Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1396 Battle

Chapter 1396 Battle


The great flaming anger of the Golden Crow and the extreme cold of Ling Yun collided, and the world was plunged into a blaze of brilliance. It was simply the end of the world.

And the little guy's Guihan Bingxin directly frozen both the Golden Crow and Lingyun, including the blasting power and the empty air around him.


The divine beast, Flaming Tiger, immediately stood up, its eyes widened.

Zhang Daxian and the others twitched the corners of their mouths: "What's the matter?"

Only Ouyang Qian and Xia Morong saw that this was done by the little guy. The latter lowered his head and said softly, "My dad is fine, I'll help him."

help the hell...

quiet trouble...

The body of the Golden Crow burned raging fire, and the heat energy in his body exploded, immediately melting the ice that wrapped him!

The ice sculpture of Ling Yun absorbed it directly, and it didn't affect him at all.

"Hahaha, your strength is good, are you serious?"

Emperor Jinwu didn't care about Guihan Bingxin just now, he cared more about how much power Ling Yun had used just now.

"I don't need to be too serious about dealing with you." Ling Yun's figure suddenly flashed in front of the Golden Crow Emperor, kicking him sideways, causing the gall to come out from the latter.

"I'll go...why is your kick so strong?" The Golden Crow did a few backflips in a row to stabilize his figure, a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

"It's your trash."

Ling Yun's voice suddenly appeared behind the Golden Crow Emperor, and the latter swallowed his saliva, completely unexpected that Ling Yun would gain the upper hand for a while.


The Golden Crow Emperor's eyes narrowed, and he waved his fist to meet Ling Yun. The corner of the latter's mouth sneered, and he held the fist of the Golden Crow Emperor with one hand.

" is it possible, how can you be so strong?"

"I said, it's your own trash, isn't it too comfortable in the sealed place?"

Boom! !
Ling Yun knocked the Golden Crow Emperor to the ground with a single energy ball, setting off a burst of golden light, and the roar was deafening.

The surrounding cold gradually disappeared. Ouyang Qian and Xia Morong experienced one heat and one cold, and their faces turned pale.


They can only watch here with the little guy. The latter stares intently and wants to help her father beat bad guys. This kid is just restless.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to grow to such a terrifying level. Your strength is not at all that of Immortal Emperor Eighteen." The Golden Crow stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, just now Ling Yun's attack was really strong.

"Did I say something?"

Ling Yun smiled nonchalantly. Do you have to tell your opponent how strong you are before fighting?How funny!
"No, no, no, I just don't understand why the current universe allows you to exist, but as soon as this emperor releases the power of God, that hateful Dao of Heaven will chase after me?" King Jinwu gritted his teeth and said this. Still staring at the sky.

"You are you, I am me, understand?"

"You are fine, the Emperor must defeat you."

Emperor Jinwu chose to strike again. He stepped forward, holding a flame knife, his whole body was covered with fire, and it contained the divine pattern of the Dao, making the world tremble.

The flaming saber slashed across the sky, with silk threads hanging down, and the whole body was shot with yellow flames. The aura was majestic and majestic, as heavy as a thousand jun, and seemed to crush ten thousand realms.

The ancient ancestors of the Jinwu clan were brilliant, and there were several gods, and this weapon was made by the latter.

It is immortal through thousands of calamities, and it has existed in the world for tens of millions of years. It has a sword soul inside and has independent consciousness.

At this time, Yan Dao revived and turned into a Golden Crow, leaving behind a bright golden light to charge towards Ling Yun.

The horrifying aura immediately filled the air, frightening the entire space, instantly annihilating the big waves roaring in the sky, and shaking all the clouds in the sky away.

"Not bad knife!" Ling Yun praised, seeing the Yan knife turned into a golden crow attacking, he stretched out his right hand calmly.


A beam of fear in Ling Yun's hand collided with the Golden Crow, bursting out with divine light, and the radiant glow spread for millions of miles, illuminating the entire space.


The flaming knife turned into a golden crow, and it made the cry of a divine bird. The immense power of the gods shocked everyone and made them tremble with fear.


Ling Yun's beam of light disappeared, but the Golden Crow transformed from the flame knife did not weaken its strength at all, and came straight to Ling Yun.

"Papa, let me help you." The little guy couldn't bear Ling Yun to fight alone, and yelled on the back of the beast Lime Tiger.

"Stay well." Ling Yun dodged the flame knife, went directly behind the Golden Crow, and kicked the latter again!
"Fuck, you don't play cards according to common sense." The Golden Crow was in pain, and his body rolled several times in mid-air.

"You have so many weaknesses."

Ling Yun stood with his hands behind his back, waiting for the Yan Dao to attack again.

"Your uncle, I'm so mad, hack him to death, this emperor is angry." Emperor Jinwu gritted his teeth and directed the Yandao.


Ling Yun frowned, and the terrifying black God's Punishment burst out from his palm, and he was in a stalemate with Yan Dao. The two collided with each other.

The resounding cry of the Flame Saber Golden Crow spread throughout the entire space, the golden flames were transpiring, and the divine power of the Dao of Fire poured down.

Boom! !
After the divine punishment, the Yandao Jinwu resumed its blade, which kept trembling.

It will only be afraid if it has experienced that feeling. The sword soul inside is afraid.

"Flame Knife, come back!"

The flame knife pierced into the ground, creating a long gully, but it was too scared to listen to the words of the Golden Crow.

"You trash, what are you afraid of, the emperor still has the power to unblock, this brat will definitely be defeated."

" actually have killing intent on me, that's great."

"Hahaha, what are you, so what if you have killing intent? My flame is invincible."

"You should stay in the sealed place and not come out, or don't see me when you come out." Ling Yun's pupils froze, the momentum of his body changed, and his body was full of divine light!

"This...Impossible...You...God...You...Fuck, you pervert, are you blind?"

Emperor Jinwu couldn't imagine that Ling Yun's power at this moment was a god!
How could there be twelve domains, just kidding.

Even if he has the power to unlock the seal in his body, he can't be the opponent. He is a little scared, and he is not sure at all.

Zhang Daxian and the others turned pale with fright. It was the first time they saw such a Taishenjun, and it could be described as terrifying.

"You're confused, it's you who made me serious."

"You... this emperor fought... ah... unseal, my strength."

The Golden Crow Emperor first transformed into a majestic divine bird, and after a burst of power burst out of his body, he returned to his human body, dancing wildly with blond hair.

"Interesting, the demigod's cultivation base is a little bit more, which disappoints me."

"Hmph! Let's be more manly, one move per person, whoever falls first will die."

The Great Emperor Jinwu gritted his teeth and said, this is a method he thought of to defeat Ling Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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