Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1348 Pick Another Block

Chapter 1348 Pick Ten More Dollars
"Hehe, what did the girl say? I, Li Si, keep my word. Who is going to run away?"

Seeing that the way was blocked by crowds in all directions, Li Si had no choice but to stop. Turning around, he smiled obsequiously at Dongfang Honghong.

Dongfang Honghong folded her arms around her chest, stepped on the raw material that was used as a block, and squinted at Li Si with a half-smile: "You mean what you say? That would be great. Come on, eat this rough stone."

Really gnaw the rough stone?His teeth aren't that hard, are they?

With a bitter face, Li Si immediately knelt down and begged for mercy from the little guy next to him: "Little baby, you have a lot of adults, so you can spare the little ones. This small stone mine is really too small to chew. If the small ones It can be chewed, why does this calculus need a machine?"

The little guy is so bad, he just wanted to teach Li Si a lesson!
She didn't intend to let him gnaw it at first. After all, the skin of the rough stone is so thick that teeth can't shake it. She is small, but it doesn't mean she doesn't understand!
But if it's so easy for her to let Li Si go?Impossible again!
Seeing that the little guy was struggling, Dongfang Honghong on one side slowly raised her toes, held the quarry in her hands, and tossed it up and down for fun, with a playful smile on her lips: "Then what should I do? "

Li Si heard that the meaning in Dongfang Honghong's words seemed to be loose, and he immediately smiled, fawning and ingratiating: "This little baby is so lucky, so I can't waste it, or else, this quarry will be given to you. Let's clear it up, okay?"

"It's so easy to clear the two, do you think it's possible?"

Wanting Dongfang Honghong to be satisfied is really not an easy task.

Everyone looked down on Li Si, the chance of cutting out good material is so small, and they have so much luck, isn't this just cheating!
"Then... what does that girl think? Tell me, as long as it can be done, as long as it is not against conscience and morality, I, Li Si, will agree to everything!" Li Si immediately patted his heart, with a dignified look.

Can a person who can force all the elders of Tianmen to run away be easy?If they insist on forcing themselves to swallow, what can they do?
"I won't ask you to violate any conscience and morality."

Dongfang Honghong smiled lightly, and said: "This stone mine weighs about ten kilograms, how about this, I will pick out nine more stones from your pile of stones, and make a total of ten rough stones. , we'll settle the matter, how about it?"

Free ten stone ore?The purchase price of his quarry is two to three hundred top-grade spirit stones!It's not comparable to those of Fat Three.

However, in order to be able to fulfill the bet, Li Si had nothing to do!

He could only agree: "Okay! Just do what the girl said!"

Little guy: "No... no..."

Not yet?
Li Si is about to vomit blood!
The little guy said in a baby voice: "Bad uncle, you have to apologize to this fat uncle, you were wrong before."

It turned out to be an apology, it scared him to death, no problem, Li Si apologized to Fat San, the two of them don't care about what happened before!

Dongfang Honghong's face was indifferent, but she was happy in her heart, secretly thinking that the little guy is so cute, so righteous, unlike her father, who is cold-blooded and ruthless!

Yan Sijun was dissatisfied with the result, he was injured, so he got ten quarries in exchange?
Wouldn't it be nice to want top-quality spirit stones?It is not fragrant?
The little guy happily went to Li Si's store to pick stone ores. Poor Li Si didn't know, because there is a little guy who can break the eyes of delusions, and there is this super cheating device.

She has already learned about all the quarries in Li Si's shop, and if she is asked to choose, she will naturally pick out all the good ones, and the rest are all waste.

"Choose it!"

The little guy seemed to point at nine yuan at random, but in fact, she had picked out all the quarries full of materials.

This kid is so happy...

To be honest, the quarries in Li Si's shop are doing okay. Among the hundreds of quarries, two of them have materials, which are considered good in his shop. She really has no choice but to pick the other eight useless ones. !

Li Si was very distressed, because the little guy picked three yuan of the most expensive quarry in his store, and he only had five yuan in one store, what a crime!
Dongfang Honghong rolled her eyes and suddenly had an idea. She said to the little guy, "Sissy, let's unlock all these quarries!"

The little guy thought for a while, then nodded in agreement, this kid...has forgotten about her mission today!

And Dongfang Honghong asked Li Si to cut the stone mine himself!

According to her opinion, it is impossible for ten pieces of quarry to have good materials, the little guy was randomly selected, and the diamond just now is luck!
As long as Li Si cuts out the material, there will be a good show!
At this time, a small figure poked out a small head from Li Si's booth. When she saw the little guy and the little tiger, she shouted childishly: "Aha, sister!"

Little Irene rummaged around the yard, but found no small stones. Hearing that there was a big movement here, she groped all the way, and finally saw the little guy.

"Little Irene!"

The little guy is smiling!

The corner of Yan Sijun's mouth twitched, it was his sister's daughter again!

Listening to the conversation between them, Dongfang Honghong felt a lump in her heart, daughter of Hades?again?
"Sister, did you find it?"


It was only then that the little guy remembered that she still had business to do, but she was very interested. Besides, her sister Beibei might have found her.

"What are you doing here?" Little Irene was puzzled!

"Looking for leaks, there are good things." The little guy pointed to the stone mines on the ground, and little Irene's eyes lit up. She likes these shiny materials the most!

Immediately, she took little Irene to watch, and introduced little Irene to Dongfang Honghong. It was inconceivable that this woman was actually her godmother's sister.

Dongfang Honghong shrugged her shoulders, narrowed her eyes, and said casually: "Come on, since Li Si claims you are lucky, then cut all of these."

She boldly kicked the pile of stone mines under her feet.

Li Si's heart was throbbing, and he was so entangled that he was half dead.

Because Dongfang Honghong gave him a big problem.

Let him cut the stone mine himself, if he cuts out good material, he must beat his chest and feet, and not go crazy with jealousy?
But if it can't be cut out, wouldn't it be a scam for his shop?

Therefore, whether he can cut it out or not, he will not be happy in his heart.

Li Si really couldn't figure it out, this girl looked harmless to humans and animals, but why she had such a strange mind, she was plotting for herself, a plot of justice.

Are ghost queens harmless to humans and animals?

Yan Sijun, who knows the details, knows very well...she will cheat people to death!

Li Siyu died for a long time, but the surrounding boos were really lively, and with Dongfang Honghong's seemingly mysterious identity, Li Si had no choice but to get up and cut the rough stones for them.

Let's look forward to good materials, Amitabha, bless the whole family, if good materials are produced, the quarries in this shop can be sold at a good price today.

(End of this chapter)

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