Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1293

Chapter 1293
This move immediately attracted many nearby people who love to watch the excitement!
"Look, isn't he the town tyrant, Zhang Zhifu!"

"Someone was bullied by him again."

"It's a good show to watch. That woman is from Guidao, and her strength is not bad."

"Hey, ghost island, ghost island, now ghost island may have been breached by Pisces Monarch, what kind of ghost island is there?"

The people who eat melon seeds all around shake their heads one by one, with an attitude that they have nothing to do with themselves!

"You're a bit too much, go ahead, I don't want to do anything." Yan Xuefei frowned tightly, staring at Zhang Zhifu coldly!
Ling Yun laughed and said, "Are you serious about these five low-grade spirit stones?"

Yan Xuefei whispered in Ling Yun's ear: "Ling Yun, your strength is very low now, stay behind me, don't make a sound, and look after Qian Qian and the others."

Ling Yun was instantly speechless!

"What? Too much?" Zhang Zhifu's tone also became cold!
The little guy said: "Well, he is a bad guy!"

Beibei shook his head and said, "It's all Shuai Shushu's fault, why is he so handsome? Look, he must be jealous."

Whenever there is any trouble, she thinks it is because of Ling Yun's handsomeness!

Ling Yun laughed, quite helplessly, it was his fault, there was no way to be handsome!
Beibei can really talk, even complaining about Lingyun is so funny.

"Don't be joking with me, if you don't sell the fairy artifact, you won't be able to get out of here." Zhang Zhifu's face became gloomy, his eyes radiating coldness.

"You want to die, don't you?" Yan Xuefei was furious, her heart fluctuated, and she looked at Zhang Zhifu with an unhappy expression.

"Sell..." Ling Yun laughed and stopped Yan Xuefei from making a move.

"Hahahaha, you still know the rules, what are the rules? I'm the one who has the final say here, come down quickly, this fairy artifact is mine." Zhang Zhifu secretly elated with excitement.

"Wait a minute, I said to sell, but I didn't say to sell at this price, just want to buy my fairy artifact for five yuan of low-grade spirit stones. Are you awake today?" Ling Yun looked at the eyes with a half-smile Zhang Zhifu's eyes were full of playfulness.

"Oh my god...he dared to say such a thing to Zhenba, he is finished, I don't have the courage to see his end."

"The little brother who dared to fight against the bully last time was thrown into the sea to feed the fish. Today's one will not escape this catastrophe."

"Don't mess with him, don't mess with him... His strength is really immortal, I'm the goddess of the Immortal Emperor, but I heard that Zhenba's strength has reached the seventeenth of the Immortal Emperor, and he still has a bunch of subordinates."

Everyone looked at this scene, and they had different opinions, and they already thought what would happen to Ling Yun next.

Zhang Zhifu stared at Ling Yun coldly, then laughed out loud, as if he had heard a huge joke, and asked again uncertainly.

"Say it again!!"

"Is there something wrong with your ears? Ask those present, who told you that you can buy immortal artifacts with mere low-grade spirit stones?" Ling Yun said!

"Hahaha, just now you don't want mere low-grade spirit stones. That's the overnight fee I gave her. Now you want it? Let her stay with me for one more night." Zhang Zhifu stared at Concubine Yan Xue, his face gradually became evil, and his tone Especially a little bit heavier!


"Handsome, he is good or bad, he keeps staring at us!"

"No, no, he is the godmother staring at the baby, can I breathe fire?"

Concubine Yan Xue was already gasping for breath, but Ling Yun never let her do anything, she was about to cry, being taken advantage of by Zhang Zhifu!

Ling Yun was smiling but not smiling, as calm as ever, signaling to Concubine Yan Xue to be calm, the other party is just a clown.

"Fart... My goddess, you slept with you bastard?" Someone muttered, although the voice was very small, but most of the people present heard it!
Zhang Zhifu was displeased: "Come out, come out...who said what you just said!"

Everyone was taken aback by that momentum, and all backed away!

One of them was stared at with trepidation, uneasy, and then flattered him: "Brother Fu, you got it wrong, you said you slept well last night!"

Hearing this, Zhang Zhifu was overjoyed and laughed wildly!

The little guy said: "Papa, is he what you call an idiot!"

The scene was suddenly terribly quiet, everyone was dumbfounded, and the little guy became the focus!

"What did Qianqian say, don't talk nonsense, although he is an idiot, but don't say it out loud, just laugh." Ling Yun touched the little guy's forehead and helped her straighten her hat. The latter nodded and covered her mouth as expected. sniggering.


No, she covered her mouth and laughed even louder!
Concubine Yan Xue: "..."

Beibei looked at Zhang Zhifu's angry face again and again, with a look of contempt on his face, and thought in his heart that he really is an idiot!
"Little San, tell the people in the town that someone thinks it's too late." Zhang Zhifu said coldly, his body's momentum changed slightly.

Concubine Yan Xue felt a lump in her heart, and remembered what the Goddess of Life said to her last night, she would die for the man next to her, is it now?
"Qiqian, what should I say at this time?" Ling Yun asked without any panic on his face!

Everyone shook their heads, thinking to themselves that Ling Yun is so stupefied, it's enough to make a good apology, and he must die.

The little guy rubbed his forehead, then smiled and said: "Tiger Luopingyang is a dog, bite them!"

Ling Yun: "..."

Beibei shook her head like a wavy drum, and said in a milky voice, "No, it should be let the horse come here, ants are always ants!"

Ling Yun: "..."

Concubine Yan Xue: "..."

Everyone: "..."

At this time, if you still have the mind to joke, hurry up and run for your life, the people who suppressed the bully began to gather here, and everyone became speechless.

In a moment!
There were more than a dozen strong men standing behind Zhang Zhifu, and Ling Yun looked at them, and most of them were Immortal Emperors with the first and second ranks!
"Boy, get out and die obediently." Zhang Zhifu said coldly, his eyes full of killing intent towards Ling Yun.

"Boss, is this real fairy kid who offended you?" Someone said to Zhang Zhifu!

"Him? I'm not afraid. I'm afraid of that woman. She's very powerful. You guys are responsible for chopping that kid up." A gloomy look flashed in Zhang Zhifu's eyes.


"Wait a minute, can I ask, my fairy artifact is so rubbish, why do you insist on it?"

This is the question in Ling Yun's mind!

Hearing this, the corners of everyone's mouths twitched, because they all knew that Zhang Zhifu had a hobby, that is, he liked to collect fairy artifacts, not because they didn't want them, and even higher-level sacred artifacts couldn't get into his eyes.

"It's okay to tell you, I like it." Zhang Zhifu laughed loudly!

And Ling Yun also understood when he heard the small voices around him, he couldn't laugh or cry immediately!
What he didn't know was that Concubine Yan Xuefei's face was ashen, with so many immortal emperors in front of her, she couldn't protect Ling Yun who only had the strength of a real immortal in a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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