Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1216

Chapter 1216 Gu Master (first update)
Hearing this, the elders paused in their footsteps and did not follow Song Yili, who also caught up with Song Jun.

Song Jun brought Ling Yun to the reception hall, the quaint environment was quite attractive.

"Senior, please drink tea." Song Jun held a cup of tea and handed it to Ling Yun with both hands!
Ling Yun didn't take it, the tea was too rubbish, he said: "Leave it alone, please get your old man out quickly, otherwise I will go back."

The eyes of the little guy and Beibei looked at the vase on the altar in the hall at the same time. This vase had a totem of the Medicine King Cauldron, which was very eye-catching.

Song Jun gently put down the teacup and said, "Okay, if Senior wants to drink it, it's here, and I'll go tell my father right away."

Ling Yun nodded!
"Xiao Li, greet senior well."

After the person left, Song Jun's excited voice came!


The corner of Song Yili's mouth twitched, Ling Yun knew how to make alchemy, and what strength did he have?Can seriously hurt Fu Bo! !

"Auntie Mei, is this for me?" The little guy pointed at the vase in a childish voice!

Song Yili was dumbfounded: "It doesn't work, if Sissy likes the vase, I can give you another one."

After finishing speaking, she put the bag in her hand on the table, and then took out the alchemy furnace.

Bai Jingna widened her eyes and said, "Is this the same?"

She saw that the totems of the alchemy furnace and the vase were actually the same, it seems that they are really related!

"No, no..."

I feel that giving other vases is not as good as the vase in front of me, so the little guy shook his head.

"I don't want such rubbish like Qianqian." Ling Yun knew at a glance that this vase is not even an antique, but an ordinary ancient handicraft.


The little guy rolled his eyes instantly, it turned out that it wasn't a treasure, which made her excited for nothing.


Beibei was suddenly embarrassed, she wanted to act like a baby and ask Song Yili for it, but luckily she didn't ask!
"Lingyun, does it have any meaning?" Song Yili pointed to the totem and asked.

"Ask your grandpa, how would I know." Ling Yun rolled his eyes in contempt, as if he knew everything and was omnipotent!
"Senior is here, I'm far away to welcome you."

This is an old man, his deep eyes are like the vast sea, his eyebrows are as black as ink, and his figure is tall. Although he is a little old, it is not difficult to see that he is somewhat similar to Song Jun.

He is Song Qingshan from Medicine King Valley, right?

"Please sit down!"

Seeing Ling Yun standing, Song Qingshan quickly asked Ling Yun to sit down, and gave Song Yili a blank look.

"Grandpa, he didn't sit by himself." Song Yili responded to Song Qingshan's eyes aggrievedly.

"Old man, sit down by yourself." Ling Yun said.

The little guy laughed and said, "Grandpa, sit down, you're welcome."

Beibei said: "Grandpa, what is this?"

She pointed at the alchemy furnace on the stage with a childish voice!

"Could this... be the glazed alchemy furnace that has been missing for more than 1000 years in the Valley of the Medicine King?" Song Qingshan's eyes widened suddenly, his face full of excitement.

"What? It's really from our Medicine King Valley?" Song Yili was also shocked!

"Xiao Li, where did you find it? This is a treasure that we at Medicine King Valley have been trying to recover."

"I bought it at... Jiangbei, but it's hers." Song Yili hesitated, obviously not recovering from the shock, she pointed at Bai Jingna, who was dumbfounded!

Lost over 1000 years ago?
It won't be related to her teacher's school, right?
"you are?"

Song Qingshan turned his head and looked Bai Jingna up and down, and asked in surprise.

"I...I..." Bai Jingna hesitated to answer, a little afraid of Song Qingshan's eyes.

Song Qingshan said: "Wait, is this from your family?"


After receiving Bai Jingna's affirmative answer, Song Qingshan's tone was a little annoyed, and he continued to ask: "Who is your ancestor? Compassionate?"

Bai Jingna looked terrified: "My master's name is Compassion!"

"That traitor, she took away the glazed alchemy furnace and the painting, and betrayed Yaowang Valley. My ancestor was so angry at that time." Song Qingshan said angrily.

"How can my ancestor be such a person, I don't believe it!"

Bai Jingna shook her head. Although she had never seen her before, she had heard about her deeds. She was a bit of a kind person in the village, and she would definitely not be like what Song Qingshan said!
Song Yili said: "It turned out to be like this, the fault was also the fault of compassion back then, Grandpa, what are you doing to Bai Jingna!"

The little guy said in a childish voice: "What's wrong with the old man, I will too!"

After finishing speaking, she put her hands on her hips, her eyes widened, her tits were fierce, she was so cute, Song Yili was almost fascinated!

Where is the fierceness... so cute that it can kill you!

Beibei said: "I will too!"

"Hahaha..." Ling Yun looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "It is indeed the past, and now you have brought back the Medicine King Valley, isn't it, everything has a cause and an effect."

Song Qingshan said: "Yes, it's been more than 1000 years, the ancestor should feel at ease, but what about that painting?"

Song Yili was taken aback!


Isn't the little guy holding it, but the little guy's hands are empty, and Ling Yun doesn't have any in his hands either!
"Oops, the painting is gone!" Song Yili immediately suspected that it was left on the helicopter!
"Ahem... I hid the painting. It was originally ours, so it should be returned to its original owner!" Ling Yun replied with a dry cough.

"The painting... the painting is also brought back, where is it?" Song Qingshan's face showed joy!

"Grandpa, that painting is in his hands, and he said he painted it, I don't understand, and I don't understand either." Song Yili looked at Ling Yun and said!
"Senior, don't be joking, that painting is an item from our Medicine King Valley, how could it be drawn by you." Song Qingshan shook his head!
"Okay, I said that what is mine is mine, and it is not in your hands now. You can ask your granddaughter for details, who made the painting and who wrote it, and you will know everything." Ling Yun said .

The little guy said: "I... I... It's me! Aha!!"

"Be good... don't make noise!"


"It's not yours...Grandpa is dishonest, that's my sister, I bought it, and there are three beautiful stones." Beibei turned her head in a childish voice, with a serious expression on her face.

"This...Xiaoli, what's going on?" Song Qingshan looked confused.

After Song Yili spoke slowly, Song Qingshan's face turned pale from fright, and he muttered to himself, "Who is senior?"

"I am me!" Ling Yun replied indifferently!
The little guy laughed: "I am me, a different me."

"Impossible, this time is wrong!" Song Qingshan shook his head!
Even if Ling Yun is immortal, how old is his daughter, how could the painting be completed? This is impossible.

"This is not what you need to know. I will ask you some questions next, and you can answer them truthfully." Ling Yun said in a deep voice, his face turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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