Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1311 Reunion

Chapter 1311 Reunion

Living under the moon!
An Qing was just about to go to the Wuhun Continent, but fortunately she saw a black hole, she stopped in her tracks, her face was ecstatic.


"An Qing!"

When the couple meet, they are still very affectionate!
"Where did Long Xingtian and the others go? Why are you left in Yuexiaju?"

"They all went to Yunzhongyu for training, and they just left not long ago." An Qing smiled sweetly!

"Chicken's territory?" Ling Yun frowned. The two domains have ruled together, which is a bit difficult to deal with.

"Yes, Yun Zhongyu is similar to what you guessed. Now it's in turmoil. There are villains everywhere, against Ji Wushuang's rule." An Qing told Ling Yun everything she heard!
"I think the two brothers and sisters have a way to deal with it. Let's go to Wuhun Continent first."


Since Ling Yun doesn't care anymore, she doesn't need to care so much.

Back in the Wuhun Continent, the couple turned upside down a few times, and the sky was dawning!
"Cissy wake up, get up and exercise with your dad." An Qing patted the little guy's face!

The little guy heard her mother's voice in a daze, and frowned slightly. It must be a dream. How could her mother be here!

"Don't make trouble... don't make trouble..."

The milky voice is so cute, An Qing covers her mouth and smiles!
"Aunt An, why are you here?" Beibei was woken up by her, rubbed her eyes, and yawned deeply, with a puzzled look in her eyes.

"Oh, my husband is here, I must follow him. The so-called marry a husband and follow a husband, and marry a dog and follow the dog." An Qing replied with a bit of a smile!

"No, no...Aunt An, how can you say Shuai Shushu is a dog." Beibei shook her head and said!
This is to piss An Qing off!

The little guy muttered, rubbed his eyes, and then looked at An Qing on the bedside. She couldn't believe it, and then rubbed his eyes again!

"Little baby, get up quickly, you are the laziest, look... your sister gets up earlier than you, little Irene gets up earlier than you, are you the laziest!!"

"Mama... why are you here? I must be dreaming. Let's sleep for a while."

She was definitely not dreaming, she just wanted to sleep back into the cage!

"No, little Irene has already gotten up to exercise, and you are the laziest?"

"Yeah, I'm going to wake up now!"

Hearing this, the little guy closed her eyes, waiting for An Qing to wash her up!
After a while, the little guy said: "Ma Ma, why are you here? Do you really miss me?"

"Pfft... No... I miss your father, why do I miss you?" An Qing said!

The little guy immediately rolled his eyes: "You miss your papa, don't miss my papa."

An Qing covered her mouth and snickered, is this little guy jealous? He's so cute!
"I heard that your father is sick, can I not come?"

Last night, Ling Yun told An Qing about the poisoning, but the latter had no objection, it was up to the little guys to conquer the Wuhun Continent, this is also the test Ling Yun gave them.

"Well, let me tell you, Papa has kidney deficiency!" The little guy whispered, with a worried look on his face.


An Qing's face turned rosy in an instant, her kidneys were weak, if it wasn't dawn last night, she wouldn't have been able to escape, Ling Yun couldn't have let her go.

"No...he is for you. He was poisoned by the enemy and needs poisonous weeds. Do you know that, as his daughter, you must help him!"

"Okay...Where is the poisonous weed, I'll go and bring it back right away." The little guy said in a childish voice, with a firm expression on his face.

"I still don't know where the poisonous weed is, so I have to find out, it's difficult." An Qing patted her forehead.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of Papa and protect him." The little guy showed a look of a little adult, which made An Qing dumbfounded.

After Ling Yun taught little Irene some martial arts, they started busy with their breakfast!
The surrounding area in the early morning was very quiet, and little Irene's humming and hehe could be faintly heard.

At this time, Duoshuiliu's family was attracted, and they were all dumbfounded watching in the yard!

"This is our previous yard?" The corner of Duan Shui Liu's mouth twitched, everything in front of him shocked his three views!
The towers jumping up from the ground, the brand-new walls, and the courtyard smelled of fragrance, mixed with a fragrance from the kitchen.

The few big trees seemed to be ancient tree species, and they were clearly unrecognizable. Duan Shui Liu's eyes widened, and his body trembled slightly in shock.

Their daughter rubbed her eyes in the late Qing Dynasty: "Father, we didn't go wrong, did we?"

"No... there is a space formation here, I can't see through it, it's incredible." Duan Shui Liu shook his head!
"Aha! I'm here!" Little Irene stopped exercising and smiled at them, showing her crescent moon.

"Wow... so cute, kid." Wan Qing ran over to say hello to little Irene, while Qing Qing was silent in this beautiful environment!
A figure ran out from the kitchen, it was Beibei who was stealing food, she hurriedly covered her mouth, she didn't expect to see a guest coming as soon as she came out.

An Qing came down from upstairs, she hugged the little guy!
"Hello! Welcome to my house as a guest."

"Oh... ah... hello!"

When Duanshuiliu and his wife saw An Qing, they couldn't help being dumbfounded!
The two of them always thought that Concubine Yan Xue was the mother of the three little guys, but they didn't expect it to be the beauty in front of them.

As for how to see it?

The little guy kept calling her mother, and what An Qing said, and they also suspected that Yan Xuefei was the same. It is normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, and the three children should be from different mothers.

"Sit down first, and taste my husband's craftsmanship." An Qing smiled sweetly, and asked them to sit on the stone table first. She put down the little guy and walked into the kitchen!
Now they were sure that An Qing was the heroine, and after thanking each other, they began to look at the whole yard carefully!
"Husband, it would be great if my family could have something like this."

Qingqing yearned for it especially, but Duan Shui Liu was helpless. He had the strength of an immortal emperor, but he didn't know how to form a formation. Besides, he had never heard that such a courtyard could be created overnight!
"Don't worry, my daughter's illness is cured now, I will work harder to make money in the future, and try to give you a better home." Duan Shui Liu secretly swore that although he kept his name anonymously, he could still earn a lot of money!

"I believe!"

Qingqing saw the broken water flow with a smile on her face!

At this moment in the late Qing Dynasty, seeing Beibei and the little guy, I like it even more!

"What are your names?"



"Are you twins? They're so cute, and they say the same thing."

"No, my Mama is not her Mama!" The little guy shook his head!
"Aunt An is not my mother, but a godmother, but Beibei doesn't call her a godmother."

Late Qing has been messed up by their words!

"What's your name, big sister?" the little guy asked in a childish voice.

"Wan Qing, you can call me sister Wan Qing."

"Well, well, are you my nanny?"

Beibei scratched her head and asked!
(End of this chapter)

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