Grandpa Supreme

Chapter 1402 The Colosseum

Chapter 1402 The Colosseum

The little guy rubbed his eyes, as if he couldn't understand this behavior, but he was so powerless.

Ling Yun patted her little head to comfort her, but the child ran in front of the monster cub and was about to forcibly unlock the cage.

The bearded shopkeeper frowned, and the terrifying pressure came to the little guy, but Ling Yun stamped his feet and made the bearded shopkeeper tremble.

"I'm sorry, my daughter is a little ignorant, but you can't teach her a lesson. Just forget it this time, and I will make you despair next time."

Ling Yun's death-filled voice rang in Big Beard's ears. The latter was sweating profusely. He swore that it was the first time he heard this terrifying voice, it was heart-wrenching.

"Senior joked, but I dare not."

"Sissy... Let Dad come." Ling Yun walked over and held down the little guy's hand, preventing her from unlocking the cage.


He said: "How much are these monster cubs, I'll just buy them."

The shopkeeper with the beard didn't even come back to his senses. If Ling Yun forcibly took away the monster cub, he would have no choice but to let him be less powerful than Ling Yun.

This sentence made him not know how to answer, and he didn't know what Ling Yun's purpose was.

"answer me!"

"Ah... yes yes yes... a total of... more than 1 top-quality spirit stones, I... I will give you a discount... just [-]..."

"No need, take this!"

Ling Yun didn't have top-grade spirit stones on him, but he had a lot of things in his hands. He threw out a book of god-level martial arts, which was enough to pay for it.

"Destroying Heart Palm!!"

The bearded shopkeeper's eyes widened, his feet were trembling all the time, a god-level martial skill, which he had never seen in his life, was in his hands now.

While the bearded shopkeeper was in a daze, Ling Yun took away all the monster cubs, and then led the happy little guy into the Colosseum.

"Papa, in the world I rule from now on, you cannot sell monster cubs. Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed without mercy."

"Haha, now that you really have the right, I hope you can do it. I will thank you, the future queen, for them."

"Aha... ummmmmmm!"

The Colosseum is located in the central area of ​​Hanting City, and it occupies a large area. The guards at the gate will strictly check everyone who wants to enter the Colosseum.

Regarding the rules of the Colosseum, they are very strict. Even if they are brought by insiders, they must be inspected and released after confirming that there is no problem.

To enter the Colosseum, you need to hand over spirit stones. Ling Yun is still a picky person, so he is a little displeased. He heard that he usually needs one spirit stone, but now he wants five.

The little guy was in high spirits, ignorant and ignorant, and he gave as he asked.

After entering smoothly, she saw that the very obedient monsters on the field had been tamed.

According to the introduction from the person next to him, the Beast Master Sect has a beast master bracelet, which can tame them very well.

But this kind of thing is very rare even in Hanting City, and it is impossible for ordinary people to get it.

And it is impossible to domesticate monsters with the Beast Control Bracelet. After all, the Beast Control Bracelet is not a bone flute, and it does not have such a powerful ability.

In order to tame monsters, besides the spirit bracelet, another thing is needed.

That is - Beast Control Art!

The Beast Control Art is a secret technique that is not passed on from the Beast Control Sect. Except for the elders, only the true disciples have the Beast Control Art. If you want to obtain the Beast Control Art, you must join the Beast Control Sect and become a true disciple. , Only after taking the oath of allegiance can he be qualified to study.

Based on the Beast Control Art and the power of the Beast Control Bracelet, monsters can be domesticated in a short period of time, and depending on the quality of the Beast Control Bracelet, the levels of monsters that can be domesticated are also different.

The highest-grade beast-controlling bracelet in their beast-controlling sect can only tame monsters under the immortal master.

But the Yuling Bone Flute is a bit more powerful, and can tame those under the Immortal Emperor through the Beast Control Art.

Ling Yun doesn't like the Yulinggu flute, but it's good for the little ones to play with. I heard that the prize is the Yulinggu flute.

For them, they can earn back the cost of the Yuling Bone Flute today. How can these old business routines hide Ling Yun.

Ordinary people who want to get the Beast Fencing Bracelet, apart from joining the Beast Fencing Sect, the only place where they can get the Beast Fencing Bracelet is the Colosseum in Hanting City!

There, anyone can participate in the battle with their domesticated monsters, as long as they can win ten games in a row, they are eligible to challenge the top ten people in the Colosseum.

If you can successfully challenge the number one person and stand firm in the number one position, then you will be rewarded in the Colosseum with a beast control bracelet that can tame low-level monsters.

After getting the beast-monitoring bracelet, you can go to the beast-monitoring sect and choose to join or not.

The requirements for the selection of members of the Beastmaster Sect are very strict, not everyone has the opportunity, and the Beastmaster Sect has built such a colosseum in the city in order to recruit talents in Hanting City, so that talents will not be buried.

This rule seems simple, but there are many people who want to keep challenging. It is actually very difficult to get the first position.

The entire Colosseum is a semi-open-air environment. The sky is completely exposed on the arena where the monsters fight, and the surrounding area is where people sit, and there are shelters on the top of the arena.

In the Colosseum, there are only battles between monsters and monsters, and any deception and cheating are absolutely not allowed.

If someone dared to use heresy to win the victory, he would be severely sanctioned by the Beastmaster Sect, and even more serious, he would be imprisoned in the prison of Hanting City.

Ling Yun led the little guy to watch the situation in the Colosseum silently. It can be said that the entire Colosseum was full of seats.

People in Hanting City love to tame monsters, and they hope to show their success in taming to others, so as to prove that they have the talent to tame beasts.

In other places in the city, it is forbidden for monsters to fight privately, so the Colosseum has become the most popular place in Hanting City.

Many people were sitting beside some small monsters, and some monsters were too big to wait by the side.

They will be handed over to the basement of the Colosseum for temporary storage, and will be released when it is its turn.

Ling Yun took the little guy and sat down. On the ring, there were two low-level monsters fighting hard, and they already had many scars on their bodies.

Although the Colosseum does not allow people to use heresy to harm monsters.

However, there are no restrictions on the battle between monsters. During the competition, monsters will often be seriously injured or die.

Seeing that the two low-level monsters were already scarred, but still fighting with all their strength, the little guy frowned slightly.

This is the fighting beast?
She doesn't like it...why let them kill each other.

(End of this chapter)

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