Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1345

Chapter 1345

The little guy frowned, black and black... How could her eyesight be wrong, she saw something good in it!

She said impatiently, "Quick cut..."

Hearing this, the fat shopkeeper didn't say much, adjusted the orientation of the ore, and made a tentative cut first, and suddenly a burst of dust filled the air.

The cut part of the original stone is still white-gray, and there is no sign of the raw stone.

The fat shopkeeper looked at his hands, then looked up at the little guy and the others apologetically.

Yan Sijun shook his head, thinking to himself that more than 100 top-quality spirit stones were wasted, and it might all be money from his sister, that is, from the Yan family!
"It's okay, continue cutting." The little guy smiled calmly, with a hint of encouragement in his eyes.

The fact is not to believe in his luck, but to believe in his own delusion-proof eyes. After cutting the ore this time, he can also clean up the black hands of the fat shopkeeper by the way.

At this time, a person suddenly came up to him, he was wearing a cloth robe, a melon skin hat on his head, and a face with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, he did not look like a good person at first glance. .

He looked at the fat shopkeeper coldly, and said with a sneer, "Fat San, do you still dare to cut stones? Are you not afraid of bringing your bad luck to the customers?"

When the words fell, the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks smiled jokingly at Dongfang Honghong: "Girl, this is the first time here, right? You don't know, Fat San's stall has not cut any material for a year, so I know a little bit about it." You won’t go to his house to buy it, girl, you’ve been fooled.”

Fat San's expression changed slightly, his hand holding the quarry trembled slightly, cutting off people's money was like killing their parents, and he glared at the man angrily.

The little guy frowned slightly and stared at the man with the sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, with a slightly displeased expression on his face, for bothering her!
Dongfang Honghong shook her head, and said with an indifferent attitude: "Leave it to her, thank you for your reminder."

This baby sound... Li Si didn't care either!
Yan Sijun knew this sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked man, and said, "Li Si, we have a lot of money, so I want you to take care of it!"

Only now did Li Si see that Yan Sijun was here, but he is a casual cultivator, not afraid of any forces in Suiyue City, and he has a good relationship with the city lord in Suiyue City!
"So it's the young master of the Yan family, I'll just meddle in other people's business."

Fat San didn't say anything in the end, and lowered his hands in a slumped manner. In fact, his hands were really black, and Li Si told the truth.

The little guy said richly and generously: "Quickly cut it, isn't it just this little money? My old lady grabs a lot!"



Dongfang Honghong couldn't help laughing, while Yan Sijun's hair was full of black lines!
Fat Three: "..."

Li Si: "..."

Dongfang Honghong glanced at the troublesome Li Si, and cast her eyes on Fat San again, smiling calmly: "Go ahead. So what if you can't cut it out? My little princess said, if you don't need money, just treat it as spending money for her." Ask someone to perform a stone-relief performance.”

The sharp-mouthed monkey-cheeked Li Si glared at Dongfang Honghong, and cursed secretly: "I don't know what's good!"

The little guy pursed his lips. The more he looked at Li Si, the more he disliked him. She was too lazy to argue with this kind of villain. After the facts came out, she would really slap him in the face, which was obvious!
Fat San concentrated his energy and made two more cuts from the side.

What is disappointing is that the cut is still white-gray, without a trace of color.


Li Si sneered for a while, and said mockingly: "Let me just say it, Fat San, the black hand, will never be able to cut good material in this life, even if it is ordinary material..."

"If he can cut out good... good material, what are you going to do?"

The little guy gave him a sideways glance, and he began to understand Ji Si's intentions. She had never been used to this kind of villain who ran to other people's houses to snatch business.

She won't deliberately deal with this kind of person, but if others are too hard to bump into, then don't blame her for being rude.

Li Si was just talking casually at first, but who knows that the little guy will take over the army, and his eyes look contemptuous. He is also a face-saving person, and he firmly believes that Fat Sanqiu will not come out with good stuff.

On the spot, he took the case and said: "If he cuts out a good material, I, Li Si, will swallow this piece of ore right away!"

The little guy followed Li Si's line of sight, and what he pointed at was a piece of ore the size of a washbasin.

Swallow this ore?

The little guy suddenly became interested, she has never seen swallowing stones before!

"That's what you said, you can't lie to children."

Dongfang Honghong smiled, let the little guy be happy, as long as the latter is happy!
After she questioned the little guy, the latter seemed unwilling to give up, so she decided to fight Li Sidou herself!
"Since my little cutie wants to be happy, let's bet that Li Si swallows the ore, Fat San can't get good material, and we won't let you suffer. We will give you [-] top-quality spirit stones."

Speaking of [-] top-grade spirit stones, she disagreed at the beginning, the little guy insisted on producing [-] top-grade spirit stones, and Yan Sijun on the side patted his arms and kicked his legs!

"Okay! I, Li Si, will bet with you today! Everyone will be a witness!" Li Si immediately beamed with joy.

The ore in Fat San's shop has not been cut out of good material for a whole year, so how could it be so coincidental that it was cut out today?

And he had already cut three times just now, without even a fart, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to cut out the material.

The probability of good news is too low, but that stupid woman listened to a little boy, secretly thinking that Dongfang Honghong and the others are really stupid and rich in money!

[-] top-grade spirit stones, as long as he agrees, it will be a total of [-] top-grade spirit stones, which is enough for him to squander for a long time, and he would be stupid to refuse such a good thing.

At this time, Fat San was a little nervous, and his hands trembled slightly. He really didn't have confidence in his black hands, so he turned to Dongfang Honghong and said, "Girl, why don't you do it yourself?"

Who knows, the little guy was unhappy, rolled his eyes and said: "No, cut it!"

Hearing this, Dongfang Honghong complied with the little guy's wishes, and waved her hands with a smile, her smile was casual and calm: "It's okay, you continue to cut, maybe your luck will turn around next time, your luck is not good, maybe she is lucky. "

As she spoke, she touched the little guy's face!

"hope so."

Fat San smiled reluctantly, but he didn't believe it very much in his heart, so he cut the last knife helplessly.

After so many cuts, there is no need to look forward to the last cut.

Fat San dropped the cutting knife, and was about to apologize to Dongfang Honghong and the others, but who knows, when he raised his head, he saw the astonishment of everyone around him gasping for breath.

Liu Qi followed everyone's gaze, but found that when he stabbed down, a light golden trace came out.

Although the gold marks are not very pleasing, the softness is very strong.

On the spot, someone shouted excitedly: "Good material, good material!"

The little guy was very excited, and said in a childish voice that she saw it, Jinbuliuqiu...

(End of this chapter)

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