Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1385 Departure

Chapter 1385 Departure (Second Update)

At this time, a person next to him said: "You don't understand, this Golden Crow Emperor has a lot of background, he is an ancient demon god."


Immediately, someone was shocked, and his face looked dignified and gossip.

"I've also heard that he came out of a certain sealed place left over from ancient times. It is estimated that Master Ye Fei broke in accidentally, and finally accidentally broke the seal, allowing the Golden Crow Emperor to escape."

"It's over this time. The ancient demon god is said to be very powerful. How can we scumbags be opponents?"

"Bah... just forget about your own trash, we are very powerful."

Hearing this, everyone despises it, the one who is strong is a woolen hair, the one who just spoke is the cultivation base of the immortal, but in the next three days it will be regarded as an intermediate strong.

The little guy laughed, and felt a little funny listening to their dialogue.

Just when Ling Yun was about to leave, a man of Immortal Emperor Seventeen walked in domineeringly, and he looked around.

"I'm here to look for a few companions. I don't know if any of you are interested in joining?"

"Immortal...Emperor...Seventeen...Who is this person?"

"I don't know, it's definitely not our next three days, the family background must be quite a lot, maybe it's still working for those powerful forces."

"What kind of partner are you looking for, senior? I'm not talented, but I know a little bit of formation. I want to join you to understand the purpose." A tall and mighty man immediately expressed his opinion.

"I'm going to look for the spiritual liquid pool, and it's the third time I've come here." The domineering man smiled, and didn't intend to beat around the bush, and directly expressed his attitude.

"Spiritual liquid pool is not something you can find just by looking for it. Since you have been to the monster forest three times, senior, it means that you have no chance. I advise you not to go there. It's a waste of time." The tall and mighty man said .

"No, no... I firmly believe that man can conquer the sky, what if I am moved by the sky." The domineering man said.

I heard that they were looking for the spiritual liquid pool, so many people gave up. Not everyone can encounter the spiritual liquid pool, and the monster forest is full of dangers.

The domineering man revealed his identity and said, "I am Liu Sheng Swordsman, Tian Wuji."

Liusheng Swordsman is a family active in Shangsan, and everyone in their family worships sword skills very much.

As soon as this statement came out, many people were shocked.

For them for the next three days, the last three days are huge.

Tian Wuji said: "I still need a few companions, even if I can't find the spirit liquid pool, I can take this experience as a training experience."

Having an Immortal Emperor Seventeen is still not safe enough, so many wise people shook their heads.

But a girl in the crowd shouted excitedly: "I...I sign up...big brother takes me."

Tian Wuji looked back and found that it was a young girl, so he frowned slightly: "You?"

He looked the girl up and down, and found that her strength was too low, so he shook his head and refused.

Seeing this, the girl said: "I know medical skills, and I can help you and your group to some extent."

At this time, the tall and mighty man said: "Senior, think about it, the monster forest is really full of dangers, it is safer to have someone who knows medical skills."

Tian Wuji nodded after pondering for a moment. He went there three times, and each time he fled with serious injuries. There are really some powerful monsters deep inside, and there are also some desperadoes who specialize in black hands.

"Big brother, thank you, I've always been very lucky, you're sure to take me with you." The girl blinked mischievously.

The little guy lay on Ling Yun's neck, and said in a baby voice, "Sister, you take my daddy, we want to go too."

She seemed to smell the smell of adventure, her eyes turned gloomy, and the corners of Ling Yun's mouth twitched violently when she heard this.

Only then did the girl discover that Ling Yun, a super handsome guy, also had Sissi, who was carved with jade on his neck.

"Wow... What a cute little girl, what's your name."

The girl's flushed face didn't dare to look directly at Ling Yun's handsomeness.

The little guy laughed loudly and said, "My name is Sissy... What's your sister's name? Mmm... Let me guess."

"Li Xiaohua? Zhang Yanyan?"

Hearing this, the girl couldn't laugh or cry, what is it all about, the name is so ugly, how could it be her, isn't this a mess, there is guessing!
"Don't guess Qianqian, my name is Ouyangqian."

The girl's identity is ready to be revealed, she belongs to Ouyang's family in the next three days, she is rather eccentric, this time she escaped to play without her family's consent.

She wanted to know how lucky she was... This time, she heard that Tian Wuji, such a powerful Immortal Emperor Seventeen, was going to find him, so she naturally wanted to hitch a ride.

The little guy opened his mouth wide and exclaimed, "Sure enough, it's exactly what I thought."

Ling Yun: "..."

Ouyang Qian: "..."

The little guy muttered and said coquettishly: "Sister... take us, my daddy is amazing, we will follow you."

Ouyang Qian looked Ling Yun up and down, and found that the latter, like her, was a true immortal, which was a bit difficult.

Tian Wuji frowned, then smiled and said: "What do you know? If you want to join our team, you must be useful. If you are not strong enough, you need skills."

A slight dimple appeared on the corner of Ling Yun's mouth, and then he smiled and said, "I don't know anything."

This remark immediately caused Tian Wuji to burst out laughing, who knows nothing and still wants to form a team with him?Go away.

The little guy immediately retorted: "No, no... Papa is lying, it's wrong."

She immediately rolled her eyes... She thought to herself that her father was too dishonest, he said he couldn't when he knew a lot of things.

"Sissy...cough cough...well, I can do anything."

Being hit on the head feebly by the little guy, Ling Yun could only change his words.


Tian Wuji didn't believe it at all, but laughed even louder.

Ouyang Qian said: "Big brother...I think this handsome brother is real."

She was the only one present who believed in Lingyun, and everyone else shook their heads, knowing everything?really blow...

Tian Wuji snorted coldly, and then said to Ouyang Qian: "Let's go, we can go to the Monster Forest now, we don't know anything and dare to follow, I have never seen such a shameless person."

Ouyang Qian was also very helpless, she couldn't help Ling Yun, so she cast a look deeply sorry.

Ling Yun smiled slightly, he didn't care at all, he can take the little guy with him, in case today is the little guy's lucky day.

After a while, he ignored everyone's gazes, and walked directly out of Liufeng City towards the Monster Forest.

And in front of them was Tian Wuji and his party. There were seven or eight people in his team, plus Ouyang Qian, a total of two women.

Ling Yun took a general look, Tian Wuji was the second in strength, and there was an old man whose strength was the eighteenth peak of the Immortal Emperor, but he was injured, it was an old injury.

The others are basically immortal emperors and above, only Ouyang Qian is a true immortal, and she chatted and laughed with another woman along the way.

(End of this chapter)

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