Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1358

Chapter 1358

Beibei looked up at the sky arrogantly, humming!

The little guy opened his mouth wide, obviously quite surprised, the corpses of people with a knife were all gone, and the ashes were wiped out, which shows how terrible it is.

An Qing's eyes sparkled with stars!
This swordsmanship is awesome!

Little Irene kept clapping and applauding, this sword skill is so 666, she has to learn it too, but unfortunately she doesn't understand this field, relying on understanding!
Ling Yun patted Beibei's little head, and said seriously: "What are you thinking about, little girl? You have to behave well later, don't embarrass me again."

Beibei scratched her head, showing a smirk-like smile: "Don't worry, beat them to pieces, fuck off."

An Qing shook her head helplessly!

Then she looked at the dazed female monks of Baihua Palace and asked, "What's the situation in Baihua Palace now? Why are you arrested?"

Orchid Fairy blushed slightly, a little afraid to look at the handsome Ling Yun, she knelt down and thanked: "Thank you for saving us, I am very grateful."

"We were dispersed. We were originally retreating with the Palace Master, but the Third Elder who led us suddenly rebelled, causing us to be chased and killed everywhere. There are still many people in ambush outside the Baihua Palace." Another woman from the Baihua Palace said. Dao, gritted his teeth.

"How much power does it have?" Ling Yun's mouth curled into an unfathomable smile.

Orchid Fairy frowned, and then began to count!

There are Jusha faction from Wuhun Continent, resurgent Foresters, hunters, pious South Shaolin, Artifact Master Guild, Titan Clan from Orc Tribe, Yi Yi Dao, Chunyang Palace, Giant Spirit Gang, Tianshan faction, Lingdan Palace and more than a dozen forces.

Lao Gao, the leader of the Jusha Gang, Mercy, the abbot of Nan Shaolin, Kuang Tian, ​​the leader of the hunters, Blood Knife, the ancestor of the Titan clan, Zui Xin, the leader of a knife, the old eunuch, the master of the Pure Yang Palace, Ye Lang, the leader of the Giant Spirit Gang, Tianshan Nine of Tianshan Son, Zhang Zishan of the Spirit Pill Palace!
They are all Immortal Emperor Seventeen, and their strength is not inferior to any of them. With such a strong lineup, Baihua Palace has no power to fight back.

The corner of Ling Yun's mouth twitched after hearing this, isn't this the siege of Guangmingding, so the little guy yelled in a childish voice!

"Papa, is this the legendary siege of Guangmingding? I like the demon sect that everyone can punish. Those so-called decent sects are so bad."

Hearing this, the Goddess of Life was stunned for a moment, secretly thinking that the little guy understands these principles at such a young age, it may be the arrangement of fate.

According to her investigation in the past two days, the people who besieged Baihua Palace this time were all villains, and they listened to his words for a little profit, or this was Tianmen's motive!
The Goddess of Life doesn't know about Code One, even if she is as strong as she is, she can't see through everything that Ling Yun did.

"Yes, they are just that bad. The world is cruel and there is no kindness at all." Ling Yun nodded in response.

Beibei laughed childishly and said: "No matter how many people there are, Beibei is not afraid, because I am very powerful."

Her little head was shaking like a wave drum.

"My sister is not afraid, and neither am I." The little guy became serious.

The corners of the fairies of Baihua Palace twitched, they didn't know where their courage came from.

As they walked, many people began to surround the place.

Orchid Fairy said: "Several benefactors, hurry up and come with us, we are familiar with this place, and we will be able to take you out safely."

go out?

Impossible, so Ling Yun shook his head: "Thank you for your kindness, we have something to go to Baihua Palace, please lead the way."

"This... You should leave here, there are more than a dozen forces in the Wuhun Continent, our Baihua Palace is doomed."

The Goddess of Life sneered and said, "We are here to solve this matter."

Orchid Fairy suspected that she had heard it wrong. In this situation, who would dare to stand out?It is impossible to solve the underworld, the former allies of Baihua Palace have betrayed them one by one.

Since they can't be persuaded, the Baihua Palace and others don't say much, what should be said has been clearly stated.

Boom! !
A loud bang.

The expressions of the Goddess of Life and the beauties of Baihua Palace suddenly changed!
The Ten Thousand Miles Guardian Formation of Baihua Palace was broken through a hole, so countless enemy forces swarmed up.

The Goddess of Life said: "Let's go, it's meaningless if it's late."

Ling Yun nodded, and then quickened his pace, and those who were dying were all punched away by Beibei.


The elders of Tianmen who came here to check the situation, Emperor Leng Zhan immediately stopped Ling Yun and the others, stood in mid-air with hands behind their backs, and stared coldly at Ling Yun and his party.

Goddess of Life frowned, wondering why the people from Tianmen are here, didn't they say that someone betrayed and blamed them, could it be the person in front of her.

Beibei didn't seem to hear, she kept running...

The cold war emperor didn't bother to care about her, what a big wave a little kid could make.

"You guys go first, he will be handed over to me." Ling Yun smiled mysteriously.

"be careful."

An Qing nodded, and then led the little guy and little Irene to catch up with Bei Bei who was in the front!
The Goddess of Life brought a few beauties from Baihua Palace to the rear. They were all worried about Ling Yun, after all, they were the elders of Tianmen.

"Who are you? Give me a feeling that I can't see through."

When only Ling Yun and him were left, the Cold War Emperor of Immortal Emperor Eighteen narrowed his eyes and stared at Ling Yun.

"If you knew who I am, you wouldn't be so calm." Ling Yun said!

"What do you mean? I see that you are a little familiar. Is it my old friend's son? Grandson?"

The Cold War Emperor didn't understand what Ling Yun meant.

Ling Yun immediately changed his face, and suppressed him with one hand, the terrifying aura gradually spread around, and the golden light flashed in the first god form!

The Cold War Emperor got up from the pit, his eyes wide open!
"Too... Dijun!! Pluto..."

No matter how calm he was before, his feet were shaking and he was sweating profusely!
"Get familiar with it."

As soon as Ling Yun slid his fingers, one of Cold War Emperor's feet was cut off, and he screamed in pain, and these voices attracted many people around him.

"Forgive me..."

Just that aura made him unable to resist, and he didn't dare to look at Ling Yun.

"Forgive you, just dream." Ling Yun sneered again and again, his eyes then looked into the distance, there was movement in the forest.

"I'm just passing by. I don't know how offended the emperor is here. How offended I am. Just treat me like a dog and let me go."

Facing Emperor Leng Zhan's begging for mercy on his knees, Ling Yun remained indifferent and didn't even look at him.

"Let's go over quickly to see which faction it is from. They are all here together. Help if you can." A certain voice sounded.

Then came the sound of dense footsteps!


When they saw Ling Yun, they were so scared that they wanted to pee their pants!

(End of this chapter)

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