

After turning a corner, Ling Yun saw a few cars. Judging from the number plates, there were quite a few of them. It was probably the Dragon Group who came to visit!

There is an old man in front of the car, how many cars are there for an old man?The others probably entered the Medicine King Valley!

In the late stage of Heaven and Human Realm, he reacted very quickly, suddenly felt that someone was coming from behind, and suddenly shouted!
"What's the noise? You almost scared my daughter, you know."

Ling Yun's strong voice came, and just the voice shook the old man in the late stage of Heaven and Human Realm to internal injuries. The corner of the latter's mouth was bleeding, and he was extremely panicked.


The old man looked up and saw a bright smile, that was the little guy smiling at him.

Then he saw Ling Yun next to the car, his feet were trembling suddenly, he was the high-level member of the Beijing Dragon Team, Ye Family Ye Sheng!
He was there when Ling Yun swept the upper echelons, those memories are really scary.

"My lord, have mercy!" Ye Sheng immediately knelt down, trembling.

"Why are you here?" Obviously Ling Yun also recognized him!
Beibei walked over, stroked Ye Sheng's hair, curled her lips and said, "It's disgusting, they are not bald."

The little guy chuckled: "Hi, grandpa."

Only then did Bei Bei realize that it was too rude, and then put away her little hands: "Amitabha!"

This sound relieved a lot of embarrassment!

Ye Sheng didn't care about it, he was only humble in front of Pluto: "My lord, let's come here to get the medicine."

"What medicine?"

"Headache Pills!"

The Dragon Prison has been rebuilt. Although the problem with the headache pills has been solved by Dr. M, there is still no problem in using them in the prison.

"That kind of rubbish came out of the Valley of the Medicine Kings?" Ling Yun twitched the corner of his mouth, quite speechless, dignified Medicine Kings Valley?Just this kind of rubbish pill?It's too late.

"Only Yaowanggu has a solution, otherwise we can't control those extremely evil people." Ye Sheng said truthfully!

And Song Yili and Bai Jingna's eyes widened as soon as they arrived, especially the former, she knew the old man's background.

Kneeling in front of Ling Yun?What's going on, this Ling Yun is really getting more and more mysterious, Song Yili can't see through it!
"You guys are really rubbish. Take this martial skill and it can seal the prisoner's cultivation base. What about headache pills?" Ling Yun took out a martial skill book from his arms and handed it to Ye Sheng. joy.

"Thank you sir."

"Let's go, let's go in and have a look at Medicine King Valley." Ling Yun waved his hand, and then left immediately with the two little guys.

Song Yili was still in shock, took out the book of martial arts from her arms?is it possible!

Bai Jingna also had a shocked expression at one point, the more she thought about it, the more she felt that her cultivation base was too low!

"You wait here, let's go in." Song Yili said!


Ye Sheng was still kneeling on the ground, his heart was so excited that he wanted to bring back the martial arts of Pluto to the dragon group, so he wouldn't have to ask for Medicine King's Valley in the future.

At the same time, he looked at Song Yili's back, not knowing why, they knew each other?Miss Yaowanggu has friendship with Pluto! !

"Hey, hey, Ling Yun, Sissy Beibei, wait for me, I have something to say." Song Yili stomped her feet in dissatisfaction, the eldest lady must have lost her temper.

"Say it, we can hear it." Ling Yun was still walking in the front, walking without looking back, Song Yili was so angry.

"Why does Old Man Ye call you Sir?"

"who knows!"

"Why did he kneel down? He is very afraid of you."

"Ask Beibei." Ling Yun was helpless!

Song Yili frowned, what's the matter with Long Beibei!

Beibei: "Ask me what, Beibei doesn't know."

Want to talk?
It doesn't exist, Beibei has round eyes, don't think she is small, but she is not stupid, so she won't betray her handsome uncle!
Lingyun and Beibei played football like that, which made Song Yili angry. They were quite pretty, similar to Liu Qingcheng, each with a swing.

Song Yili looked at the little guy, then smiled and said, "Sissi is the cutest, do you know that?"

The little guy said in a baby voice: "I know, I know!"


"What are you talking about?" The little guy shook his head, but she just responded indiscriminately, and couldn't hear anything clearly!

The guard outside the gate frowned. This is Yaowang Villa, and outsiders are not allowed to come by.

"Are you blind?" Song Yili said suddenly, she finally came back, and these servants don't recognize her?I'm full of anger, so where can I go if I don't vent it on him! !

After seeing the person clearly, the guard broke into a cold sweat: "I'm sorry Miss, I didn't see it just now."

"Next time, you won't have to guard the gate." Song Yili pouted angrily.

"No, why did Miss come back?"

"Take good care of the gate, don't ask if you shouldn't." Song Yili went in directly!

Ling Yun frowned, and then followed in, the guards didn't dare to stop him.

The little guy laughed: "Where is this place?"

"Where is my house, is it beautiful?" Song Yili looked back and smiled, wanting to fascinate her.

Beibei covered her eyes and didn't look, and said with a smile: "Fairy!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, how could Beibei understand this, it seems that she can't be allowed to watch idol dramas, and spoil the children.

"Not pretty!"

The little guy shook his head, he was just average, not as good as those of the Twelve Realms, not as good as those of the God Realm, and not as good as the City Lord's Mansion of Beiying Kamikaze in Qinglong City.

"Sissy doesn't understand!"

Hearing this, Song Yili also smiled. It is useless for her to talk about this with a child. The latter has seen anything in the world, and it is probably nonsense.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, much prettier than our village." Bai Jingna looked surprised, as soon as she came in, there were boundless petals.

"Everyone, go slowly, I won't send you off!"

An old voice came from the front, it was the steward of Yaowang Villa.

"you are welcome!"

This group of people belonged to the Dragon Group. They came to ask for headache pills, and the guards of Yaowang Villa were next to them to prevent them from getting lost!
I said it is anti-lost... In fact, everyone knows that it is surveillance!
This is the reason why Ling Yun frowned, the guards are so demanding?
The leader's strength is at the mid-stage of the Baodan state, and the others are at the initial stage. The gatekeeper just now is at the mid-stage of the Xiantian stage. They are all young masters outside!
An old man in the lead of the dragon group wanted to kneel down when he saw Ling Yun and his party's frightened hands and feet, but Song Yili kept staring at them with very sharp eyes!
Ling Yun coughed twice: "Let's go, let's go, I'm getting impatient outside, it doesn't matter if you're an acquaintance, right Qianqian?"

"Yeah, yum," the little guy responded stupidly.

The old man understood the meaning of Ling Yun's words as soon as he heard it, tried not to let his feet tremble, and then said: "Suddenly my legs and feet are not good, help me, let's go back quickly, I guess Brother Ye is in a hurry."

Several young people in the group immediately supported the old man, and did not intend to stay, and moved towards the door step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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