Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1369 Horror

Chapter 1369 Horror (Part [-])
All the spiritual energy is gathered in the hands of the ancestor of the Feather Demon Palace, even if the demigod Nan Wutian comes, he may not be able to stop this power.


"Go to hell, Pluto!"

The patriarch of the Yumo Temple laughed loudly, all his strength burst out towards Ling Yun's body, and the latter resisted with one hand!
"Give up struggling, this is the power to destroy the world, you can't stop it." The mouth of the ancestor of the Feather Demon Temple was filled with murderous intent, as if he saw the result of Ling Yun's inevitable death.

As he saw, Ling Yun's body was forced to retreat all the time, and the air was crackling by the latter's step.


The sky was so bright that everyone could barely open their eyes, all they could hear was the laughter of the Patriarch of the Feather Demon Palace after the roar.

Although the crowd couldn't see what was going on, they were extremely excited when they heard such arrogant laughter. It turned out that they had won, and it was almost as if Pluto would not die.

"Hahaha, this move is good. I feel a little pain. I'm really upset to be bitten by an ant." Ling Yun's figure gradually emerged from the billowing smoke, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, which he didn't bother to wipe.



He is still alive!

Everyone's heads buzzed, and everyone trembled. They couldn't kill them like this. Is Pluto powerful or is he a monster? Could it be that he is a god?

Didn't all the gods die in ancient times? Pluto couldn't be a god.

"Impossible, impossible, how could you stand up, you are holding on, that's right, you must be holding on." The patriarch of Yumodian laughed, and he didn't believe that Ling Yun had hit his last goal. A powerful move can still stand up.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing that Ling Yun's body was covered with flames and coming with a powerful force, the ancestor of the Feather Demon Palace frowned and looked at him.

"I don't want to play anymore, Feather Extinguishing Demon Palace, destroying the Four Heavens!"

Ling Yun spoke word by word, and then shook his hands.

The Patriarch of the Feather Demon Palace heard that Ling Yun was not joking, so he shot again, turning the dense spiritual energy in the sky into huge spiritual balls, and the endless spiritual energy was compressed and condensed in the void, turning into one by one Scary spirit ball.

At this moment, all the people in the Feather Demon Palace felt an inexplicable sense of fear in their hearts, and a sense of crisis spread throughout their bodies.


Ling Yun snorted coldly, waved his hands again, and the spirit ball all over the sky was not under the control of the Patriarch of the Feather Demon Palace, and charged towards the group of Yu Demon Palace disciples.

Then, like bombs, they all exploded.

The spiritual ball formed by the gathering of spiritual energy exploded at this moment, but it broke out with the power to destroy the sky.Whether it was the disciples of the Feather Demon Palace, or the deacons, elders, or Dharma protectors, their faces changed drastically at this moment.

The energy erupting from the countless spiritual balls completely swallowed them up.

The aura of heaven and earth within tens of thousands of miles was gathered in a special way, and then all of them were compressed and condensed into aura balls, which were finally all exploded by Ling Yun.

The patriarch of the Feather Demon Hall's eyes widened, his face was full of disbelief, his eyes were full of despair, why did his moves escape his control?This is the biggest doubt in his heart.

The power formed by that force is no less than that of a Pluto fighting a meteorite impact, and it doesn't need to consume any of its own strength.

This attack method also surprised Changsun Ling, and he and Changsun Wuji joined forces to resist it early in the morning.

After the aura energy that filled the sky dissipated, the entire building of the Feather Demon Palace was almost completely destroyed.

The entire mountain where the Feather Demon Palace was located began to collapse, and all the disciples of the Feather Demon Palace were buried under the terrifying blow.

Except for the patriarch of Yumodian, Ye Haitang and the grandson of Yumodian, the rest of the people were all killed by this terrifying heaven and earth aura.

Only four remain...

After one move, only four of them were left lingering. It can be seen that they were not seriously injured.

Even the Patriarch of the Feather Demon Palace had an arm cut off at this moment, his face was pale, and he looked extremely embarrassed.

And that Changsun Wuji and Ye Haitang from Yumodian both looked pale, with blood stained at the corners of their mouths, both of whom had suffered great internal injuries.

The 10-year foundation of the Feather Demon Palace was destroyed, and it would be a lie to say that it hurts.

There were thousands of people in the entire Feather Demon Palace, but now they were destroyed in an instant without even a single scum left.

Ling Yun smiled lightly, still in the same state of being covered in flames just now.

"End it, Four Heavens, it's a piece of history."

"No, no, Lord Pluto, Lord Taishenjun, I am your subordinate, the Fourth Heaven will always be yours, don't destroy it."

Even if Changsun Wuji knelt down, he would no longer be a high-ranking God after the fourth heaven was over. The angry eldest grandson's heart fluctuated in this scene.

The eldest grandson said angrily: " are so unbelievable, kneeling down to others casually, you are not worthy of being my descendants."

Changsun Wuji was slapped flying by his grandfather's palm, and he probably lost a layer of skin if he didn't die. Poor Changsun Wuji.

The 10-year foundation of the Yumo Temple was destroyed, leaving only the Patriarch of the Yumo Temple and Ye Haitang, which naturally made them extremely angry, sad, and regretful.

"You're going to die badly."

The patriarch of Yu Demon Palace stared at Ling Yun with furious eyes.

"Mouth stinks."

Ling Yun shook his head, his body turned into a ball of fire and melted directly into the ground!

"Is this... gone?" Changsun Ling looked around for Ling Yun's traces, but unfortunately, with his strength, he didn't know where Ling Yun went.

"What he said was never a joke, everyone be careful, he doesn't seem to have a problem at all."

And the mouth of the Patriarch of the Temple of Feathers was bleeding, and he seemed to feel the incomparable heat emanating from the ground.

Ye Haitang trembled and shouted: "Let's go quickly, leave the Fourth Heaven, this place will be destroyed, and no one will be able to escape by then."

Many people in the Fourth Heaven knew what was going on in the Feather Demon Palace, and those who didn't like to watch the excitement had already left the Fourth Heaven.

And a group of people in the distance are coming here, they are Changsun Wuji's subordinates, someone is causing trouble in the Fourth Heaven, they, as the subordinates of God, of course have to come forward.

Little did they know that what awaited them would be death.


The ground began to crack, as if being cut by a knife, the ravines criss-crossed, and bloody rays of light erupted from the cracks, with terrifying power!

Whoever those rays of light hit will die immediately, such as Ye Haitang, who pierced through thousands of holes, the rays of light are too powerful, and the Patriarch of the Feather Demon Palace laughed, seeing such a scene, he was already crazy.

Gradually, gradually, magma erupted from the ground of the Four Heavens!

(End of this chapter)

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