Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1360

Chapter 1360 Stealing Learning (First Change)
The bait is at it again...

Shopkeeper Feng smiled: "Dear guest, you still have a soul!"

For a moment, the Cold War Emperor fell into deep thought!
"Think about it, your life was picked up, what else do you need? A soul? If I don't come, where do you have a soul? Why revenge, anything is fine, have you forgotten what you said?"

Master Feng's step-by-step Chun Chunshan seduced the Cold War Emperor, who's blood was aroused, and he immediately exchanged for his soul, which was worth 13 points, which was enough for him to buy a lot of equipment.

Ling Yun frowned, as if he felt that there was a slight fluctuation in this space, but he didn't notice anything, so he had to give up.

But when he turned around and wanted to leave, a strange aura suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and it was none other than the Cold War Emperor!
"It's interesting." The corner of Ling Yun's mouth sneered again and again, and he saw the extraordinaryness of the Cold War Emperor at the first moment. To be honest, he was really shocked that the latter was still alive!
But now he was even more shocked, because the strength of the Cold War Emperor was not suppressed by the Dao of Heaven, and it was close to a demigod, which he could not have imagined.

"Pluto, this old man wants you to die badly. Even if I can't kill you, I will get back some interest."

The Cold War Emperor has made a plan. No matter who wins this battle, his life will end here. Pluto still has many relatives, especially those children, and he will kill them when the time comes.

It was very quiet around, no one spoke, Ling Yun and Leng Zhandi kept looking at each other!

And the little guy has already reached the gate of Baihua Palace, there is a hole here, people keep pouring in, and people outside the door hold hands here.

The Goddess of Life looked back and frowned slightly. She also felt that there was a very powerful person on Ling Yun's side, and that aura should not exist.

"come here now."

Beibei couldn't wait to run in, shouting as she ran, "Let's go in, or I'll hit you."

These words are really useful, because now the Baihua Palace is bound to be won, and when they heard Beibei's words, they still thought that they were the children of some important family, and they couldn't afford to offend them.

Goddess of Life: "..."

Looking at this, I have to give Beibei another point!
In this way, they traveled smoothly all the way, even the beauties in Baihua Palace were dumbfounded!
An Qing said: "It's easy to cheat on the outside, but it's hard to be on the inside."

The Goddess of Life shook her head. This is a test for their little ones, and she herself will not intervene by the way.

The little guy said in a milky voice: "Don't be afraid, I'm amazing, I can do a lot of tricks."

An Qing laughed, and subconsciously asked, "What do you know?"

"En..." The little guy rubbed his head, and then said: "Wan Jian returns to the sect, and he will still see... see the stone!"

Looking at stones is the eye of delusion, she doesn't know how to express it, Ling Yun didn't teach her these things.

An Qing: "..."

Goddess of Life: "..."

Beibei: "..."

Let her brag, they won't believe it anyway, Wan Jian Guizong can be learned casually?

Ignoring the expressions of An Qing and the others, the little guy continued: "He can still draw dark holes."

After saying these words, she looked up at the sky at 45 degrees!
Beibei actually began to believe a little...

"Hey, you're so good? I'll leave it to you later." An Qing was quite funny!
As soon as the words fell, a person appeared in front of him. He stood there with a gloomy face and shouted loudly!

"Which faction are you from? How dare you come in blatantly."

"No family, no sect." An Qing frowned, and as soon as she said this, the goddess of life squinted over, and the former pointed to the little guys next to her.

The little guy hid behind An Qing at first, she pushed Bei Bei out, his eyes turned gloomy.

Beibei shouted in a childish voice, "Get out of the way, don't regret it if you don't."

Don't move your hands if you can move your mouth. This is a test, and Beibei is not without brains.


The man immediately burst out laughing!

Also at this time, little Irene wanted to spray him with fire, Beibei saw through and covered little Irene's mouth, as soon as the fire was sprayed, something would happen, and it would only attract more enemies.

The little guy tugged at Bei Bei, and whispered: "Sister, give him to me, and make sure he will be good."

Beibei pondered for a moment, then nodded immediately when she saw the little guy's serious appearance.

I saw the little guy running up and didn't know if he said anything, so he stared straight at the man, and the man knelt down directly, his eyes were blurred, as if he had no master.

The little guy ran back again: "Aha, it's ok."

The Goddess of Life and the others, especially An Qing, were stunned by this scene, wondering how her daughter did it. You know, she is the peak of the Immortal Emperor, and she is not sure how to make the person opposite kneel down.

The goddess of life muttered to herself, could it be the pupil technique?


There is no power fluctuation, isn't her demon lotus sealed, where does the power come from, and the mental power is easy to detect.

The Goddess of Life stared at the kneeling man: "Who are you?"

This person doesn't speak, because he only listens to the little guy!
The little guy is arrogant, if Ling Yun knew that his jaw would drop, she just used the powerful pupil technique, the goddess of life read it right!

It's the pupil technique, I feel that there are no tricks that can stump the little guy.

When she didn't get an answer, the Goddess of Life frowned tightly, and the little guy asked, "Tell Aunt Hua, what's your name."

Hearing this, the person immediately spoke up: "The younger brother of the leader of the Giant Spirit Gang, Wild Wolf, Wild Dog!"


Beibei: "..."

And such a weird name.

Little Eileen said contemptuously, "Your parents must be illiterate, they don't read."


It turned out to be like this, the little guy suddenly laughed!
Orchid Fairy is still at a loss, how could this wild dog listen to that child?

"You go and beat them up, remember, you can't kill them."

This sentence was said by Beibei, and surprisingly, the wild dog nodded! !
And the Goddess of Life noticed something, that is, Beibei's eyes were round and round just now, it should be a pupil technique, a pupil technique she has never seen before!
"It must have been Pluto who taught them, really, it's terrible."

If Ling Yun heard the complaints from the Goddess of Life, he must be very innocent. He only used this kind of pupil technique once, who knew they had learned it secretly.

The wild dog stared at the people around him coldly, then laid them on the ground, and then waited for the little guy's order!
The little guy said arrogantly: "Take us to the theater quickly, there is a test."

What drama?

The wild dog didn't know, but he brought them in front of those who were more powerful.

On the largest martial arts training ground of Baihua Palace, representatives of dozens of forces surrounded it. After besieging Baihua Palace for so many days, it was time to end it. Today, the king of Wuhun Continent will be born here.

(End of this chapter)

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