Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1278

Chapter 1278 Qi abuses Pisces (third)

The Pisces Monarch glared at the crowd, his body fluctuating in anger, if he could, he would have swallowed them alive, he really couldn't stand that kind of gaze mocking his sissy.

"Why, why are you judging me? I'm not a sinner, Pluto! Don't forget, you and I used to be the same kind of people... No, no, no, now we are all the same people." The Pisces monarch said!

Ha ha!

Hearing this, Ling Yun wanted to laugh, he is heaven, whoever wants to die must die!
"Even if Hades doesn't judge you, I, the Ghost Emperor, will be the first to let you go. No matter what price I pay, I will let you die." A cold murderous look flashed in the eyes of the Ghost Emperor.

"That's right, so many people died on our ghost island, dead Pisces, you must be responsible for your own actions." Oni Yasha said!
Gui Jianchou and the others began to surround the Pisces Monarch one by one. The latter swallowed his saliva and looked panic-stricken. He had one hand imprisoned at the moment, and his body could not move. Anyone else would be afraid.

Ghost Shisan still wanted to go up and kick a few times, but the old woman stopped him. The Pisces Lord has a knife in his hand, so there might be an accident.

" smells so good." Yan Xuefei's beautiful eyes blinked!

Little guy: "Yeah, my daddy made it, it's delicious."

Yan Xuefei's meal was so funny, no wonder they all dislike the food of Guidao. In comparison, the food of Guidao is really unpalatable.

The scent also attracted Ghost Emperor and the others, but since Pluto was here, they could only watch!

The Pisces monarch laughed loudly: "It's really ignorant, ignorant. At this time, what you think about is not how to restore your strength, but about eating. It's so funny."

"Laugh, laugh at your uncle!!" When Gui Yasha became angry, he kicked Pisces Monarch directly in the air. The latter was so strong in physical skills that he just sneered.

It can be said that even if the Pisces Lord is imprisoned at this moment, the Ghost Emperor and the others can't do anything to him, only Ling Yun or the little guys can hurt him.

Ling Yun only cooked a few eggs and fried rice, and there was no portion for Concubine Yan Xue, so the little guy was generous enough to give it to Concubine Yan!
"According to my previous practice, dead cats should be killed immediately." Ling Yun sat on a grand master's chair, drinking water leisurely.

The three little guys stood by holding fried rice with eggs and watching!
"Winners and losers, I see it away, let's do it." The Pisces monarch closed his eyes in despair. This may be the best ending, not being abused!

"Wait...Master Pluto, this is too cheap for him. I am not convinced that he killed so many people from Guidao." Gui Yasha was the first to stand up, expressing that this trial cannot be accepted by him!
Ling Yun frowned slightly, not everyone can interfere in his decision, besides, he is not familiar with Gui Yasha, what he said just now was just in the past!
Everyone broke into a cold sweat for Oni Yasha, and the Pisces Lord sneered at the corner of his mouth, and said yes, yes, yes, yes!

Ghost Yasha was slapped and flew away by Ling Yun, chirping and crooked!
"Go and see him!" The Ghost Emperor kicked Gui Jianchou, making the latter look in the direction where Ghost Yasha was shot.

"Ahem... You should not talk, you will make many mistakes, Pluto is not a good talker." Gui Jianchou nodded, left this sentence and left, everyone knew it made sense.

"Kill, come... what are you waiting for?" Pisces Sovereign stared coldly at everyone present!
The corner of Ghost Emperor's mouth twitched, such a cheap request, is he still the Pisces Monarch!

Ling Yun said: "Pisces dead cat, don't rush to seek death, aren't you waiting for someone, take your time, I will wait here for them to die."

Ling Yun knew what Pisces Monarch was thinking. He wanted Ling Yun and the others to kill him, and after his life died, he would be reborn in his lair, so that he could get rid of the imprisoned stone statue.

such a pity!
What he doesn't know is that even if he kills him here, he won't be reborn in his lair, but here, he will still be imprisoned and unable to escape.

This is why the stone statues are used to imprison Pisces!

"Master Pluto is thinking too much, who dares to come here? I beg you to die."


"You can beat him up now, try to beat him as badly as possible, don't give me face, beat hard, just don't beat him to death." Ling Yun said to the ghost emperor and the others, and the knife in the hands of the Pisces monarch was taken by Ling Yun. snatched away.

The Pisces monarch swallowed hard, what would it matter if he wasn't killed?This time I was abused.


The King Pisces was beaten badly by the Ghost Emperor and the others, Ling Yun arranged a sound-proof array to let the little ones eat with peace of mind.

The little guy said: "Papa, I'm full."

"Why do you eat so little?"

"A lot, you see, I dug here."

The little guy pointed to the rice bowl, the egg fried rice in the rice bowl had been dug a hole, and there was still a pile of rice around it.

"Put it here, you will eat it yourself later." Ling Yun put it aside, only ate a little, and he will definitely be hungry again later!

The little guy nodded, and then kept looking at the Pisces Monarch!

Beibei said: "Handsome Shushu, he is so bad, why not shave him so that he can't find a wife."

Hearing this, Ling Yun laughed out loud, Bei Bei could think of such an idea!

"Aha, okay, write two words on his bald head to let everyone know that he is a bad guy!" The little guy rolled his eyes dejectedly.


Concubine Yan Xue almost laughed until her stomach ached. Little Irene's suggestion was terrible, to drain the blood of Pisces Monarch!

"Then listen to the three little adults." Ling Yun withdrew the sound-proof formation, and then asked the Ghost Emperor and the others to stop!
The ghost emperor muttered: "It's so fast, I haven't had enough fun!"

"I never thought I would have the day to beat Pisces Monarch, hahaha!" Gui Shisan laughed out loud!

The old woman was sweating, and she hadn't been in such a good mood for a long time. Needless to say, ghosts and evil people, she was so moved that she kept muttering about avenging General Skeleton and Lord Ghost.

"Pisces dead cat, are you convinced? Do you want to die?" Ling Yun asked.

"To...kill me, kill me..." The Pisces Monarch growled while struggling, it was too painful!

"How many lives do you have?"

"Wu Tiao, come on... If you kill me, I will definitely take revenge, just wait for me!"

"So few?" Ling Yun laughed amusedly, in Po Wang's eyes, there were only two Pisces Monarchs left, and it was really ignorant to try to lie to him.

The others turned pale with shock, and there were five more, to fuck his uncle, he was so pissed off!
"What are you doing?"

Seeing Ling Yun's smile, the Pisces Monarch trembled inexplicably.

call out!
With a flick of his fingers, Ling Yun shaved off Pisces Monarch's hair, and his entire bald head was particularly shiny in the sun.



I have to say that the Pisces monarch has the potential to be a monk, but it is too ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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