Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1363 Wheel Battle

Chapter 1363 Wheel Battle (first update)
Beibei's eyes lit up!

"Don't lie, come on, Babe, I'll give you a pair of hands."

What she meant was that she could defeat the Blood Knife, the ancestor of the Titan clan, without using her hands!

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked again. An Qing shook her head, as if she was not worried about the consequences of her doing so.

And the goddess of life is also silent...

Feng Ruqing shouted: "Enough, I don't know her, you want to..."

Before she could finish her sentence, the little guy climbed into her arms, covered her mouth, and spoke in a childish voice.

"Auntie, we are here to help you, my sister... see, she is amazing, she gives up one pair of hands and one pair of feet!"


Beibei's face turned black. When did she say this? Her sister even planned to trick her.

Xuedao, the ancestor of the Titan family, didn't care. He laughed and said, "Son, since you let me have both hands, then I will let you do it first."

Beibei nodded, then closed her eyes, followed by her stomping her feet a moment later, the mountain shook like an earthquake, everyone was staggering to and fro, unable to stand still.

When Beibei opened his eyes, he stared at the Blood Knife, the ancestor of the Titan clan, with a half-smile. The latter only saw a zigzag figure flickering towards him. When he took a breath...

He was suddenly arrived by Beibei and kicked away in front of him!


This kick contained a terrifying power that surpassed Immortal Emperor Eighteen, and it was not something that Immortal Emperor Seventeen could bear.

If he hadn't been kicked to the point, he could have taken the lunch box, although he tried his best.

The Blood Knife, the ancestor of the Titan family, fell to the ground not far away, breathing heavily, it's good to be alive.

"Little pervert, it's too scary." Xuedao, the ancestor of the Titan family, muttered to himself, unable to stand up for a long time.

Beibei laughed loudly, stood with his hands behind his back and said, "Thank you...for the concession."

Then he scratched his head and smirked. It was a posture of looking up at the sky at 45 degrees. The whole person was bathed in the sun, which was very imposing.

Everyone gasped, calling it a fake, and killing the blood knife of the ancestor of the Titans?The latter took out the blood knife to resist.

The lord of Chunyang Palace, the old eunuch frowned. Even if he tried his best, it would be impossible for him to take down the blood knife of the ancestor of the Titan clan in such a short time, and that child managed it with one kick, which is incredible.

This time Beibei heard the discussions around her, her eyes rolled round and round: "Ahem... Thank you, grandpa, for not fighting back. My aunt will remember you."

Hearing this, everyone feels at ease.

That's right... If a child kicked down the Blood Knife, the ancestor of the Titan clan who is powerful in the Wuhun Continent with one move, what kind of monster is this child?So are they garbage?
Blood Knife, the ancestor of the Titan family struggled to get up, forced a smile, he didn't know what to say, nodded to Beibei, then looked around the crowd and said, "I surrender, and I won't bother Baihua Palace from now on."

Although he was unwilling to avenge his son's revenge, he knew that the daughter of Hades was very powerful, and it was not someone like him who could defeat her. If she continued to entangle her, it would only lead to the destruction of the whole clan.

He's not a brainless brat.

Feng Ruqing, the owner of Baihua Palace, was very happy after being stunned!
"You are amazing."

If she had changed herself, she wouldn't be able to do it as easily as Beibei.

The little guy and little Irene clapped their hands, and said in unison: "Sister is amazing, like a cow."

Beibei: "..."

The owner of Chunyang Palace, the old eunuch said: "Let me try, if you beat me, I will have the same attitude, Chunyang Palace surrenders!"

The corner of the Goddess of Life's mouth twitched, this guy didn't know that the Pure Yang Palace was destroyed?

Even if it was submission, she thought Pluto would not want it. Anyway, this is a matter for the future, and it is not her concern.

"Are you a girl with such a strange voice?" Beibei scratched her head and asked.

This made the master of Chunyang Palace, the old eunuch's blue veins burst out of anger.

"Shut up, I won't let you, you have the strength to defeat the blood knife of the ancestor of the Titan family, I will not show mercy."

Word down!

The old eunuch, the lord of Chunyang Palace, rushed over first, and Beibei punched him with a fist, and the golden fist directly knocked the old eunuch into a daze.


Everyone didn't know what happened. That golden fist was so powerful?

The lord of the Pure Yang Palace, the old eunuch just knelt down and vomited blood after receiving Beibei's punch, and couldn't get mad anymore.

The little guy yelled again that she could do it herself, and kept clapping her little hands.

The owner of Chunyang Palace, the old eunuch was not convinced, and wanted to stand up and fight again, but he didn't believe it, how much strength can a child have?

He could only think about it, and when he tried to stand up, he realized that he had broken two ribs, and he couldn't heal for a while.


He gritted his teeth and stared at Beibei, who said in a childish voice, "Hmph... stare at me again, stare at me again and I'll kill you."

The owner of Chunyang Palace, the old eunuch is a person who is afraid of death. Hearing this, he quickly put away his angry eyes and lowered his unwilling head.

Xuedao, the ancestor of the Titan family, sneered, secretly thinking that the result was expected, and his intuition was that the child didn't do his best, just like playing.

Feng Ruqing, the owner of Baihua Palace, was stunned again. The people from Baihua Palace behind her looked at Beibei in front of her, just like looking at the savior.

Su Yu shrugged and said, "Ruqing... This child has a noble status and a great background. You can't let them have any accidents, or the Wuhun Continent will be destroyed."

Having said that, a figure immediately appeared in Feng Ruqing's mind!
It's him!

Pluto... Taishang... Only this man has the ability to destroy the Wuhun Continent, so the child in front of her and the one in her arms are the daughters of the strongest man.

Ha ha…

As expected of his daughter, she beat up the two Immortal Emperor Shi Qi without any power to fight back.

The little guy shook his head, and said in a milky voice, "I am my papa's child, and I have no background."

Su Yu: "..."

This is too false.

However, Feng Ruqing, the owner of Baihua Palace, became suspicious again, anyway, she was not sure.

Beibei has already defeated two people, and if she is one-on-one, she will be fine, the question is whether these people will obey her will.

Tianshan Nine Sons stepped forward, nine together, but Beibei is not afraid, there is nothing she can't solve with one punch, if there is... then two punches.

"Little Po boy, you have already fought twice, but considering your strength is very strong, and that boxing technique is at the god level, so there are nine of us brothers and sisters, so it is not bullying you."

Beibei clapped her hands, no matter how many people there were, it was the same.

The Goddess of Life coughed twice: "I hope you will act with restraint."

However, everyone ignored the words of the goddess of life, and casualties were inevitable in the fight.

Beibei rolled her eyes round and asked, "Who are you?"

The Nine Sons of Tianshan pointed their swords at Beibei, and said in unison: "Nine Sons of Tianshan, the No. 13 descendant of Tianshan Sword Art, please advise!"

(End of this chapter)

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