Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1307 Selling Fake Drugs

Chapter 1307 Selling Counterfeit Medicines (Second Change)
The girl finally opened her eyes this time, and her eyes were clear and charming, blue!

If Ling Yun was here, he would definitely be shocked. This is the performance of a person who can practice pupil technique with extremely high talent.

" you feel you feel better?" The woman asked tremblingly, tears fell drop by drop, she could hardly believe it, and her heart was extremely excited.

"Wake up...wake up...wake up?" The middle-aged man looked back!
It was really saved, he could feel the strong vitality in his daughter's body, recalling what he said just now, it was really slap in the face. .

"Husband, our daughter is alive." The woman wept with joy, her face was covered with a happy smile, and she hugged the girl tightly for an instant.

The girl felt so relaxed, unprecedentedly relaxed, and the whole family smiled happily in a short time.

And Ling Yun went to the medicine store to buy some ingredients and came back to make soup for the little guy tonight.

The little guy wouldn't just wait for Ling Yun in Yan's mansion, he would know where Ling Yun was with a glance of his consciousness, so he dragged Yan Xuefei out and called it shopping.

Concubine Yan Xue loves them very much and is satisfied with each of them. The children are responsible for eating, drinking and having fun.

In the medicine shop!

Ling Yun looked at the medicinal materials on the cabinet, and the corner of his mouth twitched. When did the elixirs he threw away become so expensive? What happened!
Then he frowned, this medicinal material store actually sells second-hand products, that is, some medicinal materials have survived once, they are re-dried and re-sold!
This can only bully some strangers, or laymen who don't know the properties of medicine.

Some of them are fake, that's fine, Ling Yun didn't want to meddle too much, but the medicines he needs are secondary products.

"Call your shopkeeper out." Ling Yun's face gradually became gloomy. No one had ever dared to sell defective products to him. For the first time, the shopkeeper of this shop has grown bolder.

The young man grabbing the medicine said: "Who are you, our shopkeeper is not something you can meet just by saying we meet, so let's go."

"Hehehe..." Ling Yun smiled, really laughing in his heart, thinking back then, no matter how many people wanted to see him, they couldn't, but now he doesn't want to see him!
"Make trouble, let's go..." The drug grabber waved his hands, his face was extremely impatient, and there were so many customers in the shop, he didn't even look at Ling Yun.

"Let me say one more thing, call out your shopkeeper, if the tiger doesn't show its power, you will treat me as a sick cat?" Ling Yun frowned, and clapped one hand on the counter, making a loud bang.

This move immediately attracted the customers in the store, and they looked over one by one.

"You want to make trouble?" The boy who caught the medicine had a slight chill in his eyes.

"Hmph, I won't expose you, you are still lawless." Ling Yun smiled half-smile, and his eyes also turned cold.

"What... what do you mean!" The young man who grabbed the medicine suddenly panicked and became a little scared, but he calmed down very much and pretended that nothing happened.

"If you don't see the coffin, don't cry. It's fine for you to sell fake medicines. I will bear with selling defective products, but you should never sell them to me."

"If you don't give me an explanation today, there is no need for your medicine shop to continue."

Ling Yun said again and again!

Hearing this, everyone began to whisper!
"No way, the No. [-] Credit Medicine Store in Suiyue City actually did such a thing!"

"As soon as he said that, I remembered that the medicinal materials I bought back last time had no medicinal fragrance."

"What a Yangxin Hall. Last time I bought wind and rain grass and went back to refine the elixir. I have never made a mistake before. That time the elixir furnace exploded. It turned out to be a defective product, your uncle's!"

"What nourishing heart hall, black heart hall!"

The scene got out of hand, and the guy who grabbed the medicine was scared off immediately!

"It's nothing, don't listen to his nonsense, this man wants to blackmail our store." The drug catcher pointed to Ling Yun, who frowned, unexpectedly, he was still stubborn and refused to admit his mistake.

"Hahaha, I can make a bet with you, of course, if you lose, I will die!" Ling Yun's eyes became fierce, his eyes radiated a chill, and the boy who caught the medicine was trembling all over!
"Don't be impatient, I'll ask the shopkeeper to come out and give you an explanation."

The drug catcher couldn't control the scene anymore, and after leaving a few people behind, he slipped into the back door by himself!
In a moment!
An old man in fine clothes came out.

"Come out, shopkeeper Liu, you must tell us clearly what's going on with this medicinal material."

"Everything I buy these days is fake."

"You Yangxintang is too dark, you don't consider our feelings at all."

People in the store began to express their dissatisfaction.

"Everyone, everyone, this store is honest in its business, and there is absolutely no fraud." The old man hurriedly interrupted them!
"Hahaha, so I deliberately fabricated the facts?" Ling Yun suddenly laughed!
"This... this... Fellow Daoist, is there some misunderstanding between us?"

The old man looked Ling Yun up and down, then sneered in his heart, even a mere real fairy dared to challenge them in Yangxintang in public!

"Misunderstanding? No... I'll just ask you, what's wrong with my medicine?" Ling Yun threw the packaged medicine in his hand to show him!

After the old man got the medicinal materials, he immediately sniffed his nose, and then frowned!
"You are so bold, you dare to switch the medicinal materials of our Yangxintang, say! Who sent you here." The old man's expression changed suddenly, and he threw the medicinal materials that Ling Yun had just bought on the ground, his face was covered with coldness.

Ling Yun sneered, this old man's acting is very good, very good, he must give it [-] points!

Everyone started to despise Ling Yun, and many people started talking again.

"Let me just say, Yangxintang is a reputable medicine store, how could it deceive us."

"But there must be something wrong with the wind and rain grass I bought back."

"There are so many medicinal materials, you can't be sure that there is something wrong with the wind and rain grass."

"I believe that shopkeeper Liu is a man of the highest rank, and he will not deceive us people."

After listening to shopkeeper Liu's words, the crowd came up with another way of saying it, it was inconsistent, Ling Yun shook his head, these stupid people are really hopeless!

Ling Yun said: "You are questioning me, very good!"

Shopkeeper Liu sneered, even a real fairy dared to be crazy, he didn't know how to die.

"Tell me, whoever sent you here, I will kill you if you don't tell me. I believe that everyone here should not have any objections."

"Hahaha, okay, since you want to die, then I will help you." Ling Yun smiled mysteriously. This smile had terrified countless people, but shopkeeper Liu didn't understand it, and the others didn't understand it even more.


Shopkeeper Liu immediately wanted to slap Ling Yun to death, but when he got lucky, his face was extremely distorted, and blood continued to flow from the corner of his mouth.

"No... how did the old man get poisoned?" Shopkeeper Liu was shocked, his body was on the verge of falling, he couldn't use any strength, he was an alchemist, and he knew that he had been poisoned.

(End of this chapter)

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