Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1318 Preparing for Enrollment

Chapter 1318 Preparing for Enrollment
That is his daughter of Pluto!
It's all her!
Absolutely no heart angrily smashed the arrest warrant with a knife!
Had it not been for her appearance, Hades would not be so bald!
What is the name of the Tianxiahui, to assist Pluto to ascend to the supreme god position, to unify the twelve domains and create a prosperous world!
Vice President Shu said: "This is the recording crystal of the ancient Pluto, look at him, there is no emotion in his eyes!"

"Look at this, it's the smile of the Supreme God, how decadent it is."

"This huge change is all because of his daughter, the little princess who suddenly appeared in the God Realm."

"Has the demonic nature of Pluto disappeared? No, no, no, we want to save him, he is our king!" Jue Wuxin said!
"Tianmen has a plan to explore the devil world, shall we join?"

"No, the demon world is too scary, you can't touch it." Jue Wuxin shook his head and said!
The vice president of the dog said: "Save the Pluto plan, let's start now, let his self-confidence regain."

"Daughter slave, it's her, kill her, kill her!"

"Kill her!"

This suggestion has already been passed, and she has absolutely no intention of strategizing, preparing to help Pluto regain his former dignity and awaken the bloodthirsty demon in him.

It took Ling Yun a while to repair the yard, but the corner of the watchdog's mouth twitched. It was about to hit the wall. It took at least three days for others to repair the yard, but Pluto just watched for a while and waved his right hand a few times.

It's already banging on the door, die it, bang bang bang! !

The little guy rushed over when he heard the sound, and scratched his head because he didn't know!

"Papa, what's wrong with it?"

"Don't worry about it, it has to hit the door to be happy." Ling Yun laughed, death is impossible to make it die, no matter how hard it hits the door, it's useless, he took away the heart, only with his consent, the watchdog can kill, life The power to kill is in your hands.

The little guy curled his lips, and finally ignored the watchdog, but Beibei thought it was hungry, and gave it some unpalatable meals, and the latter wanted to cry but had no tears.

Three days have passed!

Today, An Qing passed by a small college nearby, and suddenly had an idea that the little guy seemed to have reached the age of kindergarten.

"Ling Yun, let's put her in the kindergarten and let her play with other children more, and others will teach her things that we don't pay attention to."

Although Ling Yun is very powerful, there will always be some things that the little guy forgot to teach, or the latter didn't pay much attention to remembering, others can always teach her some truths!
"This is the Wuhun Continent, where is the kindergarten?"

Hearing this, Ling Yun rolled his eyes again and again!

"It's similar to a kindergarten, it's near here, not far away!"

An Qing had already inquired about it. That small college was established for ordinary children, and only children with poor aptitude went to study.

This stage is to learn the basic knowledge of the mainland, teach some literature and art, and simple mathematics, which is especially similar to kindergartens in China.

In that small college, she saw an acquaintance, that is, Wan Qing, and she actually worked as a tutor there, teaching the children carefully.

"Okay, if they agree to go, it's okay to go for a few hours a day, and come back to practice alchemy with me at other times."

Ling Yun replied with a smile, secretly wondering if they would listen to An Qing's arrangement!
He has already taken the spirit stones that the little guy cheated on him to buy a batch of medicinal materials and materials, and is going to let them continue alchemy!
If you don't reach the imperial level alchemist, it's useless to say anything!
Alchemy is also ready for them to learn, this is for beginners, take your time, and when alchemy goes further, he plans to start teaching it in an all-round way.

"I'll go and talk to them." An Qing rolled her eyes at Ling Yun and then went upstairs to look for the little guy. Ling Yun touched his nose and shrugged helplessly. !
In the attic!
The little guy is looking at the scenery of Time City on the highest floor, and next to him are Beibei and little Irene taking pictures of each other.

An Qing suddenly nodded the little guy's head, and asked with a smile, "How old is Qianqian?"

"Three years old."

"Blue Star's children have gone to kindergarten since they were two years old."


"Yes, did you see that little academy?"

An Qing pointed to the building not far away!
"See, is that the kindergarten?" The little guy asked in a childish voice.

"Yes, there are many children inside, you can play many games together." An Qingchun said kindly.

The little guy is still thinking about it, Beibei on the other side quit!
"Don't... don't go to school, get up early every day, don't go, don't go!"

She also has a baby voice, her little head is almost shaking like a wave drum!

"Add an extra can of Wangzai every day, go four days a week, go every morning and stay at home in the afternoon, think about it." An Qing didn't intend to talk so much nonsense with the three little guys, she said all the conditions, and if it didn't work, she had to do it !

The little guy shook his head resolutely, but when Beibei and little Irene heard that there were two cans of Wangzai, it was different. For them, going to kindergarten is just to play.

"Aunt An, you can't lie to the lovely Beibei, two cans are on time every day, and you can't owe it." Beibei blinked and said, and also showed a very embarrassed look, which made her dumbfounded.

"I will never lie to you!" An Qing couldn't laugh or cry!
At this time Ling Yun also came up. Hearing that An Qing was so generous, he almost fell down the stairs. She didn't understand the difficulty of Wang Zai's production.

"Papa, I don't want to go."

The little guy still shook his head, although she also wanted another can of Wangzai, but she knew that her father's was not cured, and she still needed the poisonous weed, how could she go to school with peace of mind!
In fact, she has a lot of worries, and she is also worried that Ling Yun will run away to risk without taking her, and she likes to pester Ling Yun, she is very dependent, like a follower.

"That's right, I haven't seen you for only one morning. I'll pick you up from school at noon and make delicious food for you. Today is Thursday, sign up today, go to school tomorrow, and I'll take you to play the day after tomorrow."

Hearing this, the little guy agreed this time, but she deliberately said two cans of Wangzai, Ling Yun burst out laughing.

The phoenix won't be able to come back in a short time, and he has an oath to the Demon God Sea, that the seal is not broken, and he will never enter!

Tangtang Pluto, for the sake of his daughter, has to work overtime to make Wang Zai, he can only sigh helplessly.

An Qing brought the three of them to the small college. The place is a bit dilapidated and old. There is only a fat janitor outside, who claims to be the guard, a big fat man!

The fat man said, "What's the matter with you?"

An Qing looked the big fat man up and down, and found that he was in the tribulation period, but his aptitude should be a little bit worse, and he ended up as a guardian of a small academy.

"Hello, we are here to sign up for school." An Qing smiled sweetly.

"Sign here, and then go in and find our dean." The big fat man handed An Qing a blank piece of paper!
An Qing signed and thanked them before leading them into the small academy, and the little guy learned quickly, so she turned around and said thank you to the big fat man!

The fat man sighed, and muttered to himself: "What a lovely child, it's a pity that she is a mortal, studying here, I hope she can be happy and not be tainted by the eyes of the world."

(End of this chapter)

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