Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1394 Golden Crow Emperor

Chapter 1394 Golden Crow Emperor
The strength of the Golden Crow is indeed very strong, and the pure strength of Lao Bai and Lao Gu really can't suppress each other, and the flame power of the opponent is too strong, they are not opponents.


Lao Gu half-kneeled on the ground and vomited blood. He had already injured his internal organs when he punched just now. Lao Bai was in the same situation.

Tian Wuji's face was extremely solemn, and he said in a trembling tone: "You are really bold, the Golden Crow Emperor opposite is very strong, how could you be opponents, isn't this sending you to death?"

Da Jiantu said in a deep voice: "It's not that the opponent wants to fight, we have a lot of people, maybe there is a little hope, if we don't resist, then what is the difference between us and garbage."

It's too bullying to grab the spirit liquid pool. If you don't fight the Golden Crow, you will be sorry for your strength that you have cultivated for so many years.

"Hahaha, I like what you said." The Golden Crow looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, his figure flashed again, and the terrifying fire fist severely injured the big sword.


Why is this fist so terrifying?Tian Wuji's eyes widened, his feet trembled a little, it would be impossible for him to resist.

"I can't do it anymore, you guys should run away, he is really too strong."

Recalling the fire fist, Da Jiantu lying on the ground felt lingering fear, his body was still hot, his skin was burnt a lot, it was too abnormal.

Zhang Daxian said: "You all don't want to attack him, the old man will know him, and if he can fight the ancient demon god, death is enough."

"You are not bad, but you are injured. You are not my opponent. Even if you recover from your injuries, you can only last a few breaths." The Golden Crow looked at Zhang Daxian. He knew the latter's physical condition at a glance, and his eyes flashed A touch of disdain.

A trace of solemnity appeared in Zhang Daxian's eyes, how many breaths could he last with his peak strength?Emperor Jinwu was either joking or his strength was overwhelming, and he believed in the latter more.

Ling Yun looked lazily and casually at Emperor Jinwu, with a pair of sharp eyes shining brightly, like a distant deep sea, bottomless.

At this moment, he is not as careless and lazy as before, but with a sense of seriousness and caution. Then he smiled and concentrated on rubbing the little guy's skin, so that the latter can quickly absorb the energy in the spirit liquid pool .

At this time, bursts of cold air flowed around the entire space, and it seemed that even the air had condensed into ice, making it difficult for people to breathe.

The Golden Crow stared at everyone, his coldness was oppressive, bloodthirsty and enchanting, with the domineering aura of a strong man who would prosper and perish if he obeyed.

It seemed that if he stomped his foot, the whole space would be torn apart.

"It's incredible... I met an opponent here. Your body has great strength. I'm even more curious about who you are!"

Emperor Jinwu suddenly turned his head, staring fixedly at Ling Yun.

Under his aggressive deep eyes, Ling Yun's eyes are still as clear as water, as calm as sea water, calm and composed...


The corners of the Golden Crow's mouth slowly curled up, and the weather seemed to turn from cloudy and snowy to a clear sky, and it seemed that the condensed frost suddenly turned into spring water, and gorgeous flowers bloomed.

"I don't think so many years, this emperor can still see you. How shocked you were to me back then. With your own strength, you killed two gods and challenged the entire heaven."

Recalling the arrogant and unruly Ling Yun in ancient times, the Golden Crow Emperor was full of fighting spirit.

"You have no intention of killing me, so you go." Ling Yun waved his hand, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he didn't care about what the Golden Crow said.

Everyone pricked up their ears and heard...

"I am very surprised that you also came out. In this world, there may have been demon gods who broke the seal, but they all chose to retire, but I am different. This emperor has an ambition."

Emperor Jinwu didn't know that Ling Yun was the only survivor from the destruction of the ancient times, he only thought that he survived after being sealed.

Back then, he was sealed by the gods, so he also hated the gods. In order to avenge the gods, he deceived Ye Fei, who released him. As a result, Emperor Jinwu couldn't accept the ending of all the gods and demons dying, and chased and killed Ye Fei like crazy. .

There was another reason why Ye Fei was hunted down by him. The former had the Heavenly Demon Sword in his body.

"Let's go after you've finished speaking. There is no spiritual liquid pool for you here." Ling Yun frowned, and his tone became a little stiff.

"What if the emperor must?"

Emperor Jinwu never put Ling Yun in his eyes. At the beginning, Ling Yun was strong in ancient times, but he was not a vegetarian either.

What's more, the current Tiandao suppressing power is usually the eighteenth immortal emperor. He is confident and invincible under the same rank, and there is also a power in his body that needs to be unsealed.

Therefore, he is not afraid of Ling Yun at all, so what about the ancient ones?He is also...he is the Golden Crow Emperor of the beast clan.

Seeing that the Golden Crow summoned a knife filled with raging fire, everyone was shocked.

It will be a matter of time before they start. The Jinwu clan has many gods in the ancient years. They are worthy of stepping into the divine way, standing proudly on the top of the demon way, and leaving behind the legendary holy weapon, which is the flame knife in their hands.

"you wanna die?"

Ling Yun raised his head suddenly, his eyes full of annihilation.

Just the two of them staring at each other, the surroundings are eerily quiet, and the only thing that can be heard is the breathing of everyone.

"Hahaha, you are still as wild as before, but... Jiuyou Mingze! How sure are you that you can defeat me in my hands?"

Zhang Daxian's eyes widened suddenly, what did he hear?Isn't Jiuyoumingze the name of the ancient god of the underworld...

"Let me ask again, should you go or not? If you don't take your life, you will stay." Ling Yun was vaguely angry. If the Golden Crow Emperor didn't know good from bad, he would kill all the ancient gods and demons for the world.

"This emperor thinks, you made a mistake, you should leave, and if you don't leave? You all stay." Golden Crow Emperor's eyes flashed a trace of ruthlessness, and the eyes were full of flames that could make people feel timid.

"If you don't want to die, go away. This person is trash in his hands. It should be worse than trash." Ling Yun's eyes froze, and he said to Zhang Daxian and the others.

"Yes, sir, we will leave immediately."

Zhang Daxian looked very unwilling, but he went to die for the spiritual liquid pool, so what if he got the spiritual liquid pool for a while?

After they quickly exited the space, only Xia Morong, Ouyang Qian and the little guy still in the bath were left.

The little guy said in a milky voice, "Papa, do you want to fight?"

Ling Yun smiled softly, then knelt down and continued to help her bathe, this behavior stunned Xia Morong and the others behind.

Ignoring the Golden Crow Emperor again, the latter's expression was displeased.

Ouyang Qian was not afraid of the Golden Crow Emperor, she looked directly at the latter, and asked, "Did you make a mistake, how could the big brother be from the ancient times, his strength is really immortal, and he is also a good person."

Emperor Jinwu laughed loudly: "He is from ancient times, and this emperor will not admit his mistake."

(End of this chapter)

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