Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1390 Beast King Fruit

Chapter 1390 King of Beasts Fruit (Second Change)

Suddenly there was a little milk dog, and everyone behind him looked disgusted.

They also heard the conversation between Ling Yun and the little guy just now, what kind of ferocious monster?Just a dog... the level is too low.

The corner of Zhang Daxian's mouth twitched. He was so excited just now, he thought that Ling Yun was about to release the beast, the Flame Tiger, but he saw the docile little milk dog, ruining the three views.

On the contrary, Xia Morong and Ouyang Qian liked this little milk dog very much.

"Sissy, is she your pet?"

"It's so cute, I like it so much."

The little guy said: "Well, it's a little tiger, it can transform, it's not a pet, it's our good friend."

The little milk dog was almost moved to cry...

Afterwards, it had nothing to love, because it was being led, and it was fine if it came out without eating or drinking. Is this considered abuse?
The other end of the long rope is tied to the little guy.

As the distance to the falling water gorge gets closer and closer, the aura of monsters and beasts around becomes stronger and stronger, and danger also follows.

Zhang Daxian said: "Everyone, be careful, this place is very unsafe."


As soon as the words fell, a large three-meter-high pig monster appeared in front of them.


Da Jiantu and Tian Wuji held both hands together, there were constant explosions all around, and Ling Yun felt more and more that something was wrong.

"Get rid of it as soon as possible." Ling Yun became a little impatient, led the way by the little milk dog, and ran directly to Luoshuijian.

Zhang Daxian nodded, this pig monster just let other people take action, he followed Ling Yun closely.


The others just fought off the pig monsters. Seeing that everyone was gone, they also chased after them, for fear that they would lose their share.

Then Ling Yun took the little guy and followed the little milk dog to the Luoshuijian where the King of Beasts was.

Coming to the Luoshui gorge, Ling Yun found four crystal clear spiritual fruits growing in the rocky mountain gorge at a glance, exuding a strong fragrance, obviously it was the alluring king of beasts.

At this time, apart from the group of them, people from other forces appeared, and there were densely packed monsters waiting for them.

Among them, the wild tiger, bull lion, lynx, blood eagle and other powerful monsters all appeared, as well as golden ape and giant python, gathered here to seize the king of beasts.

Zhang Daxian frowned, he saw a group of people on the opposite side, it was the Royal Beast Sect of Zhongtian.

"Damn... I just said that the monsters here are crazy, so they are here."

The Beast Master can use some methods to make the monster obey his orders.

The leader is an elder from the Beast Master Sect, who is also very famous in the imperial domain, and he is very skillful in taming some monsters.

Elder Song and three other true disciples are here, and there are two old men behind them. They are not good people at first glance, one is dressed in black and the other is white.

The two old men are not the Beast Master Sect, but good friends of Elder Song. They are the Black and White Shuangsha. They are sinister and vicious, and everyone in the Imperial Domain hates them.

Tian Wuji didn't expect that Black and White Shuangsha actually knew Elder Song of the Beast Sect?He also acted in collusion and almost killed them.

"Papa, there are so many monsters here, what are they doing?"

"Wait to die!"

What Ling Yun said was right, they were just waiting to die, the people from the Beast Control Sect planned to kill all the monsters here, and then nourish the four King of Beasts, this method is really inhumane.

"Are they that stupid?" The little guy frowned slightly!

Little milk dog: "Wow, woof, woof..."

It means that the Emperor Beast Sect controlled them and made them lose their nature, no different from being stupid.

The movement here was immediately noticed by the people from the Beastmaster Sect.

"Who is on the other side? Can you come here?" Elder Song narrowed his eyes, his face looked a little heavy, and a strange smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

A certain disciple said: "They have some skills. I remember that I surrounded them with a pack of beasts and wolves. I didn't expect to be able to survive."

The old man Heisha said: "Liusheng swordsman, Tian's family!"

"Yes, I've seen that kid before, and his strength is not bad." The old man Baisha stared at Tian Wuji, and the latter also stared at him not to be outdone.

"Since we've come here, let's kill them together. I don't believe they can escape? This secret can't be known by others."

Seeing so many powerful monsters below, Elder Song smiled even more happily, as if seeing the death of Zhang Daxian and his party.

Lao Bai said: "What should we do? Now all these monsters regard us as enemies?"

The others gulped their saliva one after another, feeling powerless, there were too many monsters, they shouldn't have appeared rashly, and they were somewhat dissatisfied with Ling Yun, because Ling Yun was the one who led the way.

Zhang Daxian frowned, and shouted: "Why are you cowardly, they can't come up, just wait and see what happens."

The falling water gorge is so high, the monsters below can only wait and see, but all the flying ones are flying up, the little guy doesn't even look at the bloodthirsty eyes.

Tian Wuji stepped into the air alone, facing so many birds and monsters, his sword skills are not bad, a glint of appreciation flashed in Zhang Daxian's eyes.

Ling Yun said: "To become a strong man, one must have the courage to face all kinds of desperate situations. Let's see your performance next."

"Aha... Papa... what is that shiny thing?"

Ling Yun: "..."

She just discovered those four King of Beasts fruits at this moment, so what did she look at just now?

She was busy counting the monsters, if Ling Yun knew, she would vomit blood.

"It's a kind of fruit, much tastier than peaches, do you want it?" Ling Yun replied.

"Yes... I like to eat fruit." The little guy nodded immediately.

"Little Huzi, do you hear me, pick it off for me."

"Wang Wang Wang..."

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the little milk dog jumped into the water after barking twice.

"Ah... it committed suicide? Brother, you are too cruel." Ouyang Qian blinked her eyes with a sad look on her face.

A cute little milk dog died just like that, she had never played with it before.

Lao Gao snorted: "Stupid dog, so fucking stupid."

This remark caused the little guy to be dissatisfied: "You are the one who is stupid...Little Huzi is not."

Lao Gao was too lazy to argue with a child, so he stopped talking.

In a moment!
The little milk dog climbed back from the edge of a cliff.

Everyone couldn't believe it, their eyes stared straight.

Because it holds a branch in its mouth, and under the branch is the fruit of the king of beasts.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Royal Beast Sect stamped their hands and feet on the ground angrily. If they didn't pay attention, one of them was picked off.


"King of beasts... oh my god... how did it do it?"

"Great, you're not dead yet."

"It's missing one, it really picked it, it's incredible."

Ling Yun picked up the King of Beasts fruit, and then gave it to the little guy on his neck. The latter wiped it lightly, and then began to chew.


What a waste! !

Everyone looked distressed.

It would be great if they got it, but let a child eat it like fruit, prodigal!
(End of this chapter)

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