Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1320 Terror Swamp

Chapter 1320 Terror Swamp

The child insisted on sleeping with An Qing, and the latter guessed that he missed Haiwang and Wangfei, so she agreed.

But Ling Yun knew it wasn't like this, and went to the room of the little guy and Beibei only to find that there was a small formation, and the two of them went to nowhere.

The point is, Ling Yun never taught them any formations, did they know it by themselves?
This formation is a rubbish formation to preserve breath, so that Ling Yun has always noticed that the two children have been sleeping in the room, and no one knows when they ran away!
No wonder they are so well-behaved tonight, they said they were going to bed early, and they would go to school tomorrow, what a nice way to say it!
Yan Mansion!

As soon as the little guy and Beibei arrived, they laughed and looked at Yan Xuefei who was dazed by the stone table, and the latter was dumbfounded when she heard the voice and looked back.

"Daughter, why are you here?"

Yan Xuefei's tone of complaint, in fact, she really likes them to come to see her.

"Look at you."

The little guy is familiar with the road and needs to be hugged!

And Babe is the same!

"It's so late, who brought you here?" Yan Xuefei frowned!
The little guy's eyes were gloomy, and he said in a milky voice, "Papa asked us to come."

Yan Xuefei didn't notice it for a while!

At this time, there were footsteps outside the formation, Yan Xuefei shouted: "Who is it?"

"Miss Concubine, it's us."

Hearing some familiar voices, Concubine Yan Xue came over to put down the little guy, and went out to have a look immediately!

"It's you? What's going on? How many come back? Ask like this!"

Seeing the leading man she sent out to the northernmost swamp to search for poisonous weeds standing outside, she was startled and looked extremely disturbed.

"The poisonous weed is under the abyss of the swamp. There are terrifying monsters there. Sorry, none of the five brothers came back. Miss Concubine, please remember to give our family the spirit stone."

After the leader finished speaking, her body vanished into thin air, and Yan Xuefei's eyes widened. This is a forbidden technique that cost her life, and she was obsessed with it, just to report to her when she came back.

It turned out that it was not a person who came back, but the obsession of the leading man who died in the swamp. The moment he disappeared, he who was far away in the swamp was completely wiped out.

The little guy laughed, and then said in a milky voice: "I found it, my daddy can be saved."

"Come here, let's go find the poisonous weed." Beibei had already started Thunder Gate.

Concubine Yan Xue was taken aback when she came back to her senses, they were going to the northernmost scary swamp?

It's so dangerous, they must not be allowed to go!
"No, you can't go in, my mother, come out quickly, you are my mother."

As she shouted, she hurried to pull them!
As a result, the Gate of Thunder disappeared, and she herself followed!

The northernmost part of Wuhun Continent is a terrifying swamp. The temperature here is extremely low, but there is no ice or snow!
Some are just gale of biting cold wind!
The corners of the little guy and Beibei's mouths twitched when they came here, they were black and numb, where the hell is it!

"I'm so angry that I'm dead." Yan Xuefei's voice sounded, she couldn't beat her, she could only scold her!

The little guy pretended to cry: "Mama...I'm afraid..."

When she cried, Yan Xuefei immediately softened her heart.

Beibei used the fire unicorn scales between her brows to illuminate, the temperature here began to change a little, and there was also a little light around.

Such a powerful Fire Qilin piece can only serve as lighting...

"It's so cold, come as soon as you come, and I have to bring enough people with me, so prepare well." Yan Xuefei became speechless, she didn't wear much, and it's so cold here, she couldn't use zhenqi to warm her body as a last resort. !

The little guy said in a baby voice: "It's not bright enough!"

Beibei: "..."

Yan Xuefei said: "Follow me, wait for me to find out the situation."

"Will it be brighter? It's dark." The little guy continued to curl his mouth.

Beibei directly took out the scales of the fire unicorn and let it rise properly to act as the sun!
"Wow... that's great..."

This time the little guy was satisfied, he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, and the whole swamp was like daytime!
Only then did Yan Xuefei remember that there would be night in the northernmost swamp?It's almost daytime all year, right?It's unusual here!

When she raised her head after contemplating, she immediately discovered something strange!
Layers of black mist above the sky are gradually dissipating. Due to the action of Beibei's fire unicorn scales, the thick black mist has been dispersed at this moment. These black mist do not know where to come out, covering the sky and covering the sun .

Concubine Yan Xue had to sigh that the little guy and Beibei had so many treasures!
They rubbed their eyes, began to get used to the light, and then opened their mouths wide!
The swamp is endless, surrounded by wetlands and withered grass, no towering mountains, no towering trees!

Yan Xuefei muttered to herself: "The swamp that cannot fly, what's below?"

She has heard of this place, no matter what it is, the swamp can swallow it like an abyss.

The little guy said: "Over there, the poisonous weed is over there!"

Then she pointed to the northernmost point, Yan Xuefei frowned, not far away was the swamp abyss, the terrifying place that the leading man mentioned.

"You go back, the poisonous weed is given to me." Yan Xuefei leaned over and took a mouthful of the foreheads of the little guy and Beibei, both of them frowned slightly, wondering if she planned to take them there?
Beibei said: "Let's go too, we have a magic weapon!"

The little guy frowned, and immediately shouted: "Ma Ma... thanks to the skin snake!"

"Are you coming? Worms!"

Concubine Yan Xue looked around vigilantly, and protected the little guy and Beibei. Her martial spirit was fully activated, and a phoenix loomed on her back!
Worms are the most notorious monsters here, and they are huge in size.

A deafening cry came from the ground, and a thought flashed through Yan Xuefei's mind, could it be that the swamp is their lair! !
Sure enough, as she expected, more than 30 worms came out from the bottom in an instant, drooling, making people disgusted!

They are like starving ghosts, looking forward to their prey.

"A lot of skinny snakes!" The little guy was trembling all over! !
"Monster, you all get the hell out of here." Yan Xuefei punched one of them on the ground!
The Wuhun of the Immortal Blood Phoenix exudes a bright red power, which greatly strengthens her power, thus killing all the worms!


The underground is their lair, and these worms come out endlessly, even Yan Xuefei can't stand it.

"It's so ugly, it scares me to death, it looks like a snake!!" The little guy turned his head away with a disgusted look in his eyes.

"Is that so?"

Beibei rolled his eyes, and then a few balls of strange fire appeared in the palm of his hand. Like Ling Yun, he scattered them casually, and all the worms that came out were burned to death.

"Beibei is awesome!" Yan Xuefei smiled and patted Beibei's head, praising her.

"so so!"

Beibei looked up at the sky at 45 degrees!
The worms from the nest came again, the little guy widened his eyes and said: "Sister, and, below, use the magic fist!"

Beibei nodded, and said in a milky voice, "It's not the magic fist, it's the Xiangmo eighteen shocks!"

Word down!

The fist that burst out from her hand blasted a big hole in the ground in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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