Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1280

Chapter 1280
"Hahaha, there is nothing wrong. They will face this step one day. Now that I am here, it is the best to give them great courage." Ling Yun looked up to the sky and smiled, then looked coldly at the soul in his hand!
"No, none of you can listen to him!" Yan Xuefei was also very excited, and she had already pulled little Irene into action.

"Presumptuous, I am Pluto!"

Ling Yun yelled out solemnly, and Concubine Yan Xue was immediately shocked back, and everyone dared not speak out.

" are unreasonable, tell you, if you listen to him, don't recognize me in the future." Yan Xuefei's heart fluctuated from anger, she understood the reason, but she couldn't do it if they were so young to kill themselves on the sidelines.

Whether intentionally or not, they also killed them, ignorantly, as if it were a game, but Lu Changlong is different at this moment, because he is stupid.

This was the first time the little guy didn't listen to Ling Yun, the latter smiled, as if he had expected it!
Little Eileen said directly: "Brother, he is so stupid, just be him, baby forgive him."


The little guy and Bei Bei also had the same opinion, Ling Yun shook his head, grabbed Lu Changlong's soul directly, and penetrated into the depths of Ghost Island!
With a bang!
Lu Changlong's soul was imprisoned forever in the underground center of Guidao, where his body was giggling, without a soul, his IQ was zero.

Ling Yun thought for a while and agreed with the kindness of the little guys. They barely passed the test this time. He just drew out Lu Changlong's power and made it into a red power bead!
Yan Xuefei breathed a sigh of relief, and kept praising the little guys for their love.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself, Ling Yun sighed, to rule the Twelve Realms, only kindness will not work, only killing Miao! !

The little guy shook his head, as if he heard Ling Yun's inner voice.

She thought to herself, can't it?In the future, she will rule the Twelve Realms and show her father that even the benevolent can rule the world!
In a moment!
Thirteen figures appeared not far away, each of them was dressed like a god of death, with a scythe bigger than their bodies on their backs, which can be described as fierce and evil! !

The Ghost Emperor shook his head. Although this group of murderers belonged to the Demon God Sea, they might not be enough in front of Hades. He believed in the legend of the latter's invincibility.

A look of worry appeared on Yan Xuefei's face, and she said softly: "Ling Yun, let's talk to them, Qianqian and the others are not safe here."

She knew that Ling Yun was very strong, and in her memory, the people of Demon God Sea were also very strong, and it would definitely be a fierce battle for a while, if Ling Yun had no ability to separate himself, then they would be in danger here.

Sissi and the others are here, Ling Yun is distracted, distraction during the war is not enough, she has not recovered her peak strength, and is not enough to protect the little ones.

"There's no need to talk about it. Of course I will grant their request to die." Ling Yun showed a smile, looking mysterious!
Now you know it will hurt the little guys?So don't be kind to the enemy, he is too kind, which caused Ye Lingyun to carry out so many plans.

After the little guy saw it, his eyes turned gloomy, and then he said in a childish voice, "Papa, teach me to beat them, using the most... most... powerful magic!!"

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched, didn't he teach it?

"what do you want to learn?"

Hearing this, the little guy shook his head, she didn't understand, anyway, the most powerful kind, Ling Yun thought she was thinking about it, but in the end she just defeated them.

And Beibei was very excited when she heard it, she ran over and said coquettishly: "I want to learn, Wanjian returns to the sect!"

"Ah..." Groups of crows flew over Ling Yun's forehead!

How could this child know the strongest sword technique of Wan Jian Guizong?Her sword manual is a hidden big move, it is not recorded in it, and the record of comprehension is almost zero.

Yan Xuefei's eyes froze, isn't this the legendary swordsmanship?
The Ghost Emperor was overjoyed, and muttered to himself: "Does Pluto really know it? Do you have a chance to witness the legendary swordsmanship Wan Jian Guizong today?"

Hearing this, the Pisces Monarch laughed out loud, as if mocking Ling Yun and the others for their ignorance, Wan Jian Guizong is a sword technique recorded in ancient times, how could anyone use it?
Even those ancient figures who are the most powerful seal of the Earth Demon God Sea can't, what qualifications does the Pluto of the twelve domains have, so his smile is full of sarcasm.

Thirteen Huangquan guards have surrounded Ling Yun and the others.

The names of these thirteen are also easy to remember, one guard, two guards... all the way to the thirteen guards, are all given life and power by the strongest necromancer under Xie Wang Wen Zuo's subordinates using forbidden techniques.

He is also a great figure in ancient times. He pursued the evil king all his life to question his crimes, and he was willing to be sealed in the Demon God Sea together.

Yi Wei looked at Ling Yun and his party with cold eyes, and said in a hoarse voice: "The name of Pluto is as loud as thunder, but who is he who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth?"

"Papa, they're so annoying, they stink." The little guy hated the necromantic aura emanating from Huangquan's guards.

Ling Yun asked the little guy to go into Yan Xuefei's arms, don't talk, just look more, the little guy curled his mouth and pinched his nose, with a look of disgust on his face.

Today Ling Yun must teach the three little guys a lesson, otherwise they will not know how cruel the Twelve Realms are, and they will only grow up if they lose his protective umbrella.

A huge plan rose in Ling Yun's heart, let them grow up strong by themselves, as for how to explain to An Qing, he has already thought about it.

"It should be him. He has pretty features and is quite handsome. Have you ever heard of our Huangquan Guards?" The second guard stared at Ling Yun and said, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"Garbage ants, you don't deserve to let me know." Ling Yun hooked his fingers, telling them to come and die!

"court death."

Second Wei suddenly became angry, he looked down on them!
"Don't worry, he must be on guard, attacking him rashly will only lead to death."

First Wei calmly stopped Second Wei's move.

"Yes, calm down, now that we have found him, don't worry that he will escape."

"He really has a lot of guts. I heard that he has a reputation for viciousness. In the battle of the God Realm, the enemy's entire army was wiped out. We must be careful."

"Hahaha, look at his current state, I bet he doesn't have much strength to fight us, and it will be over soon. He will give the evil king an explanation."

"Tsk tsk tsk, I can't wait to get up, it's been a long time since I played a game."

A lot of Huangquan guards talked with each other.

The Pisces Monarch said coldly, "Everyone, don't let him go, look at this land, you can know that he is already the twilight sun at this moment, and he won't be here for long."

Is the mind of these gangsters broken?Do you dare to be arrogant if you don't know the strength of Pluto?Especially the Pisces Monarch!

The Ghost Emperor shook his head, he really couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking, or what he was pretending to be!
(End of this chapter)

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