Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1231

Chapter 1231
He is almost certain that his heart disease may be almost healed, and his heart feels more comfortable than ever. Ling Yun in front of him is really a miracle doctor!

Hao Jian slipped away in despair, shameless to stay any longer, embarrassing.

"Where is the little friend from?"


"Where do you work?"

"Temporarily unemployed!"

"Little friend is very skilled in medicine, where did you learn from?" Mr. Shen kept asking Ling Yun, and the corner of the latter's mouth twitched!
"Old man, I'm going back. I'll tell you another day if I have a chance." Ling Yun waved his hand, without leaving his name, and went straight through the crowd.

Leave a handsome and chic back!

Mr. Shen doesn't have as good leg strength as Ling Yun, and Shen Yanbing has been teasing him all the time. Let him go to the doctor first and go to the hospital for an examination, but in the end he can't catch up with Ling Yun.

"Yan Bing, he is a miracle doctor. If you don't ask his name, how can you find him in the future?" Old Man Shen sighed.

Shen Yanbing smiled, and confidently replied: "Grandpa, go to the hospital, I will naturally have a way to find out his information."

"Really? He's not a student, how can I check?" Mr. Shen didn't quite believe it.


Shen Yanbing took her grandfather into the car, and then went straight to Jiangbei People's Hospital!
"Old Shen, why are you here again? Didn't you just come yesterday!" When Director Yang of the People's Hospital was patrolling the third floor, he accidentally saw Mr. Shen on the sofa.

Mr. Shen smiled and said, "Something happened today, so let's check it out."

"Check again, your disease is at an advanced stage, unless you have a heart transplant operation, remember what Huayi said, he shook his head, you, you should try to stay at home as much as possible."

In the end, Dean Yang began to give instructions!
"But, but the old man really feels that his heart is much better at the moment."

"It can't be... it's a flashback, right?" Hearing this, Dean Yang was startled!
"Lao Yang, don't scare me. I'm old and my heart is not good."

"Who's bored to scare you? You don't think about it yourself. What happened to you before, and you suddenly feel better. Isn't that a flashback?" Dean Yang rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"I went in for an inspection just now, and the results will come out later." Mr. Shen became uneasy.

In a moment!
When Shen Yanbing came back, she was really numb to the test results in her hand, and only after confirming again and again that it was her grandfather's test results did she get it!

"How's it going?"

Shen Yanbing said: "Grandpa, let's talk at home."

Dean Yang sighed: "Old Shen, please go home."

He thought it was better to go home and tell him the result! !
"Hey... okay!"

Hearing this tone, it seems that there is no hope!
On the way back, Shen Yanbing couldn't help telling Old Master Shen excitedly, the latter was shaking all over, his heart disease was cured!

What kind of shit luck did he have today, and he actually met a genius doctor who was even more powerful than Huayi, and with just a few stabs, his heart disease was cured, Ling Yun is simply a blessing of Huaxia.

"Yan Bing, you must find out where he lives? The old man is going to visit, and don't spread the word, I'm afraid the magician will be angry." Mr. Shen suppressed his heart and said in shock.

Shen Yanbing said: "Grandpa, I know."

She was no less shocked than her grandfather, such a young person, compared to Hua Yi, a master of traditional Chinese medicine!In the land of Jiangbei, it is unknown!
Shen Yanbing muttered to himself: "What a mysterious man."

Ling Yun didn't know about these things. When he returned to the villa, the little guy had already woken up. An Qing didn't go to work because of these three little guys, who kept asking where Ling Yun had gone.

Seeing Ling Yun came back, the little guy laughed and peeked again with his eyes covered, as if she had never asked An Qing where Ling Yun was going.

"Ling Yun, I have a concert in three days."

"Where is it going to be held?" Ling Yun asked curiously, he certainly had no objection to An Qing's concert.

"In Jiangbei University City, tickets are almost sold out now." An Qing stuck out her tongue and smiled mischievously.

"Oh... at my cousin's university, it's pretty good, are they going to see it?" Ling Yun pointed at Qianxi and Beibei!
"Well, I haven't arranged for them for the time being. You take them to filming in the past few days, and you can ask Andy to find out when you go to the company!"

An Qing helped the little guy make a plan. When the latter heard that he could be filming, he was so excited. After waiting for so long, he finally got the news.

"Papa, Cousin isn't up yet, she's not a good child." The little guy said in a childish voice while holding a mouthful of rice balls.


"Cissy, your cousin got up early this morning, it's not like you stay in bed." Ling Yun said.

"I don't believe it, my cousin is the laziest, she's so sunny, she's still sleeping." The little guy shook his head with an expression of disbelief!
"Will Dad lie to you?" An Qing asked jokingly.

The little guy looked at Ling Yun, then nodded: "Yes, Papa is bad! Lie to the children."

"How did he lie to you?" An Qing asked again.

"Aha, I lied to Mama." The little guy immediately covered his eyes!

Ling Yun smiled: "Eat quickly, you are the slowest, look at Beibei and little Irene, they are all going to play games."

The little guy pouted: "I'm a good boy, it's normal to eat slowly."

Ling Yun and An Qing couldn't laugh or cry, what is the reason for this.

After having dinner with the little guy, she still refuses to go to the company with Ling Yun, asking the latter to wait!

She was going to feed the little pet. First, she went to the dolphin home, sprinkled a bag of fish food, and then caught a few small fish with her bare hands and put them under the tree, waiting for the eagle to feed them!

The divine beast Flame Tiger is in Lingyun Void, so she doesn't need to feed it. Her demon blue butterfly, the kitten Qin Lan sent, the little fire bird, and the little piglet all have to be fed, which took a lot of time.

Under the Moon Entertainment Company!

Ling Yun walked into the third floor with three cute children, and everyone immediately said hello to Ling Yun!
The little guys were surrounded by employees, Ling Yun shrugged, he went to find Andy!

dong dong dong...

"Come in!"

"Cough cough..."

"President, why are you here so soon? I still have some work to do." Andy raised her beautiful eyes and saw Ling Yun who came in, with a look of astonishment on her face!
"Don't worry, keep busy, let's talk when you're done." Ling Yun didn't care, anyway, most of the time today, Sissy and Beibei were playing outside.

"Well...soon, sit down." Andy tapped on the keyboard, and then stopped talking.

"Huh? Why did you come in?" Ling Yun saw little Irene slithering in, her eyes turning like Beibei!

"Brother, baby doesn't play games."

"What a good boy, not bad, not bad..." Ling Yun nodded his head very pleased.

"Yeah, but don't good boys praise you?" Little Irene blinked and looked at Ling Yun. The latter thought it was bad, what was she going to do?

"Cough cough..."

"Brother, baby wants ice cream!"

Ling Yun didn't know whether to laugh or cry, this kid has such an idea! !

(End of this chapter)

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