Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1276 Appearance

Chapter 1276 Appearing (first update)
The goddess of life felt a lump in her heart, she found that Pluto seemed to know all her secrets.


General Dongzheng Qu has already gone mad, his body with monstrous aura rushed directly into the black hole, he blew himself up, trying to hurt Pluto!
Boom! !
The sound and power are big enough, but it's a pity that this powerful power was swallowed up by the black hole in an instant! !
"no no…"

The enemy soldiers knelt on the ground, covering their heads, with a look of regret on their faces, who will save them, if they are saved, they are willing to go back to the field and disarm, regardless of world affairs, just want to live at this moment.

Ling Yun began to answer the Goddess of Life's words: "Don't fall in love with the autumn wind and fallen leaves. Things are right and people are wrong. When you meet, you don't remember what you once knew. The years are relentless and full of vicissitudes."

The four sentences describe his life when he met the goddess of life, and ruthless is what the goddess of life likes to call him most!
He is no longer the ruthless emperor before the death of the world, but she is still her, things have changed!
All Ling Yun's memories about her are there, even if the latter met him, he was just a stranger, time is merciless.

The little guy pouted, a little unhappy, her father didn't come to hug her when she came, covered her ears, and muttered that she wouldn't listen to bastard's chanting.

"The light of hope sleeping in the earth, give us a bright future." The goddess of life couldn't understand what it meant, so poetic, did she have any thoughts about her, so she secretly speculated in her heart.

The corona light can't wash Hades, she's already shocked, but she won't give up!

What she didn't know was that the coronal light broke Ling Yun's ultimate move. If the horror index was ten stars, the index just now reached eight stars!

The light of hope this time is even more incredible, the black holes are all illuminated, and the black energy cannot gather together, nor can it devour the light that has been erupting from the ground.

The King of Pisces sneered at the corner of his mouth, and then took out a communication talisman!
"Huangquan Jinwei, Pluto is in Ghost Island, if you want to find him, come here."

"almost there!"

After the other party responded, there was a roar!

As the communication talisman was burned, the Pisces monarch looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. If he couldn't do it, let others do it for him.

"Bad auntie, don't hit my daddy." The little guy broke free from Yan Xuefei's arms, rushed over, and kept patting the goddess of life, who whispered to the little guy.

"Little one, please go away. I'm not trying to hurt you, but to save you. Even though you are a supreme divine body, you don't know that once the power in your body explodes, your life will be threatened. For your Safe, I need to take it out, Yaolian!"

Lu Changlong muttered to himself: "Can this time end the legend of Pluto? I don't want to die either. Please, kill him. Don't let him become our eternal fear."

Many people in the enemy army are hoping in their hearts, and this hope is the power of the light of hope. The endless light will almost completely destroy the black hole!

Ling Yun didn't move or say anything, this was exactly the ending everyone wanted to see.

The Ghost Emperor stared at the radiant sky and said, "I think he will be fine!"

"It's hard to say. This force is the strongest I've ever seen. No one. Where did that woman come from!" Gui Yasha wryly smiled!
The Goddess of Life said: "If I lose this trick, I will leave here."

"I'll accompany you through two tricks, I miss the old days a little bit."

Ling Yun laughed, but it was just a competition of strength, the power of the Goddess of Life couldn't kill him, they had the same root and same origin.

bang bang...

Embarrassing slightly!
Ling Yun found out that at this moment, he can make this light of hope disappear with just one thought. What's going on?
But Ling Yun didn't do this, he just gathered the power of darkness again, making the sky look like a night, a duel between darkness and light.

In a dramatic reversal, the Goddess of Life lost to Ling Yun and vomited blood on the spot.

"I... I lost!" The eyes of the Goddess of Life were full of disbelief, why evil cannot overcome evil!
"Little girl, let's go." Ling Yun wouldn't show up in front of her, the ground was filled with golden light, and in an instant, the Gate of Thunder appeared on her side!

The Goddess of Life didn't want to leave, but she just talked too much.

"If you don't leave, I will send everyone into the abyss of darkness together."


Everyone's faces were ashen, and they all knelt down and begged for mercy! !
The Abyss of Darkness, the head of the top ten forbidden areas in the Twelve Regions, no one dares to go there, it will swallow all the light, full of danger.

The little guy laughed loudly, and the Goddess of Life looked at the little guy, and finally walked in unwillingly!
The sky cleared up, and everyone didn't know why, is Pluto no longer angry?
The little guy was eagerly waiting for Ling Yun to appear, while Bei Bei was also looking into the distance!

Here in the main city!

The King of Pisces was anxiously waiting for the arrival of Huang Quan's guards, and Ling Yun appeared here, with a hint of chill in his eyes, and a smile that was not a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Master Pluto is indeed the strongest, but if it's the ghost island that alarms you old man, you're too old...!"

The sissy Monarch Pisces didn't even finish her sentence. When Ling Yun heard some old man, he slapped him straight away!
Snapped! !

There was a trace of blood at the corner of Pisces Monarch's mouth, and he didn't dare to get angry on his face!
"I have a stinky mouth and can't speak. I should be beaten. I have offended you. I don't know if you are involved in the ghost island incident, but you shouldn't kill them all."

The Pisces monarch is very clear about what it means for such a powerful Pluto to appear in front of him. He is not an opponent himself, and if he doesn't say something nice, his life will not be saved.

Ling Yun frowned gradually, and Pisces Lord swallowed his saliva and continued: "Now your anger is gone, I can't afford to pay you for the little one."

Word down!

He knelt down by himself and kowtowed to Ling Yun to apologize, just like a grandson!
"You know where my daughter is, and you still stretched out that cat's claw!!" Ling Yun said in a deep voice, his eyes were extremely sharp, staring at the shivering Pisces Monarch, who seemed to be in a sea of ​​blood.

"Forgive me, Lord Pluto, I really don't know, I don't know that the little princess is on the ghost island. If I know, I won't dare to capture the ghost island even if I have a hundred guts."

"Really? I trust you for the time being, but I came here in person, more or less I need to do something, don't I?"

"That's right... What Master Pluto said is true!!" The Pisces Monarch nodded repeatedly, and when he heard that Ling Yun believed him, his eyes sparkled.

"Either...they die! die! You should be very benevolent, right?" Ling Yun smiled evilly!

The Pisces Monarch clenched his fist tightly, but let it go in an instant, and then squeezed out a very ugly smile.

"What's wrong with Master Pluto, the little one thinks I'm not a good person, but I'm a king and they are subjects, there's no reason for me to be benevolent and righteous, right?"

"Hahaha, I like people who are shameless, greedy for life and afraid of death. If you wish, let them pay the price!"

Ling Yun snapped his fingers, and a black demon appeared on every inch of the ghost island. The latter's ferocious appearance was covered in black, and it could be said that he had no facial features.

(End of this chapter)

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