Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1251 Miserable!

Chapter 1251 Miserable! (third change)

Little Irene's crying sound came from afar, sister... sister... help me, 555~!

She was so frightened that she was trembling all over, and with the fact that she breathed out fire and consumed most of her strength, she was no longer a match for Lu Changlong, who caught her right away!

"Let go of the will be finished when my brother comes!"

"Shut up, let him come and go!" Lu Changlong dismissively said, Ghost Island will no longer exist from today, who will they be afraid of! !
The little guy seemed to be frightened, his face turned blue!
The sixth protector fell down, and when Beibei regained consciousness, she cried, "Grandpa Six!"

While shouting, he rushed forward, Liu Hufa blinked his eyes, those elixirs for his injury were useless, his life had come to an end, so he stopped the elixirs that Beibei took out, there was no need to waste them.

The little guy walked over slowly, only to realize that this is not acting!

A figure flew from a distance, and it looked like Onijima's in clothes!
"What happened?" The person who came was the ghost general who had just killed a certain general of the King of Pisces nearby, Ghost Thirteen, just now he felt that there was a battle here, so he rushed over to help!

This ghost thirteen has the power of Immortal Emperor Seventeen, and it is also ranked high in Ghost Island. His strength should not be underestimated!
When he saw the little guy and Beibei, his heart twitched violently and his eyes widened.

The two little ghosts beside Devil May Cry are the daughters of Taishenjun, the daughter of Pluto, how could they appear on Ghost Island!

The last time he was on Ghost Island, he was lucky enough to see Devil May Cry wearing a black mask, and had a glance with the little ones!
After many years, I never thought that they would still look the same. If Hades really came, then Guidao would be saved, but what if Hades is also an enemy?
Ghost Shisanyi fell into deep thought for a while, is Pluto an enemy?Then his daughter must die!

"Woooo..." Beibei rubbed her eyes, the Six Guardians were dying, there was no way out!
The little guy didn't cry, but his eyes were red, his mouth was crooked, and he was ready to cry!
"Is he a weapon spirit?" Ghost Shisan watched coldly!

"Ahem..." The Six Protectors, who had returned to the light, struggled to spit out a few words.

"Sir, help me send them to their godmothers, please." Six Guardians said!

"Why should I help you?" Gui Shisan frowned. Now he is not sure whether Pluto is an enemy, and why the latter's daughter and servants are all here!

"Pluto is here, and your Ghost Island will be saved...cough cough..."

Hearing this, Gui Shisan was very excited, but he didn't show it on his face.

"Dare to ask who is the godmother of the two of them?"

"Ghost Island Concubine Yan Xue!"

The little guy nodded: "Yeah, yum, I'm so fucked up."

Ghost Shisan's eyes widened. It turned out that he was an acquaintance, so he was worried for nothing!
"Here, I still have something to do. I want to escort them? Pluto has great powers, isn't he here?"

Ghost Thirteen's face turned dark, are you bringing a baby?He has no experience, besides, Guidao is in crisis now, with two babies, it is difficult to move forward!


The Six Guardians were almost speechless. Ghost Thirteen saw that the Six Guardians were cultivating soul power, so he gave him the last bit of soul power. The Six Guardians were running out of time.

"Remember, it must be delivered safely, and more importantly, they must not be injured."


"If they are injured, under the wrath of Pluto, even if Ghost Island is not destroyed by the enemy, it will be destroyed by Pluto!"


Ghost Thirteen broke out in a cold sweat, this mission?Can he push it away? Isn't this just playing to death? Taking them across the enemy's territory, how can nothing happen, he's fine by himself! !
"Princesses, please follow...Follow him, he will take you to Concubine Yan Xue, this old servant is powerless, ahem...Master Pluto, this old servant has retired!"

Word down!

The six protectors disappeared, the little guy rubbed his eyes, this time he was really crying!
Ghost Thirteen's mouth twitched, what is this, just leave!
Life is hard, I hope these two princesses will not have any bad character, otherwise, if they are not killed by the enemy, they will be tortured to death.

"Woohoo!" Beibei stood up, tears streaming down her face, deeply feeling the pain of losing a loved one!
Suddenly, the little guy smiled and clapped his hands, with tears in the corners of his eyes!

"Wait for my papa to come and touch Grandpa Six's head, and he will be fine."

Ghost Thirteen's mouth twitched violently, kid!The Sixth Protector is a weapon spirit, there is no body after death, so what to touch!
Besides, even if Pluto has great powers, it is impossible for him to understand the art of bringing the dead back to life, which has never been heard of since ancient times!

"Hahaha, why am I so stupid." Beibei burst into laughter in an instant, beating her own head!

The two little guys turned from sad to happy in an instant. Anyway, in their eyes, Ling Yun is omnipotent, and they all forgot Lan Wuyue who died in the underworld!
Ghost Shisan shook his head, and then took them away. You can't be careless with the two of them, the daughter of Hades, this place is basically an enemy.

"Weird Shushu, where are we going?" The little guy pouted, not wanting to leave!
Ghost Thirteen was speechless, and got this nickname as soon as he opened his mouth. Several times of corrections did not have any effect!
"Don't talk, just follow me."

"Uncle Weird, why don't we save little Irene, she was captured by the bad guys." Beibei pointed in a direction childishly!

"Who? There's another child?" Gui Shisan's head was full of black lines, and this time he was on a thief's boat!

"Yeah, yum, I was captured."

The two little guys answered in unison, looking forward to it.

"Ahem, wait until you find your godmother, don't speak now."

The little guy is chirping all the way, and sooner or later he will attract enemies!
The artifact skirt was not on, so Beibei could only come out with the gourd in her hands, first she sat on the ground and did not leave, to see what was in the gourd!
"Wow... Wangzai!" Beibei saw four cans of Wangzai, and after careful inspection, there were only four cans in the whole gourd!

Beibei sighed, and then shared with the little guy!
A can of Wangzai is safe to drink, pour it out and flush it with water, it is very weak!
"Sister..." The little guy muttered, his eyebrows frowned slightly, she didn't understand, there were obviously four cans, why did he have to flush them in, so picky!

Ghost Shisan didn't know that they were not leaving, so he turned around after walking a certain distance, but he couldn't see the two little guys, he was dumbfounded!
"Little princess!"

"Little princess?"

"No, it's not likely to be eaten by some monster?"

Thinking of this, he immediately turned around and chased after him, wishing his parents would have another leg!

"Weird Shushu, why are you running? Your head is sweating." The little guy held Wangzai in his arms, drinking happily, and saw Ghost Thirteen running over from afar!

"That's right, what are you running for? Is there a goblin in front? You're timid." Beibei curled her lips with contempt on her face.

"I'm so mad!" Ghost Shisan saw them sitting on the ground, drinking water leisurely, he was so angry!
(End of this chapter)

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