Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1378

Chapter 1378 God and Demon Break (first update)
The cold war emperor sneered, this is what he wanted.

bring it on…

A battle is life and death!

The prodigal son Jian Wuying spat out a mouthful of blood, and said in a weak voice: "Great God, you have to be careful of his...his..."


The Leng Zhan Emperor suddenly let out a terrifying palm, and wanted to kill the prodigal son Jian Wuying in front of Ling Yun, lest the latter talk too much.


When Lingyun doesn't exist?The latter dissipated the palm energy with a wave of his hand, which made the eyes of Emperor Leng Zhan harden.

The prodigal son Jian Wuying finally said: "Hands...his careful."

Immediately he fell into a coma.

Ling Yun said to the Goddess of Life: "You stay here well, the movement just now has attracted many curious people, my battle with him will destroy the world, protect the Baihua Palace."

"I want to destroy everything..." The more the Cold War Emperor looked at Ling Yun, his appearance became more ferocious, and he immediately took out the magic ax that was exchanged at the universe soul pawn shop!

The Goddess of Life widened her eyes and muttered to herself, "Top Ten Ancient Artifacts..."

That's right...

It is the magic ax of the top ten ancient artifacts!
A memory immediately appeared in Ling Yun's mind, and he was sure of it!
The little guy was the most excited and shouted: "Baba...baba...that's mine."

Ling Yun asked with a wry smile, "Why is the Divine Demon Ax in your hand?"

The Cold War Emperor said: "Surprised, hahaha... I just won't tell you. After you die, I can proudly tell you everything next to your dead body."

The Goddess of Life had a worried look on her face, feeling terrified.

"Pluto...don't fight here...the children are here, I'm hurt."

If she hadn't been injured, she could have guarded the place very well, but not now, the other party has the top ten artifacts in ancient times, the magic axe.

Ling Yun nodded, and as soon as his foot stepped on the ground, everything began to disappear slowly. In the strongest space domain, the little guy's eyes widened, and the eyeballs turned gloomy.


Everything around is still the same, but the breathing things are gone, only Ling Yun and the Cold War Emperor on the top of the palace are left.

It seems to be a dimensional space, which is obviously the same space, but it can't catch people.

This is how the Goddess of Life watched Ling Yun and Leng Zhandi disappear, nothing changed around them, everyone was there.

In a moment!
She looked at the sky and was covered in a cold sweat. What kind of horror is this? Ling Yun and Leng Zhandi appeared in the void, and their bodies were actually virtual.

They seemed to be non-existent people, but they could be seen clearly, their conversations could not be heard, and people could not be touched.

In An Qing's words, it looks like Blue Star's technology, a stereo projector.

Ling Yun stood with his hands behind his back, tilted his neck, and said with a half-smile, "Your magic axe is too fake. It's fake, but it's just temporarily borrowing the power of the real one."

Under Po Wangzhi's eyes, Ling Yun knew exactly what was going on with the divine and demon axe, so he was surprised, how could such a person possess the top ten ancient artifacts, it turned out to be so fake.

"You don't have to worry about..."

After being found out by Ling Yun, Emperor Cold War was a little nervous, just as Ling Yun said.

Ling Yun really wanted to know what the Cold War Emperor had gone through.

It's true that the God Demon Ax is a magic weapon, but it's a fake. Its strength can only last for half an hour, but half an hour is enough, he is very confident.

Half an hour later, the Divine Demon Ax was just an ordinary axe, not as good as scrap iron.

He doesn't regret the redemption, even though it cost him a full [-] points, he still thinks it's worth it, and he can have the God Demon Ax for half an hour, which is something he has no regrets in his life.


The Cold War Emperor slashed down at Ling Yun with the God-Magic Axe, and the latter dodged in an instant. The terrifying power directly split the Baihua Palace, and the aftermath swept across thousands of miles.

Goddess of Life's feet trembled as she watched...

This is the top ten ancient artifacts!
Only one blow, so terrifying!
Seeing Ling Yun dodging, Emperor Leng Zhan laughed and said: "Aren't you very strong, don't hide, give me an axe."

Facing the Shenmo ax falling again, Ling Yun snapped his fingers.

boom! ! !
At this moment, a red sword light suddenly descended from the void, instantly resisting the God and Demon Ax of the Cold War Emperor.

The two collided together, and a terrifying roar erupted, and the terrifying energy swept away, the Divine Demon Ax was directly blocked, and the void exploded in a row.

Every spark formed by the collision falls like a cannonball, shocking the eyeballs.

The terrifying energy turned into a huge mushroom cloud in the void, smashing the entire void into pieces.

The Cold War Emperor let out a cold snort, and the power of the Divine Demon Ax increased dozens of times, and it slammed down on Ling Yun fiercely, with the aura of sweeping away thousands of troops and being invincible.

A monstrous black energy erupted from Ling Yun's body, and the black light of the sword energy in his hand shot into the sky.

He slashed out fiercely at the god demon ax with a sword, and at the same time a terrifying black force surrounded him, and the figure in the first demon form also slammed towards the opponent.

Boom! ! !
The attacks of the two sides collided together, and another series of roars sounded.

The surrounding void was dealt another devastating blow, and Ling Yun's strength was completely off the charts.

The terrifying momentum swept across the world, like the ruler of the world, the goddess of life felt a deep sense of oppression in her heart when she saw it.

It was as if a huge mountain was pressing on her, making her feel out of breath, but it was just her illusion.

The Goddess of Life looked startled, her pupils shrank, and her eyes revealed a look of shock. Why did Pluto become so terrifying? Looking at the body surrounded by black silk, she guessed that it was more than a little stronger than usual.

He knew better than anyone else that the Cold War Emperor had a similar expression. The Pluto in front of him was not serious at all, but he did his best.

This earth-shattering blow that happened above the sky shook the entire Wuhun Continent, but it was a pity that it was under Ling Yun's absolute space domain, otherwise the Wuhun Continent would be absolutely shattered.

"I just want you to know that ants are always ants."


With a crisp sound, the Demonic Ax in the hands of the Cold War Emperor broke!

He himself was stunned, his face was covered with sweat, and his hands trembled a little.


Why were all the magic axes of the top ten artifacts in ancient times broken?He couldn't stand Pluto's move at all, even if he lost to himself, there was no reason to break the magic axe.

He is not satisfied.

Didn't the crazy shopkeeper say that within half an hour, the magic ax in his hand was not the slightest difference from the real one.

What the crazy shopkeeper said is correct, but the Shenmo Ax met Ling Yun, and being an enemy of the latter is doomed to kill himself.

The goddess of life swallowed hard, and said to herself: "This man is really scary, what is his identity?"

Seeing that the magic ax was broken, the little guy muttered: "Bad papa... broke my toy, if I don't pick it up, I won't play with you, and ignore you."

An Qing laughed and asked, "How long do you plan not to talk to him?"

"One day... no no... half a day... no no..."

In the end, the little guy compromised and ignored Ling Yun for 5 minutes, which made An Qing dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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