Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1218 Origin

Chapter 1218 Origin (third update)

Bai Jingna sat paralyzed on the ground, she was more scared than anyone else, it was the first time she saw such a weird thing, wasn't it a ghost!


"You'll understand in the future, don't talk now." Ling Yun stroked the little guy's head, comforting him carefully.

"My name is Chang Chao, I'm from an ordinary family, you won't remember if I say too much." Remnant Soul said.

"Hey, hey... can you stop being so wordy." Ling Yun frowned!
At this time, Chang Chao was a little suspicious. Is the person in front of him really the ancient Pluto?

Isn't that the ancient Pluto? The latter should be ruthless, full of indifference and killing intent. Almost no one has heard him speak, and he is another representative of Pluto without saying a word.

Chang Chao's scalp was numb from being stared at, and then he said: "I accidentally fell into the turbulent space in the next year, and I don't know how long it took, but after I came out, I came to the poor place of Blue Star, where I founded Yaowang Valley. "

As he spoke, he paid attention to Ling Yun's expression, and found nothing abnormal. Before he was sure whether Ling Yun was the King of Pluto, he was still very cautious.

There is nothing Ling Yun needs to know about Chang Chao's words, and the latter frowned!
"Is that painting yours?"

"What painting?" Chang Chao was immediately startled by Ling Yun's aura.

"Look!" Ling Yun pointed to the little guy, who was nestled in Ling Yun's arms, and was only staring at Chang Chao at this moment!

Chang Chao's heart twitched violently, shit, shit, shit! !

Isn't this the little baby in the painting? That painting was taken out by Haotian Sword Sect, an ancient relic, and it was the treasure of his family back then.

"She...she...really her?"

"It's not something you can know, where did you get it from?" Ling Yun asked again and again regardless of Song Yili's and the others' reactions!

And Beibei tiptoed to get the knife placed on the stone wall!

A roar sounded, Beibei scratched his head with a sword, with an expression of a child doing something wrong, Song Yili's eyes widened, the knife in Beibei's hand?She can afford it?
The corner of Chang Chao's mouth twitched!
Knife out?


That dead spider must have come out again.

He brought the spider to Blue Star, but it changed in the end, so Chang Chao had to suppress it, and now Beibei let it out again.

Ling Yun didn't care, anyway, Song Qingshan and the others were outside.

"Oh, my aunt, don't move around, what if you get hurt!" Song Yili had a strange look in her eyes.

Bai Jingna was already dumbfounded, regardless of Beibei, she continued to listen to Chang Chao's words.

Chang Chao said: "That painting belongs to the ancient ruins of the Haotian Sword Sect, and our ancestor got it by accident!"

Ancient Haotian Sword Sect!

Ling Yun remembered that he had seen Zhen Wudao's weird five-star pattern before, but that painting was not this one, the appearance was different.

Ling Yun didn't believe what Chang Chao said, because some of what Chang Chao said was false!

"You want to die completely, don't you?"

"!" Chang Chao answered unnaturally.

"Do you know what will happen if you cheat on me?"

"Absolutely not!"

"Hahaha, no matter how dishonest, I will do it."

Chang Chao's words are too fake, accidentally falling into the turbulent space?
As soon as Ling Yun opened his eyes, he knew what Chang Chao's cultivation level was back then, and there was no surprise.

Furthermore, Chang Chao said that he is from an ordinary family, no, no, such a powerful cultivation base must be at the same level as the ancestor.

"You're not Pluto, I won't tell." Chang Chao gritted his teeth and said angrily!

An ignorant Blue Star man, who only looks like Pluto, dared to admit that if he regained his cultivation, he would stab him to death with one finger, Chang Chao thought viciously.

"Your brain is hard to use!" Ling Yun smiled, he hates people who are ignorant of current affairs, and then pointed at Void!
Chang Chao screamed in pain in a strange way!
That cry must be the pain of cutting off children and grandchildren. It was so miserable that the little guy covered his ears.

"Forgive me, Lord Pluto!" Chang Chao immediately chose to beg for mercy, without the arrogance he had before.

"Where are the ruins of the ancient Haotian Sword Sect?"

"Where... can we wait until later?" Chang Chao begged.

Ling Yun nodded and replied, "Yes! Where is the Medicine King Cauldron?"

"What medicine king tripod? I don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh... you don't cry when you see the coffin, do you want to feel the pain just now?" Ling Yun frowned, thinking he was stupid?

"Bad guy, tell me where it is, or my papa will beat you up." The little guy waved his fist in Ling Yun's arms, with a cute and fierce expression on his face, he wants to make Song Yili and Bai Jingna so cute!

"Lord Pluto, I don't know!"


"and many more…"

Just when Ling Yun stretched out his finger again...

Chang Chao spoke up immediately!

"I can tell you what I want, but Lord Pluto must find me a body suitable for the Tianlinggen body that I seized, otherwise I won't let you know even if I erase all the memories." Chang Chao said.

"Hehe, do you think I will agree?" Ling Yun asked back.

"I don't know, but I think it's worth it, don't you?"

"Is your news worth it? I don't know, why should I agree?"

"Then there is nothing to talk about, you can do it." Chang Chao said with an indifferent attitude.

A smile appeared on the corner of Ling Yun's mouth, then nodded: "Okay!"

Song Yili shouted: "No, Ling Yun, how can you do this? You want to harm someone for your own selfish desire, I won't allow it!"

This woman!
Crazy, she pushed Ling Yun three times in a row, the latter looked bewildered, but the little guy thought it was funny and kept laughing.

Bebe is still reliable!
Seeing Ling Yun being bullied, no matter who she is, she rushed over clumsily with a knife in hand!
"Hit you... hit the bad guys!"

Song Yili: "..."

Bai Jingna: "..."

Standing in front of Ling Yun, Bei Bei said, "Don't be afraid of Shuai."

"Hahaha, Beibei, don't make trouble, put down the knife, it's very heavy."

"Oh... I'm exhausted."

Word down!

Beibei was covered in sweat, and the knife was put down. Song Yili and Bai Jingna were shocked, she could lift it!
Ignoring Song Yili, Ling Yun said: "How do you look at it?"

After Ling Yun finished speaking, the crushed stones on the ground gathered into a corpse, and then he added some materials and blended it into Chang Chao's corpse!
After a burst of golden light, a brand new physical body appeared.

Chang Chao's eyes widened. This is what Pluto should do.

"Satisfied, satisfied!"


After Chang Chao circled around for a week, he was extremely excited, it was really incredible, the physical body was really the root of the heavenly spirit.

Song Yili and Bai Jingna's legs trembled in fright. Everything today is beyond their understanding, it's too unreal.

The little guy's eyes turned gloomy, and he clapped his hands immediately: "Papa is amazing, she can do magic tricks!"

Magic shit!

Song Yili rolled her eyes in shock, thinking they were stupid! !
(End of this chapter)

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