Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1305 Arriving at Time City

Chapter 1305 Arriving at Time City

When the little guy got it, he even said thank you to the Goddess of Life!
"Little boy, you want this magic weapon, and it will be difficult for me to explain to Qingtian in the future."

The Goddess of Life came here for the remnant soul of Emperor Qingtian, and the latter's Taixu God Armor was temporarily let her keep.

The little guy doesn't care, she's happy in her heart, she won't swallow what she gets, no matter what she tells.

The Goddess of Life followed them all the way, and they were all talking and laughing, but she and Yan Xuefei had nothing in common, and basically they were all about the little guys.


Ling Yun shook his head, and when he saw the goddess of life coming out, he immediately hid first, and when she left, he came out.

"Papa, I'll get it." The little guy smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"Not bad, not bad." Ling Yun looked at the Taixu Divine Armor, with a trace of doubt in his eyes. This is the ancient artifact he refined.

Taixu Shenjia, the surface is a bit damaged, and those marks can show how earth-shattering the first battle was.

This artifact was made by him with extremely precious materials, and it could resist his powerful blows, but he didn't expect it to become such rubbish at this moment.

Fortunately, as long as a little material is added, it can immediately become a brand new Void God Armor!

"Brother... I want to become a skirt!"

Watching Lingyun Xukong refining the Taixu God Armor, little Irene said in a milky voice.

"Good good!"

Ling Yun couldn't laugh or cry!

It was the first time Yan Xuefei saw this kind of refining technique, and she was so shocked that her mouth opened slightly.

"Wow... my papa is so powerful." The little guy was stunned, it turned out that this is how the artifact skirt she was wearing came from.

"Aha, the baby also has a divine weapon." Little Irene put on the Taixu skirt, and twirled around happily, feeling very happy.

Next, Ling Yun took them back to Shanyu City again, and the city was in chaos at the moment, which had nothing to do with them.

The three of them followed Concubine Yan Xue, led by Ling Yun, and officially set foot on the teleportation formation to the Wuhun Continent, spending all the spirit stones that Concubine Yan Xue had borrowed.

Hot Mars, Wuhun Continent.

Time City!
After the group of them came out of the teleportation array, they walked directly to Yan's mansion. The little guys along the way were curious about the surroundings and felt that the environment was very familiar.

"Qi Qian, you come here, you all come here, remember?" Yan Xuefei asked.


The little guy scratched his head, looking like he was thinking hard.

Beibei said: "Have you been here? I don't remember."

Her little head was shaking vigorously!

"Baby knows, I've been here." The scene of being captured by Da Situ and a bunch of people chasing and killing her immediately appeared in Little Irene's mind.

Ling Yun said that he has something to do, and he will go to Yan's mansion to pick up the little guy later, and let Yan Xuefei take care of him.

The little guy warned Ling Yun in a childish voice, he must come to pick her up quickly, otherwise she would complain to Ling Yun, which really made the latter dumbfounded.

In a moment!
The gate of Yan Mansion saw it, and the guard saw Yan Xuefei, and immediately smiled and said: "Ms. Concubine Yingying!"


Yan Xuefei smiled lightly, and then led the three of them in. After many years, no one recognized the three little guys.

The guards quickly informed Yan Xuefei's grandfather that since the elder of the Yan family was fishing outside the city, he put down his head and nodded to show that he knew about it.

Yan Xuefei's father, Yan Wuji was pleasantly surprised when he heard that his precious daughter had returned, but when he heard that he had brought back three children, his face suddenly turned dark.

So he rushed to Yan Xuefei's yard angrily!
"Concubine Xue!"

"Hello, father!"

Yan Xuefei smiled slightly, and then played games with the three little guys, without paying attention to Yan Wuji's face.

"They are your..."

Before he could say all of his words, he heard Beibei calling Yan Xuefei to be his mother. The baby's voice was childish and he was panting, but he didn't hear a single dry word!
This makes Yan Wuji so angry, his head is almost smoking, he has children when he comes back, and his family has been ruined by her, what will the people in Wuhun Continent think of Yan Mansion when it spreads?
With a cold snort, Yan Wuji immediately left sullenly. He wanted to tell his father and let the latter handle it!
Not long after, the grand elder of the Yan family rushed over with a displeased expression on his face. Concubine Yan Xue was his favorite granddaughter.

Five-star Wuhun!

The strength is still the Seventeenth Immortal Emperor, and the long-term harm to the country and the people, the twelve domains are beautiful, and now a good cabbage is being pushed by someone, how can he not be angry.

"Who is the other party?"

"En?" Yan Xuefei frowned, not understanding what her grandfather said.

Seeing her grandfather, Yan Xuefei was immediately angry. If it wasn't for that painting, how many people would have died in Guidao! !
"Grandpa, you still have the face to say, go, go, don't let this concubine see you, and get angry when she sees you." Yan Xuefei frowned slightly and pushed the elder of the Yan family, who looked confused. Yes.

What's the situation, the painting style is wrong, isn't he asking Yan Xuefei, why is the latter more angry than him, they should be angry, okay?

The grand elder of the Yan family has been away all year round, so he definitely doesn't know the three little guys, and besides, they are wearing peaked caps, who would recognize them!
The little guy was still making faces at him, which immediately made the elder of the Yan family very angry!
"No, I have to ask Concubine Xue to tell who that pig is. He actually cheated on my cabbage, oh, oh, oh... let's cook raw rice, can I ask for a betrothal gift?"

Thinking of this, the grand elder of the Yan family is full of frustration!

Then he went to talk to the ancestor of the Yan family. The latter practiced every day and was currently practicing in a secret room in the mansion.

Ling Yun wandered around Suiyue City, and then planned to buy a small courtyard in a remote and quiet place, like a courtyard in Huaxia, with an area of ​​more than 400 square meters.

He didn't have a spirit stone, but he had a bunch of pills, and if he took out one at random, the eyes of those who knew the goods immediately lit up. In this way, Ling Yun was able to buy a yard with one pill.

Ling Yun found that there was a trace of death energy coming from the courtyard, and the death energy emanating from it meant that someone was about to die of illness, a person who was about to die!

Then he walked in. The owner of the yard was boiling medicine, and when he saw a stranger walking in, he immediately stared at him!
The owner of the yard is a middle-aged man, Ling Yun can tell how old he is at a glance, more than 50 years old, very strong, Immortal Emperor eighteen!

This ancient person is actually here, and there is a big person hidden in the small courtyard. You must know that when the spiritual energy of Wuhun Continent has not recovered, it is difficult for Immortal Emperor Seventeen to find a few.

What's more, Immortal Emperor Eighteen, this kind of character shouldn't be ordinary.

Ling Yun was speechless when he saw him brewing the medicine. The Immortal Emperor is eighteen, but he doesn't know how to make alchemy?Is it because he has no talent, or he has never had a strange fire in his life!
(End of this chapter)

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