Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1273 The Goddess of Life

Chapter 1273 The Goddess of Life
The time seemed to be right, a group of powerful casual cultivators suddenly appeared from the ground at the gate of the city.

"Hahaha, where are you escaping!" A casual cultivator looked up to the sky and laughed, all the plans were planned, and he never miscalculated.

"Wait until you come back, where will you run this time?"

"Ghost Island is just like that. It's really stupid. The ancient ghost emperor is nothing more than mediocre."

Hearing these voices, the Ghost Emperor was so angry that he vomited blood!

At this time, they could only stop, and it was impossible to return to the city. The next thing they had to do was fight to the death with these bastards!
In Devil May Cry City of Xincheng, there were only three little guys left, and among them, only the little guy slipped out, because she was the only one who could ignore all formations.

Seeing Sissy go out, Beibei curled her lips, the annoying formation, just wanting to smash it with a punch! !
Little Irene stared blankly, blinking and blinking!

"Damn it! She...she..." Lu Changlong pointed at little Irene and hesitated, wondering why this child is here!

Damn it!
This Lu Changlong is also stupid enough, even the Ghost Emperor didn't recognize him, that's right, at that time, the Ghost Emperor's nose was blue and his face was swollen, his parents wouldn't even be able to recognize him alive.

"Don't make a fuss, don't be distracted, another general has died now, and the insidious person who shot secretly is watching." General Xizheng Cheng on the side reminded.

It's fine for the little guy to sneak out, just ran past a group of casual cultivators excitedly!

"Pluto's daughter?"

"Great God!!!!"

"I rely on..."

"Kill or not?"

"You are stupid, don't kill us, listen to General Dongzheng Qu, and keep them."

"Damn it, Pluto is here, right?" A certain casual cultivator's face turned pale, and his body was trembling uncontrollably.

A group of casual cultivators were trembling, some were sweating profusely, and some were calmer.

As long as you kill her, even if you don't kill Pluto, you can boast for a lifetime, even if you die, you can be famous forever, some casual cultivators thought excitedly.

After thinking about it, no one dared to act!
In this case, who will take the lead?

The corner of Guihuang's mouth twitched and said, "She is now wanted by many people."

Yan Xuefei thought of it all of a sudden, and her figure came quickly.

"Don't run out."

Her tone was very angry, what place is this, how about the battlefield, and the little guy hangs his head!

Ghost Yasha stared wide-eyed and asked: "How did she come out, the formation is still there!"


Boom! !
Following this loud noise, the formation guarding the new city of Devil May Cry was shattered by Bei Bei's fists.

The brilliance of the entire formation fell like fragments of spider webs.

Oni Yasha opened his mouth wide, it was too much of a slap in the face, this kid is really awesome, what is the level of that punch!

The formation was shattered, which greatly boosted the morale of the enemy army, and the ghost emperor and the others were ashamed.

Now I can only be beaten by gangs, there is no fortress!
The little guy's iron dragon finally moved, clanging all over his body, and rushed straight into the army. It was a fight immediately, and countless enemy soldiers killed it!
General Dongzheng Qu had to destroy the terrifying iron dragon himself, but Beibei ran over, and her fire dragon also joined the battlefield!

The three generals and the two fake dragons, all of whom were stronger, also attacked the Ghost Emperor and the others, and the scene was in chaos.

The little guy's iron dragon is not a vegetarian. General Dongzheng Qu has no choice but to organize his subordinates and trap him with formations.

Beibei's fire dragon was directly absorbed by a certain fairy emperor's magic weapon, and it was clean. The angry Beibei punched it hard again!
This punch took away one-third of the enemy army, and everyone gasped!
"Oh my god, she is a little pervert, she must not be allowed to live, she is the next Pluto!"

The power of a Pluto has already made everyone in the Twelve Realms terrified, and now there is another strange guy, and she must be killed before she grows up!
This is what most people think at the moment! !

A pair of eyes full of murderous intent stared at Beibei. The latter was so frightened that he trembled all over, and immediately froze, and hugged Yan Xuefei's feet again!

And the little guy scratched his head stupidly, wondering why these people were staring at them?What a scary look.

"You are not allowed to hurt them!" Yan Xuefei hastened to guard Beibei and the others, she didn't understand that the behavior of the opposite group was really a waste of time.

"Everyone wake up, set up the formation!" The ghost emperor shouted!
"The sinner is me, let me end their lives!"

Word down!

General Xizheng Cheng's eyes were scarlet, and he gathered all his strength with a grand palm. As long as that child died, the people on Guidao would not struggle. This is what he thought in his heart!

If Pluto wants to kill, just attack him, he treats death like home!

at the same time!

The sky is a bit abnormal, his actions will not stand under Ling Yun's watchful eyes!

Ling Yun didn't make a move, and the colorful rays of light appeared above the ghost island. A woman as beautiful as a fairy smiled softly, and then walked down step by step, like walking stairs in the sky.

"Wow... What a beautiful auntie!!" The little guy didn't even blink his eyes!
"Just like a godmother." Beibei nodded!

Chen Wanxue!
Ling Yun's eyes widened, why did this woman come to Ghost Island!

In the Dark Era, the most beautiful woman in the Twelve Realms is recognized as the Goddess of Life!

No one in the Twelve Realms knows her origin, but Ling Yun is very familiar with her!

This woman is very strong. Once Ling Yun used the first demon form to fight her for three days and three nights, but the latter lost half a move.

She dominates the power of life and death, the sky is the father, the earth is the mother, the heaven and the earth are conceived and born, she can speak as soon as she is born, and she is born beautiful.

What is conceived by heaven and earth, she is an elf transformed from the essence of ancient chaos, and all elves in the magic continent have a slight relationship with her.

However, due to the all-encompassing energy of chaos, her body is very unstable, and she has to wander between the mountains and rivers every year, exhaling spiritual energy.

Those who have seen her in later generations are respected as the goddess of life, a symbol of nobility.

"It's her!" General Dongzheng Qu frowned, quite surprised why the most mysterious woman in the Twelve Regions appeared here!
Everyone began to stare at the goddess of life, everything on Ghost Island revived, and grass and flowers gradually grew on the ground!

The little guy opened his mouth wide, and his eyes were wide open for such a powerful magic trick other than her father.

The world is ignorant, and few people know that the goddess of life has great power, and she has always been indifferent to the world, doing what she likes.

"Welcome to the Goddess of Life!"

The eyes of a certain immortal emperor were straightened. The goddess of life is simply a legend, and she can only be seen in portraits. Now that she sees her true face, her beauty is bubbling, how can she not be a licking dog.

(End of this chapter)

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