Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1371

Chapter 1371 Surprise the Quartet (Third)
Beibei has already made up her mind, and she will shock everyone later. She plans to use the Wanjian in her memory to return to the sect, but she doesn't know if it will work.

No, just treat these people as trainees...

With Feng Ruqing, the owner of Baihua Palace, shouting, the competition continued.

Beibei took the sword that An Qing gave her, closed her eyes gently, and recalled the kendo and martial arts that Ling Yun taught her.

There are three sword realms, Body Sword, Qi Sword, Mind Sword...

Those with swords, body and sword, the body is the sword, this is used by most people, the most powerful is the combination of human and sword.

Qi sword fighters use qi to control the sword, and the qi is soaring into the sky. This is the most commonly used by Lingyun.

Swordsman with intent, sword and intent, holding the sword to psychic, this is the sword intent...

Beibei opened his eyes, imitating Ling Yun and smashing the sword into the ground, and said in a childish voice: "Let you see it, Wanjian returns to the sect."

The surroundings began to change slightly from the silence, that is, the weapons in everyone's hands, they were still shaking violently, as if a force was calling them.

And the little guy could tell at a glance that this was Wan Jian Guizong, so she clapped her hands excitedly: "Aha, that's right, that's right... Papa can give me Wangzi after she knows."

As long as Beibei knows it, she can ask Ling Yun for a can of Wangzai. The latter once said that as long as she teaches Beibei, he will reward Wangzai. When the time comes, she will just say that she taught it.

The little guy's eyes are turning bleakly...

The Goddess of Life stared at her eyes without blinking!

Everyone held the swords in their hands tightly, but the force was too great, and many weapons were out of their hands.


The swords began to gather together, and seeing Wan Jian's return to the sect was about to explode, the sky failed, and the lord of Chunyang Palace and the old eunuch attacked Bei Bei from behind, interrupting everything!
Beibei frowned, she had already discovered it, and thought she was stupid?He kept muttering something to calculate her, thinking he didn't hear it?

With a backhand palm, Bei Bei slapped the owner of Chunyang Palace, the old eunuch, until he vomited blood, and then Su Yu came back to his senses and immediately captured him alive!

"Your uncle's are so shameless, you actually sneaked up on a child from behind, you are courting death."

Su Yu slapped the master of Chunyang Palace and the old eunuch hard, the latter's face was swollen and he was almost unconscious.

The master of Baihua Palace, Feng Ruqing, ordered angrily: "What are you planning? I'm so mad, kill the old eunuch, the master of Chunyang Palace."

The Goddess of Life said: "Forget it, I have saved his life."

It's not that she doesn't want the lord of Chunyang Palace and the old eunuch to die, but that she wants to give it to Ling Yun. The latter must be very angry, and it's just for him to vent his emotions.

"Who are you? In Baihua Palace, I have the final say." Feng Ruqing, the owner of Baihua Palace, frowned. She was a proud woman and would not obey others normally, but the Goddess of Life turned against others.

"You don't need to know who I am. With me here, you can't take his life." The goddess of life spoke very resolutely, and with a force, she stunned the people of Baihua Palace who were about to attack the lord of Chunyang Palace and the old eunuch. past.

"You..." The Lord of Baihua Palace gritted her teeth vigorously. Originally, the Goddess of Life was too beautiful, and the former didn't like it. Now she is meddling in other people's business, so she is naturally angry.

The little guy frowned slightly, tugged at the two of them, and said in a childlike voice, "Don't quarrel, no quarrel is allowed, no quarrel is allowed."

An Qing laughed and flicked her forehead: " are also nosy, and now you are talking too much."

The little guy rolled his eyes and didn't speak. Anyway, Feng Ruqing, the Lord of Baihua Palace, and the Goddess of Life stopped talking. This matter is over, because the former has nothing to do.

The leader of the Jusha Gang shrugged his shoulders, looked at Beibei and said, "Little boy, it was an accident just now, so you can do it again."

A knife leader smiled drunkenly and said, "If you don't make a move, my knife will be out of its sheath?"

"Whatever." Beibei waved her hands, looking a little impatient, because she was a little angry because Wan Jian Guizong was interrupted just now.

Now it takes a lot of time to use it again!
"Look... Wan Jian has returned to the sect."

At the moment when a sword leader drew his sword intoxicatedly, Beibei's voice appeared, and the swords present shook violently as before.


Those swords were about to come together, but they lost their power, and they all fell to the ground, and the little guy's aha laughter stopped abruptly.

Beibei scratched her head, Wan Jian's return to the sect failed...

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's the first time... There are always some mistakes." An Qing comforted, "How about learning from me? Beibei is so smart, she will definitely learn."

Beibei nodded, looking a little aggrieved. If she used Wanjian to return to the clan at this moment, everyone's attention would be shocked.

The leader of a knife, Zuixin, would not let go of a good opportunity, and took advantage of Beibei's lowered head to kill him with a knife in his hand.

The little guy was very excited, just like she was fighting.

"Sister... sister... the bad guy is here, hit him quickly."

Beibei suddenly raised her head, and then dodged perfectly with a beautiful backflip.

"Hmph...let me show you?"

Beibei muttered angrily, then sucked An Qing's sword, and muttered at the corner of her mouth: "The snow is floating in the world."

A dazzling light appeared from the sword in Beibei's hand, and the sword energy flew into the sky in a criss-cross pattern. It was the god-level sword technique used by An Qing before, and the snow floated in the world.

The sword energy falling from the sky is like snowflakes, carrying terrifying lethality.

Everyone was stunned, but An Qing's eyes widened, her mouth opened slightly, she was stunned, she was really snowing.

When Beibei learned it, she has no idea at all.

The Goddess of Life's eyes narrowed: "Not bad swordsmanship, it's incredible how many god-level martial arts Pluto possesses."

The owner of Baihua Palace, Feng Ruqing, was dumbfounded...

Xue Dao, the ancestor of the Titan clan, shook his head, secretly thinking that this is a little monster... so young, who can learn everything, who can compare with her.


The leader of a sword is drunk to resist with all his strength, but he can't do anything with this Xuepiao, he vomits blood directly, those sword flowers falling vertically and horizontally, like endlessly, his strength is limited, it is conceivable how much he can block.

Lao Gao, the leader of the Jusha Gang, also had a painful expression on his face, unable to speak, trying to break Jian Hua with every move.

Beibei was leisurely, and handed the sword back to An Qing. The latter glanced at her, and then the corner of his mouth twitched, secretly thinking that he must have learned from Ling Yun, so leisurely, it's not over yet, this is not a good habit.

The little guy clapped his hands: "This is Ma Ma's swordsmanship, so-so, not as powerful as my Wan Jian Gui Zong."

The Goddess of Life frowned, wondering if the little guy kept saying she would, could it be true!
Beibei shook her head, and said in a childish voice, "You have worked so hard, let me help you."

Just as the sword flower was about to finish falling, Beibei swung his Sha fist a few times. The leader of the giant shark gang, Lao Gao, and the leader of a knife, Zuixin, couldn't stop them. They flew to the side and couldn't stand up for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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