Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1331

Chapter 1331
The little guy witnessed the scene with his own eyes. The little mouth was still closed at the moment, and the visual impact it gave her was too shocking.

None of the eight important members of the Hall of Mental Cultivation died left!
The remaining four, their physical bodies were too strong to be destroyed, but three of them fell into the pile of stones, already dead, without any breath of life!
The last important crew member was left, he laughed out loud in the ruins, and with a loud bang, all the stones piled on him flew out!

"Okay... poof!"

That is to say this sentence!
His body fell down completely, with pain and unwillingness, and all kinds of questions in his heart.

Wantai didn't die either, his whole body was covered with scars, his clothes were torn, his hair was blown up, and he was still smoking.

He straightened his body...

Holding back the blood in his heart, Ling Yun had to admire it!

"Such a powerful force, you are the king of Hades, and you are worthy of being the strongest man in the twelve domains."

Wan Tai recalled Ling Yun's snapping of his fingers, and finally remembered who Ling Yun was. There is only one of the Twelve Realms who can use such a powerful ultimate move, and it is recognized as the strongest Pluto!

At this moment, one-third of the city of sin is ruins. Except for the people in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, there were basically no casualties, and they all fled when they saw the meteorite fall for the first time!

At this moment, most of the people in Sin City are standing in the sky and under the night, looking down at the huge pit, their hearts are shocked, and their hearts are trembling!

Evil Tongtian swallowed a mouthful of saliva, this is the reason why everyone is afraid of Pluto, one move, if you don't die, you will lose your skin, if you don't escape, you will die!
One of the people in the crowd laughed. He is the Ice Archer King. For so many years, since he was defeated by Di Ya, he has been hiding here, lingering on his last breath!

He once risked his life and went out many times to look for Pluto, the Taishenjun, hoping to get the latter's help, but to no avail!

Now his chance has come, he finally sees Pluto, the latter is here, and the time to take revenge on Di Ya has come!

The Dream Demon's face was very ugly, his Sin City turned into such a miserable state, secretly thinking that Hades deserves to die!
"Tsk tsk...that's really powerful...God-level martial arts." Mr. Jing clapped his hands and praised him. I have to say that the strongest man is not a vegetarian. Under this meteorite, he can only hide...

"Are we ready to go?" Crazy Saber couldn't wait a lot. Now that Pluto has just released his ultimate move, and his physical strength and strength are not at their peak, the chances of sealing him are greatly increased.

"Let them consume Pluto's combat power first, of course we will be the last to appear, so don't rush." ​​The Dream Demon said coldly.

Ling Yun smiled and said, "Desperate?"

Wan Tai smiled lightly, and then felt the pain in his body: "It is not wrong to die, but Mr. Pluto, you will never get the Jinluansha you want."

"Oh? Is that... you are so confident?" Ling Yun asked back.

"Hahaha...cough will never get it!" Wantai fell down, and his whole body slammed like steel falling!

He was still breathing weakly, his hands were shaking slowly, he took out the elixir from the storage ring and swallowed it, this move was very difficult.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth curled up into a smile, and he took off his sunglasses. Afterwards, his hairstyle was exactly the same as that of Pluto's, and even his clothes were changed.

"It's been a long time... I didn't expect that the Hall of Mental Cultivation would still do good deeds before its demise, attracting some incredible guys, hahaha."

A loud voice sounded, Ling Yun raised his head and saw five or six figures standing on the edge of the deep pit, each wearing black Taoist robes!

They are all subordinates of the Dream Demon, and their strength is somewhat stronger than Wantai's companions!
" seem to be coming towards me, hahaha, tonight is a sleepless night." Ling Yun picked up the little guy, who was staring at them.

The little guy thought to himself: "If her sister is here, it will be fun."

"I have always wanted to fight against you, and now I have my wish."

"You can't win him alone, let's walk around him first and let him mess up."

"Let's go, brothers."


These five or six are very smart, and they will stay away from Ling Yun with a single move, and they dare not approach!

Ling Yun was quite amused, thinking that there was nothing he could do about it!


One finger pierced someone's heart, instantly killing him.


The remaining four or five were taken aback, and they all backed up and flew into the sky, secretly thinking that they were careless!
"Hiding? See where you can escape?"

When Ling Yun's figure reappeared, he grabbed the other's head and squeezed it hard. The latter screamed again and again, and the counterattack before dying did not hurt Ling Yun at all!
The faces of the people in the distance suddenly turned pale, and this scene was clearly seen!
But Ling Yun's diehards were extremely excited and excited, shouting one by one: "Master Pluto!"

The Frost Archer King rushed over immediately. He used to be the domain master, and it would be no problem to help Ling Yun deal with a few shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

So he stopped the other people who rushed over. They were all subordinates of the Dream Demon. As for the other brothers of the Dream Demon, they were all dealing with Ling Yun.

" should catch them and bring them into the Moon Town Demon Tower."

"No, no, no... To deal with them, it's a matter of a moment, so there's no need to arrest them."

Ling Yun threw the corpse in his hand, then snapped his fingers, and a huge earth dragon emerged from the ground!

As soon as the giant dragon appeared, everyone began to feel uneasy, and cold sweat broke out on their faces.

The little guy suddenly became interested, sat on the earth dragon head, and said in a childlike voice: "Xiaolong, if you are taller, I want to look down on everything, understand?"

The earth dragon is very obedient, standing tall, the little guy is standing in the perspective of God!
Ling Yun said: "Sissy, you just sit here, no matter what you see, don't come down, whoever approaches you, slaps you, and gives you something fun!"

Immediately, she took out the little guy's Tai Chi seal from the void, and penetrated it into her body, the latter's eyes blinked and blinked!
Isn't this her magic weapon, an ancient artifact?Why was her dad taken out of the void?Rubbing and rubbing my little head, I can't figure it out!
After Ling Yun left the earth dragon's head, a black shadow emerged from his body and attached himself to the earth dragon. The dragon's aura has changed!
The Dream Demon smiled on the ground not far away: "Another big move, let me see how long you can last?"

The mirror monarch said: "Let them form a formation, and then consume a little power of Pluto."

Kuang Dao looked at the little guy high in the sky, and said in a cold tone: "Back then he wiped out my entire clan, but now his daughter is here, so I'll kill her and charge a little interest."

After the words fell, he jumped up and arrived near the little guy in an instant!
The little guy rolled his eyes and pretended not to notice it!

As soon as the eyes of the earth dragon gathered, he squinted at the mad knife. The latter had a feeling of being targeted by the god of death. This dragon gave him the intuition that it was a living real dragon!

(End of this chapter)

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