Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1382

Chapter 1382
Hearing that the little guy was fine, An Qing ran in excitedly, and was almost worried about her outside.

Bei Bei ran over, tugged at Ling Yun's trousers, and said in a childish voice, "Handsome, is my sister awake?"

"Sister... Did sister wake up, so sleepy." Little Irene muttered her small mouth, her eyes stared at Ling Yun, she was really cute.

" two keep your voice down, don't wake up Sissy."

"Yeah, yum."

"Beibei protects this place well these days. I'll take Sissy out for a few days to relax. I'll leave the difficult task of staying here to you. You can't let me down." Ling Yun patted Beibei's little head, and then The reporter frowned slightly.

He didn't want An Qing and Bei Bei to see the little guy in a mess, because the latter was temporarily paralyzed.

Ling Yun also needs to take her to play for a while, so as not to make her unhappy.

Beibei is very sensible, and she doesn't act like a baby and wants to go with her.

"You must make your sister happy."

"You must make your sister happy."

"it is good!"

This child still has to flirt with Ling Yun, and he is not allowed to change for 100 years.

In the room, An Qing just looked at the little guy, with tears in her eyes from time to time, she didn't know if she was happy or knew something.

Ling Yun coughed lightly, and when An Qing turned to look at him, he smiled and said, "An Qing, please take a leave for Qianqian these few days, I'll take her out to relax."

"it is good!"

It was beyond Ling Yun's expectation, he planned to lie to An Qing, but he didn't expect An Qing to choose not to ask anything, he felt a little strange.

"We'll be back in a few days, take good care of Beibei and the others."

Ling Yun kissed An Qing, and then hugged the little guy: "Sissy, give me a hug from Dad."

The little guy frowned a little, but she hadn't woken up yet.

An Qing held Ling Yun's cheeks and kissed them passionately. After a while, she forced out a smile and said, "Take her to have fun, I'll keep an eye on this place."

"Thank you...I'll be back in a few days and take good care of myself."

After Ling Yun finished speaking, he and the little guy disappeared here, not in Wuhun Continent.

In Queen Yaoyue's imperial domain, the imperial domain she ruled is divided into three major areas, namely the strongest upper three days, middle three days, and the weakest lower three days.

Two days later!
Ling Yun appeared in the small town in the next three days, holding the little guy in his arms, but the latter couldn't move his hands and feet, she was like a porcelain doll, her whole small body lay limply on Ling Yun's heart.

"Papa...why can't I move."

She has already asked Ling Yun this question N times, and every time Ling Yun heard this sentence, his heart tugged together.

"Dad said, you are using too much strength, and you will be fine after a few days. It is the same when Dad holds you and takes you around the world."

The little guy rolled his eyes, can it be the same?But don't bully her for being ignorant.

She died of grievances, her mind only remembered defeating the evil demon in Baihua Palace, and she couldn't remember anything after that.

"Papa, what are we doing here?"

"Let's come here to play and see the customs here."

Ling Yun patted the little guy's head rather amusedly, the latter smiled and narrowed his eyes, as long as she heard playing, she liked it the most.

Ling Yun came here a day ago and heard that there would be a precious medicinal herb secretly sold here, and that medicinal herb was called Fire Lotus Petal, which was both a medicinal herb and a cultivation resource.

The fire lotus grows in an extremely hot environment, and one plant lasts ten thousand years, which is very good for the little guy's health, so Ling Yun inquired about it.

For the past two days, Ling Yun has been using his strength to repair the little guy's supreme divine body, but he still can't make the latter's limbs strong. The side effects of cutting off the supreme demon lotus are too great.

Only the treasures of heaven and earth can nourish it, and the petals of fire lotus are a great nourishing medicinal material.

There was a smile on the corner of Ling Yun's mouth, he never thought that such a large amount of transaction would be in a small town, it was too low-key.

Under Ling Yun's powerful spiritual sense, he walked unhurriedly on the desolate trails, where the people are very simple and honest.

The little guy asked curiously: "Papa, they all look at us, are we bad people?"

"They are not bad people, because we are outsiders, so..."

Ling Yun carefully explained to the little guy, who laughed from time to time.

"Sissy, are you happy?"

Hearing this laughter, Ling Yun asked with a grin.

"Happy, can't you hear me laughing?"

Is it really happy to laugh... Ling Yun stopped in his tracks immediately.

He cried out in his heart, why should fate punish his daughter, why can't all the sins be punished on him?

"Young man, come to our small town first. Do you need to stay overnight? Come to my house. All you need is a low-grade spirit stone, including food."

At this time, Ling Yun and the others came up to an old man. The latter had a smile on his face, and he looked like an honest man.

The little guy is also hungry, Ling Yun doesn't plan to stay overnight, but needs to borrow someone else's kitchen, so he nodded.

"Alright, you should always lead the way."

Hearing this, the old man was ecstatic. In their small town, a piece of low-grade spirit stone can buy a few catties of grain.

For those who are not rich, he also said that it is a huge sum of money.

The little guy said in a milky voice, "Papa, I want to drink water."

Ling Yun patted her head funnyly, and then followed the old man, and he just took out a can of Wangzai to feed the little guy.

The little guy shook his head. She wanted to drink it, but the problem was that she didn't hold it. If so, it would be a soulless way of drinking, and she would rather not drink it.

Ling Yun sighed and understood her thoughts, so he took it back.

In a moment!
The old man brought Ling Yun's father and daughter to a dilapidated small tile-roofed house, which was not very suitable for people to live in at all.

Ling Yun didn't dislike it either, since they didn't stay overnight anyway.

After listening to the old man's introduction, Ling Yun knew his name and some basic conditions.

The old man is a poor family in a small town, without a wife and children, and is a widow. People around him call him Old Man Shan.

"Young man, wait a moment, I'll go clean up right away, and make sure you live comfortably tonight."

"Old man Shan, this is a middle-grade spirit stone. You keep it. I only use this precious land of yours to cook for my daughter. You don't need to stay overnight, so you don't need to tidy up the house."


The old man Shan trembled. He had never gotten a middle-grade spirit stone in his life. To be honest, he was really Shan...

"You don't need that much, you don't need that much. If you just borrow the land, I won't accept it."

Old Man Shan was an honest man, he hurriedly returned the spirit stone to Ling Yun, who smiled, then shook his head.

"You take it, it may be a lot to you, but to me, it is a stone."

"That doesn't need that much, you can just give me a low-grade spirit stone." Old Man Shan's eyes widened.

(End of this chapter)

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