Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1341

Chapter 1341

Since Yan Sijun doesn't know the real identity of the little guy, it's impossible for her to tell it!

The little guy said in a baby voice: "I've seen it before, Aunt Dongfang, how do you know I'm here!"

this question...

Dongfang Honghong: "..."

The corner of Yan Sijun's mouth twitched, didn't she come to find her specially, just met by accident, worried that she would be alone!

"Then why are you here? Where's your father? Where's your sister..." Dongfang Honghong asked!

Yan Sijun pricked up his ears, thinking to himself that he must not let him know that it was the pig that stalked his sister's cabbage.

"Papa is at home, sister is looking for stones." The little guy replied in a childish voice!

What kind of stone... Dongfang Honghong was confused, but the little guy didn't explain, so she had to find it in a hurry.


With a deep animal cry, Dongfang Honghong led the little guy to the side immediately, don't get in the way, there are monster mounts passing by.

In front of him is a fiery leopard, and there is a son on the seat, he is the young master of Chunyang Palace, the second largest force in Wuhun Continent, Ma Shaowang!

This Chunyang Palace was not prominent before, but Ma Shaowang's grandfather accidentally broke through the Seventeenth Immortal Emperor in the dead spot, and then broke through the Eighteenth Immortal Emperor at the moment when the spiritual energy recovered, which made the Chunyang Palace famous for a while.

Yan Sijun pouted: "What's the big deal, isn't it just a holy beast mount!"

Hearing this, Ma Shaowang forgot the past and found out that he was an acquaintance. He and Yan Sijun belonged to the same college, so there were some teeth marks.

The so-called meeting of enemies is extremely jealous!
Ma Shaowang said: "Isn't this Yan Shao, why don't you go out on a horse, even if you walk the dog."

As soon as this remark came out, the people who were eating sunflower seeds all around burst into laughter!
Yan Sijun's eyes narrowed, and he replied, "Isn't it amazing to have a garbage monster?"

The raging fire leopard walked in front of Yan Sijun, and Ma Shaowang on his back raised his chin proudly, squinting at Yan Sijun arrogantly up and down: " can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour, I am amazing."

Yan Sijun looked indifferent, and looked at Ma Shao with a half-smile!
Ma Shao saw that Yan Sijun did not answer his words, such ignorance made a look of anger appear on his face.

He pointed at Yan Sijun and said: "Your current cultivation is not as good as my mount. I really don't understand why your family treats you so badly. Is it because your mother was born with others outside."

Hearing this, Yan Sijun was furious, and his murderous eyes fixed on Ma Shaowang, who sneered again and again!
Isn't this a curse, the little guy frowned slightly and looked at Ma Shaowang, the more he looked at him, the more he hated him!
The child took a step forward, looked up at Ma Shaowang, and said in a childish voice, "Bad uncle, you are wrong."

"Little boy, yours? Go away, don't disturb the young master's interest." Ma Shaowang shook his head slightly as he said, with a smile on his face, it could be seen that he was very happy to beat Yan Sijun.

"My family..."

Yan Sijun didn't want to admit it, but she did!

"Your family? Hahaha, then I'd like to ask her, little boy, do you want to play with my flaming leopard?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people began to despise Ma Shaowang, and they said it out loud!
Dongfang Honghong's eyes were filled with displeasure. With her strength, it would be no problem to kill the group of people in front of her. The highest strength is the old man in black robe behind Ma Shaowang.

The little guy nodded, then shook his head, but no one understood what she meant.

"It's so ugly, whoever wants to play with it is worse than my little tiger."

She looked at the raging fire leopard with a small look of disgust.

"Your little tiger is not a dog, is it?" Ma Shaowang laughed instead of anger, he himself was amused by the little guy.

"Oh... how do you know!" The little guy replied with a calm expression and a calm tone.

"Hahaha, you slipped it out, the fire leopard can swallow it in one gulp, little baby, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it." The little guy shook his head, thinking to himself, Little Huzi is a very powerful dog that can change...

If the mythical beast Flame Tiger could know the voice of the little guy, he would probably have nothing to love in his life. It is not a dog, not a dog, not a dog, and the important thing is said three times.


Ma Shaowang laughed out loud!

The corner of Yan Sijun's mouth twitched, and he whispered, "Don't make trouble, isn't it embarrassing enough!"

The little guy ignored his words, but looked at Young Master Ma and said, "Wait a minute...I'll just pull it out."

Then she found a corner and threw the sleeping divine beast Flaming Tiger from the space in the palm of her hand. Since this guy came to Wuhun Continent, he has gone to the space of Qian Qian's palm, so he can get more food.

Little Huzi still looked like a little milk dog, and fell to the ground as soon as he came out, his eyes were sleepy, his paws rubbed his eyes, and he looked listless.

Suddenly, as soon as it sensed its surroundings, those cute and cute clear water eyes were suddenly covered with a layer of golden light.

I saw it jumping on the little guy's shoulders, and the latter ran back immediately!

When everyone saw that the little milk dog on her shoulder was really the little milk dog she said, they laughed continuously, especially Ma Shaowang, who laughed the loudest.

Yan Sijun wanted to find a hole to get in, it was too embarrassing, what is the comparison between a dog and a raging leopard?Not enough for the latter to stick between the teeth!

The corner of Dongfang Honghong's mouth twitched, feeling speechless!
"Hahaha, your dog really dares to walk out."

Even the raging fire leopard showed a look of disdain, a humble creature, even a monster is not counted.

So it yelled at the little milk dog: "Hey..."

The little milk dog was calm and was observing what happened, ignoring the fiery leopard!

"It's my little tiger. It's powerful. I heard it can hit three with one." The little guy said proudly!
"Fire Leopard, my good pet, your prey is right in front of you, eat it, and play with her!!" Ma Shaowang's eyes flickered with madness, and he immediately gave orders.

Hearing the master's order, the raging fire leopard immediately pawed its strong four hooves on the ground, and a pair of indifferent eyes instantly ignited a bloodthirsty light, and a majestic aura permeated the whole body.


The raging fire leopard suddenly let out a loud howl, and its strong and huge body suddenly pressed towards the little guy.

Thick shadows, overwhelming murderous aura, those cold and bloodthirsty eyes, the gaping bloody mouth...

Dongfang Honghong was caught off guard, she never thought that Ma Shaowang would actually attack such a young child, her character is really bad!

"don't want…"

"You are too cruel, she is still a child, bah bah bah... scum!"

Many of the surrounding female monks opened their mouths and were about to make a move. Who could bear such a cute child!

Yan Sijun was ready to make a move, and Dongfang Honghong was also ready to make a move!


They were shocked by the next scene!

(End of this chapter)

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